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Thomas Harris papers, 1834-1848 and undated.

3 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Writes to Commodore Jacob Jones regarding the naval asylum property and to W.P.C. Barton, from the Navy Department, regarding travel expenses.
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Thomas Harris papers, 1834-1848 and undated. 3 items

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Thomas Hodgkin papers, 1850 and undated.

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS which briefly refers to the Aborigines Protection Society, which Hodgkin founded in 1838. A holograph note in an unknown hand gives biographical details.
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Thomas Hodgkin papers, 1850 and undated. 2 items

Thomas Hughes papers, Llandilo, [Wales?], 1835-1846 and undated

4 items
Abstract Or Scope
Documents, signed, relating to Thomas Hughes, his maternal grandmother, Joyce Morgan, his mother, Anne Hughes Samuel, her second husband, William Samuel, and the disposal of family property and goods. There is also a page of printed material, Miscellaneous articles sold by Thomas Hughes, dispensing chemist.
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Thomas Hughes papers, Llandilo, [Wales?], 1835-1846 and undated 4 items

Thomas Jefferson note, [Monticello], 1820, Aug. 14

1 items
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ANS. Autograph signature.
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Thomas Joseph Pettigrew note, to the Countess of Blessington, 1820, Dec. 9

1 items
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Note, in an unknown hand, presents a gift from Pettigrew to the Countess of Blessington. Also in file is a 1933 newsprint article, "The frailities of Lady Blessington."
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Thomas Keate letter, Windsor Castle, to Matthew Lewis, 1794, Sept. 24

1 items
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ALS. Writes that, in his opinion, yellow fever is not contagious, but rather "an epidemical fever, arising from some general cause". He draws upon observations of cases in Philadelphia and in the West Indies.
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Thomas Keate letter, Windsor Castle, to Matthew Lewis, 1794, Sept. 24 1 items

Thomas Moffatt letter, Newport, Rhode Island, to the Committee of War, 1747, Aug. 22

1 items
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ALS. Moffatt asks to be reimbursed for personal expenditures in the acquisition of medical supplies.
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Thomas Myers letter, Blackheath, England, to Mr. Dean and Mr. Munday, 1827, June 28

1 items
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ALS. Names an essay on African society as his choice for the prize essay.
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Thomas Rodney letter, Dover, Delaware, 1798, Mar. 26

1 items
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ALS. Writes of the nutritional and medicinal value of vegetable salts.
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Thomas Ruston document, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1765, Nov. 26

1 items
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Holograph document, signed. Diploma granted by Edinburgh University, signed by Alexander Monro, William Cullen, and Alexander Monro, Jr., among others.
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Thomas Sewall papers, 1826-1835

6 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Sewell writes to Rev. David Benedict, on fundraising efforts for the College, and to Tristam Burges, regarding the health of Burges' daughter and referring to various medical publications.
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Thomas Sewall papers, 1826-1835 6 items

Thomas S. Hawkesford Hincks papers, Edinburgh, 1873-1874

7 items
Abstract Or Scope
Certificates of attendance at lecture courses at the University of Edinburgh and class certificates of merit. Signed by Daniel Rutherford Haldane, practice of medicine; W.R. Sanders, pathology and anatomy; Thomas Laycock, clinical lectures on medicine; Thomas Grainger Stewart, practice of physic; Alexander R. Simpson, midwifery; James Spencer, surgery; and Robert Christison, materia medica.
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Thomas S. Hawkesford Hincks papers, Edinburgh, 1873-1874 7 items

