Collection contains diaries, correspondence, reports, minutes, journals, articles, legal papers, pamphlets, obituaries, and other papers. Main interests center on the material reflecting Cannon's part in the presidential campaign of 1928; his activities in various state, national, world, and religious temperance associations, the General Conference and the Virginia quarterly conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Methodist missionary enterprises. Other papers pertain to his leadership in the effort to unify the northern and southern branches of the Methodist Church. Correspondents include Harry F. Byrd, Carter Glass, Josephus Daniels, Cordell Hull, Herbert Hoover, Frank Knox, William G. McAdoo, H.L. Mencken, Collins Denny, Gerald P. Nye, Warren A. Candler, Charles Evans Hughes, John R. Mott, Edwin D. Mouzon, Claude A. Swanson, Woodrow Wilson, Charles C. Carlin, Charles Curtis, Walter F. George, Andrew Mellon, Robert F. Wagner, William Hodges Mann, and G.W. Ochs-Oakes.