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Woody family papers, 1784-1939 9 Linear Feet 2,389 Items
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- North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Prisoners and prisons - Abstract Or Scope
Family of Quaker merchants and millers residing in Guildford County, North Carolina, with relatives in Indiana and Montana Territory. Collection comprises a rich array of business and personal correspondence and other papers (chiefly 1835-1887) relating to Newton D. Woody, merchant and miller of North Carolina, his Civil War service, and his flight to Indiana in 1865 and eventual return to N.C.; the activities of Frank H. Woody, who traveled to and described life in the territories of Washington and Montana before and after the Civil War. There are also important materials regarding the Civil War and its aftermath, including descriptions of camp life by Confederate soldiers, one of whom was in the 21st North Carolina Regiment; experiences of Confederate soldiers in Union prisons at Johnson's Island, Ohio, and Elmira, New York, during the war; accounts of Reconstruction in Augusta, Georgia, given by a Union sympathizer, 1867-1868, as well as economic conditions in North Carolina before, during, and after the Civil War. There are also some documents and letters concerning African American life in the South before, during, and after the war. Printed matter in the collection relates to the activities of Unionists in North Carolina during the Civil War and opposition to Ulysses S. Grant and the Radicals. Other topics include the activities of Woody relatives who had migrated to Indiana; the activities of the children of Newton and of his brother, Robert Woody, postmaster, miller, and merchant; and the history of the Society of Friends in antebellum North Carolina. Includes legal documents, business records, and minutes of the Orange Peace Society, Orange County, N.C.
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Benjamin S. Williams papers, 1792-1938 4 Linear Feet 859 Items
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- ; clippings; correspondence; general orders of the South Carolina militia in 1877; and commissions of Williams
for various offices. Civil War letters from Benjamin S. Williams, from his father, Gilbert W. M
Williams and his family, concerning his Civil War military service in the 25th and 47th Georgia Infantry - Abstract Or Scope
Confederate Army officer, planter, and official of Hampton County, S.C. Mainly personal letters of Williams and his family, concerning his Civil War military service in the 25th and 47th Georgia Infantry Regiments, his efforts to become a planter after the war, his personal life, and his work as sheriff and auditor of Hampton County, S.C. Includes early land deeds, and letters from a physician who served in Cuba and Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War.
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Charles Wilkes papers, 1816-1876 7 Linear Feet (4,566 items)
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- . Egyptian 1852 Feb. 13 Civil War. Armies See Confederate States of America. Army; See United States. Army
. Civil War. Blockade Running 1862 Oct. 27 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Chambersburg, PA 1862 Oct. 9
-12 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22) Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Chancellorsville, VA - Abstract Or Scope
U.S. naval officer and explorer, of Washington, D.C. Family correspondence, chiefly relating to naval cruises of Wilkes and his son, John Wilkes; the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, to Antarctica, the Pacific Islands, and the Northwest Coast of the U.S., including preliminary planning, the voyage itself with detailed descriptions of places visited, and publishing the results; gold mining and milling in North Carolina; the Civil War; and Wilkes family business ventures in North Carolina; together with legal and financial papers, writings, printed material, clippings, and other papers. Includes correspondence, 1848-1849, with James Renwick (1792-1863) and others.
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James King Wilkerson papers, 1820-1929 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet Approx. 896 Items
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- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care
Virginia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate - Abstract Or Scope
Confederate soldier, member of the 55th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, Co. K; and farmer, from Granville County, N.C. The papers of James King Wilkerson and his family date from 1820 to 1929, and consist of Civil War correspondence, a number of almanacs used as diaries, copybooks, and a few other miscellaneous papers, including a genealogical sketch. There is correspondence by Lillie Wilkerson and Luther Wilkerson, James' children, discussing social life and customs, illnesses and hospitals, employment, and personal matters; and several letters from a soldier in France during World War I. There are also two early issues of the Berea, N.C. Gazette, one from 1876, with comments on the Hayes-Tilden election, and one from shortly thereafter. The Civil War letters, written by James Wilkerson to his family, contain references to the C.S.S. Virginia, detailed descriptions of marches, comments on crop conditions as he moved from place to place, his Civil War service around Petersburg, Virginia, late in the war, and his stay in the General Hospital at Greensboro, N.C. in 1865.
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John Whitford papers, 1829-1921 3 Linear Feet 1011 Items
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- memoranda books contains general orders of John N. Whitford as the col. of the 67th Regt. of N.C. Troops and
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
During the Civil War, John N. Whitford (d. ca. 1894) was Col. of the 67th Regt. of N.C. Troops. In - Abstract Or Scope
Planter, Confederate Army officer, and North Carolina state senator. Correspondence, tax books, military order book, postwar plantation records, and legal papers relating to Whitford's planting activities before and after the Civil War, his service as a colonel in the 67th Regiment of North Carolina Troops, and his position as state senator. Includes Whitford family letters and papers.