Time Life Alumni Society certificate to Robert Cowin, 1950-2012

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Robert Cowin served as Circulation Director of Sports Illustrated, later Editor of Golf Magazine. Time Life Alumni Society certificate to Robert Cowin includes a Certificate of Historical Authenticity documenting the veracity of two memos copied from the Time Inc. Archives. One memo dated November 1950 from Cowin to Editor in Chief Daniel Longwell outlines Cowin's ideas for a new magazine that would become Sports Illustrated. The other memo, dated October 1969 from Garry Valk to Sports Illustrated staff, notes the departure of Cowin from Sports Illustrated and summarizes Cowin's role in the creation of the magazine. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Time Life Alumni Society certificate to Robert Cowin, 1950-2012 0.1 Linear Feet

Timothy Lindall Jennison papers, Cambridge, Mass., 1803-1832

2 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS and holograph document, signed. Document is a receipt for a rent payment by William Jenks to Jennison. ALS to Jenks relates to a pamphlet to be given to the Massachusetts Historial Society.
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Timothy Lindall Jennison papers, Cambridge, Mass., 1803-1832 2 items

Toussaint Rapou letter, Lyon, to Dr. Pierquin, Montpelliier, 1824, Nov. 12

1 items
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ALS. Writes of his research on fumigation and refers to plans for the publication of the Annals de la medecine fumigatoire.
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T. Pridgin Teale letter, Leeds, to T.C. Allbutt, 1906, Apr. 10

1 items
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ALS. Concurs with Rolleston's opinion that publication of Teale's and Allbutt's paper on the surgical treatment of tuberculous glands is unnecessary at the present time.
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Usher Parsons papers, 1819-1840

15 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Personal and professional correspondence includes letters from R.N.D. Desgenettes, Jeffries Wyman, John Jeffries, John Collins Warren, James Thacher, Thomas M. Potter, George Hayward, John Witt Randall, Enoch Hale, John White Webster, Jerome van Crowninshield Smith, John D. Fisher, James Jackson and J.B. Whitridge. Papers also include a letter from Parsons to his brother-in-law, Oliver Wendell Holmes.
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Usher Parsons papers, 1819-1840 15 items

Valentine Mott papers, 1806-1854 and undated.

10 items
Abstract Or Scope
Autograph letters and documents, signed. Includes letters to his father and brother from England, on British politics towards the United States and on the Continent; to Dr. Pollock informing him that he is unable to find a copy of his (Mott's) eulogy on Dr. John Revere; letters of recommendation; and receipts.
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Valentine Mott papers, 1806-1854 and undated. 10 items

Valentin Magnan letter, 1904 [or 1906], Nov. 11

1 items
Abstract Or Scope
ALS. Discusses the history and organization of l'Academie de Medecine.
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Victor Robinson papers, 1910-1947 and undated.

15 items
Abstract Or Scope
Material includes 9 TLS and 2 ALS. Most letters are addressed to Victor Robinson, as editor of the journal "Medical life." One letter is addressed to William J. Robinson, editor of "The critic and guide." Correspondents include Otto Juettner, his wife Estelle, Henry E. Sigerist, Arturo Castiglioni, G. C. Grippen, J. R. de la Torre-Bueno, Sarah I. Morris and Alfred A. Knopf. Grippen requests a review of Sir Marc Armand Ruffer's book, "Studies in the palaeopathology of Egypt." Torre-Bueno requests a review of E. B. Krumbhaar's English translation of Castiglioni's work, "A history of medicine." Juettner submits his work, "Daniel Drake and his followers" for review. Material also includes a bookplate and Christmas card of Castiglioni as well as a newsprint article regarding and the program of a farewell dinner for Sigerist.
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Victor Robinson papers, 1910-1947 and undated. 15 items

Viscount John Jervis St. Vincent papers, 1796-1800

59 items
Abstract Or Scope
Papers relate to the British naval hospital at Gibraltar and include weekly reports on the state of the hospital at Port Mahon, signed by John Gray, surgeon; list of gratuitous medicines, signed by Gray; account of lemons issued, signed by Gray; returns of the sick and wounded, signed by J. Gardiner, surgeon; reports on the state of the naval hospital at Gibraltar, signed by John Weir and Edward Vaughan; lists of hospital expenditures, and correspondence. Correspondents include St. Vincent, Captain Duckworth, Weir, Vaughan, R. Blair, W. Gibbons, J. Johnston, and Gilbert Blane, Henry Semple, from the French surgeons on the Luise Cherie, and printed material.
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Viscount John Jervis St. Vincent papers, 1796-1800 59 items

