
Search Results

Anne-Marie Deprés Bryan Papers, 1924-2011 and undated 0.5 Linear Feet

Anne Noggle photographs of Soviet airwomen, 1990-1992 2.0 Linear Feet (2 boxes)

Anne Tyler papers, 1958-2022 29.5 Linear Feet

Ann Henshaw Gardiner papers, 1723-1981 15 Linear Feet

Annie Besant letters, 1882-1883 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

Annie Jennings papers, 1815-1929 1 Linear Feet Approx. 521 Items

Annie L. Hobbs Diaries, 1854-1869 0.2 Linear Feet 4 Items

Annie Lois Newkirk Blakely papers, 1870-1988 7.2 Linear Feet 4,700 Items

Ann Imlah Schneider papers, 1959-2014 and undated 10.7 Linear Feet

Ann Preston Bridgers papers, 1871-1967 and undated 8.8 Linear Feet 3,100 Items

Anola Victoria (Peter) Mudie scrapbook, 1936-approximately 1960 1.0 Linear Feet

Anspach Travel Bureau collection of tourism literature, 1936-2014 and undated 60 Linear Feet (50,000 items)

Anthony and Newlin family papers, 1861-1974 and undated 0.4 Linear Feet

Anthony Askew letters, 1745-1749 5 items

Anthony Musgrave papers, 1739-1966 8.0 Linear Feet (16 boxes.)

Anthony Weir papers, 1936-2006 4.7 Linear Feet

AOS through the years video recording, 1993 .2 Linear Feet (1 videocassette)

Appalachian Society of American Foresters records, 1921-1999 and undated 9 Linear Feet Approximately 5209 Items

Appleton Oaksmith papers, 1840-1949 10 Linear Feet

A private journal kept by me... of a voyage to... the West Indies to New York and Cape Ann, 1865 Feb. 21-1889 Feb. 23 0.1 Linear Feet

Arabic movie posters, 1957-2008 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet Approx. 50 Items

Archie Boston papers, 1963-2018 and undated 8.0 Linear Feet

Arielle Greenberg Zine collection, 1973-1995 bulk 1993-1995 5.4 Linear Feet 3,375 Items

Aristide Caviallé-Coll papers, 1833-1885, 1970s, bulk bulk 9 Linear Feet

Arlie R. Slabaugh collection of direct mail literature, 1914-1955 and undated 3 Linear Feet (464 items)

Arlin Turner papers, 1927-1980 15.6 Linear Feet circa 9750 Items

Arlin Turner papers, 1953-1979 1.5 Linear Feet 600 Items

Armistead Burt papers, 1759-1933 3.6 Linear Feet (9 boxes; 5,675 items)

Armistead T. M. Filler papers, 1796-1945 6.4 Linear Feet 4,821 Items

Army Research Office--Durham (AROD) records, 1957-1982 2.7 Linear Feet approx. 200 items

Arnold Palmer advertisements and memorabilia, 1959-2005 and undated 0.2 Linear Feet

Art and Artifacts records, 1915 - 2005 2 Linear Feet

Art Association records, bulk 1930-1938 1 Linear Feet 1000 Items

Artemisia Gentileschi letter to Cassiano Dal Pozzo, 1630 August 31 0.1 Linear Feet (2 leaves)

Arthur Einstein papers, 1978-2001 and undated 54 Linear Feet 30,000 Items

Arthur F. Burns papers, 1911-2005, bulk dates 1940-1987 18.5 Linear Feet (17 boxes and one oversize folder.)

Arthur Golden's Walt Whitman's Blue Book manuscript, 1962 0.4 Linear Feet (1 item)

Arthur H. Lyons papers, 1891-1933 3 Linear Feet 15 Items

Arthur I. Bloomfield papers, 1927-1995 12 Linear Feet (12 boxes and one oversize folder.)

Arthur M. Proctor papers, 1906 - 1967 5.5 Linear Feet 4000 Items

Arthur Sperry Pearse papers, 1904-1960 18 Linear Feet (16 boxes)

Artifacts and Relics collection, 1830s-2010s 73.5 Linear Feet

Art Libraries Society of North America Southeast Chapter records, 1975-2017 and undated 6.75 Linear Feet (10 boxes)

Art Publication Society papers, 1912 1 Linear Feet 119 Items

Arts and Sciences Council records, 1991 - 2009 4.1 Linear Feet 4000 Items

Arts at Duke Reference collection, circa 1910-ongoing 0.7 Linear Feet approx. 350 Items

Arts Council records, 1950 - 1970 0.5 Linear Feet 500 Items

Asa and Elna Spaulding papers, 1909-1997 and undated, bulk 1935-1983 144 Linear Feet 108,000 Items

Asa Biggs papers, 1854-1915 0.2 Linear Feet (1 box)

A. S. Brower papers, 1939-1958 9.2 Linear Feet approx. 5,300 Items

Asian American Studies Working Group Records, 1995-2021 10 Gigabytes 1 Linear Feet

Asian Students Association records, 1986-2022 11 Linear Feet 17 Gigabytes

Associated Students of Duke University records, 1965-1991 40 Linear Feet (80 boxes)

Association for Asian Studies. Southeast Conference records, 1964-2006 4 Linear Feet 9,725 Items

Association of Independent Houses collection, 1966-1983 0.1 Linear Feet 100 Items

Association of Professional Communication Consultants records, 1980-2017 5 Linear Feet (6 boxes) .03 Gigabytes

Associations Reference collection, 1927-ongoing 1 Linear Feet approx. 600 Items

A. Stein & Company Perma-Lift advertising designs, 1940s 6 items

Athletic Council records, 1907 - 1993 11 Linear Feet 9500 Items

Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance (ALFA) Archives, circa 1972-1994 24 Linear Feet

Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance (ALFA) Financial papers, 1972-1994 3 Linear Feet 1000 Items

Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance (ALFA) Periodicals collection, 1962-1994 70.5 Linear Feet About 33,750 Items

Atlantic and Western Railway Company records, 1905-1968 55.7 Linear Feet 41,774 Items

Audiocassette recording of "The voice of Florence Nightingale, introduced by Adelaide Nutting", 1939 0.1 Linear Feet (1 pamphlet binder; 2 audiocassettes)