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Basil Lee Whitener papers, 1889-1968 150 Linear Feet circa 297,300 Items
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- during the 1960s. Included are the Vietnam War, civil rights legislation, riots, crime legislation, gun
importance during the 1960s, including the Vietnam War, crime legislation, gun control, riots, civil rights
importance during the 1960s, including the Vietnam War, crime legislation, gun control, riots, civil rights - Abstract Or Scope
Basil Lee Whitener (1915-1989) was a U.S. Representative from Gastonia, N.C. Collection includes correspondence between Whitener and his constituents, other congressmen, and government officials, legislative materials, drafts of bills, financial papers, speeches, invitations, printed material, clippings, photographs, and other papers, chiefly from congressional files (1957-1968), relating to issues of national importance during the 1960s, including the Vietnam War, crime legislation, gun control, riots, civil rights legislation, foreign aid, social security, and the Taft-Hartley Act. Correspondents include Sam Ervin, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Sargent Shriver, and Strom Thurmond.
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Ground Observer Corps records, 1952-1959 5.25 Linear Feet
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- , weapons, and general information. Logbooks include telephone bill records, itineraries and schedules for
Civil defense -- United States
Civil defense warning systems - Abstract Or Scope
The Ground Observer Corps (GOC) was a civil defense organization run by the U.S. Air Force that enlisted volunteers to watch for and report aircraft movements. The Ground Observer Corps records include materials related to the operation of the Ground Observer Corps in the Durham area from 1952-1959. The collection includes assorted memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, forms, and recruiting materials, as well as manuals, logbooks, maps, posters, brochures, and promotional materials.
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James Thomas papers, 1850-1879, bulk 1852-1861 13.5 Linear Feet (26 boxes (14,008 items))
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- remain open after the Civil War.
addition to an extensive business correspondence, numerous orders for tobacco from Maine, Massachusetts
enterprises, but affords much information on the tobacco industry in general and on other phases of the - Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains business and personal correspondence, orders, price bulletins, and other papers, relating to the tobacco business of James Thomas, the tobacco industry in general, and the economic life of Virginia (1850s). Includes information on Thomas' assistance to the Virginia Baptist Seminary (now the University of Richmond). Correspondents and persons mentioned include J. L. M. Curry, George Frederick Holmes, and Basil Manly.
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Strobridge Lithographing Company Advertisements, 1910-1954 and undated 9 Linear Feet 7166 Items
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- company's lithographs could now simulate oil portraits. During the Civil War era, the firm was credited
Middleton, Wallace, and Company (Lithographers). General trends in publications showed a transition from
. 1913 William Merten was named company general superintendent. 1916 Merten became vice president. 1922 - Abstract Or Scope
Lithography company founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, in about 1847. The Strobridge Lithographing Company Advertisements span the years 1910 through 1954, documenting much of the company's printed poster advertising work from that era. All images are black and white. The core of the collection, the Image Files Series, consists of around 1000 8x10 photographs ("A" images) of advertising designs, and a similar number of smaller printed cards (approx. 5x7 to 5x8, "B" images) of outdoor advertisement designs. The images are accompanied by three different Access Files to be used to browse the collection. These files are in the form of image photocopies ( "job tickets" ) and catalog cards. Most images are of poster (billboard or transit card) designs, but there are also some photographs of tabletop display advertising, window cards and other point-of-purchase displays. The collection documents advertising during a time when transportation was changing in America, and the automobile was gaining in popularity. Billboards began to replace smaller posters, accommodating a more mobile public. It was then that Strobridge turned from its emphasis on circus and theater posters (not represented in the collection) to billboard ads for mass-produced products. Many different products are featured, but perhaps the two most prominent and well-represented campaigns are those for Camel cigarettes and Palmolive soaps. The images form a valuable reference collection of advertising designs, relevant for researchers from a variety of disciplines including commercial artwork, advertising history and design, and popular culture. The collection documents outdoor advertising design during the first part of the twentieth century for what were mostly national brands. Numerous examples are from the era of hand-drawn and painted designs, often signed by artists including Norman Rockwell, Howard Scott, and Dr. Seuss (see his designs for the product Flit). Rarely, an artist is listed on the back of the image. Later designs from the 1940s and 1950s include photographic images, often peppered with celebrity likenesses including John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, and Charlton Heston. Many of the celebrity advertisements promoted tobacco products. Some designs are clearly war-era, such as advertisements depicting a 1943 female factory worker, or one from Schlitz (1942) mentioning war bonds.
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