Vivian Gauld Collection of Fashion Design Drawings, circa 1940s-1950s

3.0 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Commercial artist primarily on the U.S. west coast. Consists of 19 pencil and pen-and-ink drawings primarily of women's fashions and bathing suits prepared for retail advertising.
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Walter Burnham letter, Lowell, Mass., 1882, May 11

1 items
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Letter (ALS) to his editor or publisher, asking for paper to finish his autobiography.
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Walter Wyman letter, Washington, D.C., to the Secretary of the Cosmos Club, 1909, Nov. 6

1 items
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TLS. Asks that the use of the club be extended to J.W. Babcock of Columbia, South Carolina.
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Westel Woodbury Willoughby letter, [Fairfield, New York], undated

1 items
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ALS. Letter of recommendation for Doctor Forester Dexter.
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W. G. Smyth note, 1841, Feb. 12

1 items
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ANS. Certifies that Edmund Green is suffering from inflammation in the chest.
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W. G. Smyth note, 1841, Feb. 12 1 items

W. H. Moseley letter, Germany, to James Window, London, 1816, Jan. 15

1 items
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ALS. Writes of his arrival in Germany and of the English military medical service in general.
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W. H. (William Henry) Dallinger letter, [Kent], to Mr. Budgett, 1888, Oct. 2

1 items
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ALS. Writes regarding an upcoming lecture, to be given by Dallinger. He proposes to speak on "Contrasts in nature: the infinitely great and the infinitely small."
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Wilhelm C. H. Peters papers, Berlin, 1856-1876

2 items
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ALS. In 1856 Peters writes on specimens and drawings of sea mollusks. In 1876 he writes of the work of German physician and zoologist Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg.
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Wilhelm C. H. Peters papers, Berlin, 1856-1876 2 items

Wilhelm Conrad Rammstedt letter, Munster, 1924, Mar. 14

1 items
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ALS relating to the rewrite of Rammstedt's section of the fourth volume of the Handbuch der Chirurgie.
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Wilhelm Friedrich Cappel manuscript, circa 1779

1 items
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Holograph, signed.
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Wilhelm Friedrich Georg Behn letters, to Dr. Didrichsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1855-1869

6 items
Abstract Or Scope
6 letters (ALS). Writes to direct the handling of botanical and zoological specimens collected during a scientific expedition to India and America, made by Behn and Danish scientists on the warship "Galathea". Two letters give an account of the controversy connected to his appointment to the Leopold-Charles' Academy in Dresden.
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Wilhelm Friedrich Georg Behn letters, to Dr. Didrichsen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1855-1869 6 items

Willard Parker letter, New York City, 1866, Aug. 10

1 items
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ALS. Responds to an inquiry about family genealogy.
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William A. Gallup account and commonplace book, 1857-1859

0.1 Linear Feet
Abstract Or Scope
Resident of Ledyard, Conn. Collection comprises an account and commonplace book maintained by Gallup between 1857 and 1859. Gallup began using the item as an account book for "expenses while in the employ of Henry Bill, Norwich, Conn." during a trip to Chicago from 7 Apr 1857 to 20 Jan 1858 (pp. 3-6). Expenses noted included fares for travel, board, washing, omnibuses, etc. He also maintained records of his personal account with Bill (pp. 26-27) which he marked as settled on 27 Jan 1857. Despite these accounts, the nature of his employment is unclear. Gallup also used the item as a commonplace book, where he recorded such information as his weight, state and road taxes, the amounts of his shares held in whaling and other ventures (p. 39), lists of sundry expenses (pp. 42-43), instructions for calculating weights and measures, as well as his church attendance (Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist), notes from a lecture on anatomy and physiology by Dr. Weiting at Metropolitan Hall in Chicago (19 Apr 1857), and lists of letters written. The final entry in the piece is noted on the inside back cover, for cash in funds, [bills?], and change, on 2 Jan 1859.
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William A. Gallup account and commonplace book, 1857-1859 0.1 Linear Feet

William A. Hammond papers, New York City, 1862-1886

11 items
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ALS. Writes regarding proofs and corrections of his novels. Recommends S. Weir Mitchell for a Jefferson Medical College professorship.
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William A. Hammond papers, New York City, 1862-1886 11 items

William A. Norton letter, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1851, July 23

1 items
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ALS. Writes of texts and supplies for the civil engineering class at Brown University.
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William Beattie letters, London, 1854-1875

3 items
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2 letters (ALS) and a clipping, including a letter to John Britton regarding Britton's autobiography.
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William Beattie letters, London, 1854-1875 3 items

William Beaumont papers, 1816-1944

5 items
Abstract Or Scope
Material includes a letter (ALS), reprints, holograph notes. All material relates to the letter, from Commodore Thomas Macdonough to B.W. Crowninshield, Secretary of the Navy, recommending William Beaumont for service in the Navy.
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William Beaumont papers, 1816-1944 5 items

William Boyd Dawkins papers, 1884-1887

2 items
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ANS from Walter B. Cheadle and from William Roberts.
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William Bradford document, [Rhode Island], to Sherijashub Bourn, [1765, Dec. 13]

1 items
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Holograph, signed. A statement of payments past due on Bourn's account.
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William Buchan papers, [Edinburgh], 1773-1801

6 items
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Letters (ALS), including instructions for the third edition of Buchan's "Domestic Medicine". In the same letter he also relates anecdotes of incidents in which people made use of the book's medical advice. A letter to Cadell and Davies (booksellers and publishers) concerns his Medical advice to mothers and his Treatise on venereal disease. This letter was removed from the Thomas Cadell collection. A holograph note, in an anonymous hand, provides biographical information.
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William Buchan papers, [Edinburgh], 1773-1801 6 items

William Chancellor document, [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania], 1762, Dec. 13 and 20

1 items
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An inventory of Chancellor's estate, in four parts: medicines, medical instruments, books, and personal and household goods.
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William Cullen papers, 1769 and undated.

2 items
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Fragment of an ALS, dated 1769, Aug. 16, Edinburgh, and a holograph manuscript in an anonymous hand with biographical information.
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William Cullen papers, 1769 and undated. 2 items

William de Berniere MacNider papers, North Carolina, 1939-1940

5 items
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ALS, TLS and TL. MacNider writes to Dr. W.P. Kavanagh regarding a terminal case of myocardial infarction. Included is a typescript, unsigned, of a letter to MacNider from Kavanagh.
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William de Berniere MacNider papers, North Carolina, 1939-1940 5 items

William E. Horner letter, Philadelphia, to Joseph B. Boyd, Cincinnati, 1839, Aug. 6

1 items
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ALS. Encloses writing samples of Caspar Wistar and Philip Syng Physick for Boyd's autograph collection.
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William Eustis letter, War Department, [Washington, D.C.] to Joseph Anderson, 1812, June 6

1 items
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ALS. Details efforts to increase the size of the army and to improve the efficiency of the military organization in preparation for a war with Great Britain. He also transcribes a copy of a letter received from Alexander Smyth, on recruiting measures.
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William George Maton letter, [London], to John Knowles, 1809, Sept. 15

1 items
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ALS. Thanks Knowles for news received.
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William Gibson papers, Philadelphia, 1826, Jan. 26 and Dec. 22

2 items
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ALS. Letters of recommendation for Andrew E. Kennedy and William Wilson.
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