
Search Results

Hugh Mangum photographs, circa 1890-1922 10 Linear Feet (38 boxes; 2 oversize folders) 2 Gigabytes

Hugo Leander Blomquist papers, 1912-2000, bulk 1917-1964. 6.0 Linear Feet

Hugo Massarik membership book for the Austrian Association of Jewish Frontline Fighters, 1935-1937 0.1 Linear Feet

Humanities Council records, 1961 - 1979 0.5 Linear Feet 500 Items

"Hum Sab Ayodhya" exhibit panels on the Ayodhya region and destruction of the mosque, and related protest posters, Uttar Pradesh, India, after 1993-2000 3.5 Linear Feet (3 oversize folders; 1 box)

Hypes family papers, 1700s-2010 4 Linear Feet (6 boxes; 1 oversize folder) Approximately 2250 Items

Ian Young correspondence on The Male Muse, 1969-1974 0.4 Linear Feet

Ichthus Limited records, 1964-1978 1.5 Linear Feet 750 Items

Ida Grady scrapbook, circa 1927-1930 0.5 Linear Feet (1 box)

Ida Saxton McKinley letters, to Dr. Mitchell, 1901, 1907 2 items

Idris Knox papers, 1951-1997 2.4 Linear Feet 276 Items

Inabelle Graves Coleman papers, 1942-1981, bulk 1952-1957 1.5 Linear Feet 482 Items

Inbal Abergil photographs, 2023-2024 8 Linear Feet (3 boxes, 1 oversize folder)

Incarceration Zine collection, 1995-2007 and undated 0.8 Linear Feet 107 Items

Independent Aid, Inc. records, 1934-1954 6.4 Linear Feet 314 Items

India and East India Company papers, 1691-1830 0.5 Linear Feet 55 Items

Indivisible: Stories of American Community records, 1999-2002, 1988-2002, bulk 1999-2002 14.2 Linear Feet (7250 items) 67 Megabytes

Inez Alexandria Stephens MacKinnon papers, 1821-1953 4.5 Linear Feet 900 Items

Informer Group advertisement--Largest Negro Circulation in the South!, 1943 1 items

"Inscriptions, signs, and drawings, collected on jars, pottery, and fragments of plaster found between the Palmyrene Gate and Tower 23, by Count du Mesnil du Buisson", 1959 and undated 1 Linear Feet (2 volumes)

Inside-Outside Alliance records, 2012-2019 and undated 2.25 Linear Feet 0.08 Gigabytes

Institute of the Arts records, 1981-ongoing 0.8 Linear Feet 750 Items

Inter-Citizens Committee Records, 1960-1963 0.1 Linear Feet

Interdisciplinary Studies records, 1998-2006 31.5 Linear Feet 23,000 Items

Interfraternity Council records, 1947-2001 3 Linear Feet

International Advertising Association. International Advertising Exposition exhibitor handouts, 1925-1928 and undated 0.4 Linear Feet

International Association records, 1961-1987 0.5 Linear Feet 500 Items

International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) records, 1918-2020, bulk 1970-2020 221 Linear Feet (155 boxes; 3 oversize folders) 2700 Gigabytes

International Comparative Studies records, 1982-2011 and undated 10.5 Linear Feet (7 boxes)

International history of photography collection, 1885-1951 3 Linear Feet (3 boxes) 11 Items

International House records, 1961-2020 11.2 Linear Feet

Internationalist Books and Community Center records, 1960-2011 4.5 Linear Feet

International Monitor Institute. Burma Videotapes, circa 1990-2002 12 Linear Feet 287 Items

International Monitor Institute. Middle East videotapes, 1991-2008 108 Linear Feet 720 Items

International Monitor Institute records, 1986-2011 530 Linear Feet 8.3 Gigabytes

International Monitor Institute. Rwanda Videotapes and audiotapes, 1992-1999 4 Linear Feet 8.3 Gigabytes About 335 items 7.04 GB

International Studies Center records, 1952-1957 0.5 Linear Feet 500 Items

Inventory of the Paul Hibbert Clyde and Mary (Kestler) Clyde papers, 1924-2001 and undated 26 Linear Feet Approximately 16,985 Items

Iota Gamma Pi (Duke University) records, 1923-1939 0.5 Linear Feet 500 Items

Ipas records, 1965-2020; 1965-ongoing 363 Linear Feet (242 boxes)

Irene Peslikis papers, 1957-2002 and undated 27 Linear Feet

Irvin Family papers, circa 1890s-2016 10.25 Linear Feet (23 boxes; 2 oversize folders) approximately 5150 Items

Irving B. Gerson papers, 1937-2007 and undated 23.0 Linear Feet 0.05 Gigabytes

Irving Emery Gray papers, 1915-1980 12 Linear Feet

Irving Sonn papers, 1963-1977 and undated 3.25 Linear Feet 2000 Items

Irwin Kremen papers, 1960-2018 2.0 Linear Feet (1 box, 2 oversize folders)

Isaac Jones Young Films, 1933-1940 14 items (8mm film reels) 1.5 Linear Feet 122 Gigabytes (MKV (FFV1) digital preservation files)

Isaac Leroy Shaver papers, 1893-1982 13 Linear Feet 4000 Items

Isaac Schomberg papers, 1747-1773 8 items

Isabella Grant Meredith papers, 1845-1930 1.5 Linear Feet

Isabella S. Gardner diary, 1852-1874 and undated 0.6 lin. ft. Linear Feet (8 items)

Isabelle Perkinson Williamson papers, 1827-1930, bulk 1909-1930 2.5 Linear Feet (4 boxes)

Isak Dinesen photography exhibit collection, 1943-1990 and undated 0.1 Linear Feet (32 items)

I sell the shadow to support the substance : Sojourner Truth, [1864] 1 photographs (print on card mount ; mount 17 x 11 cm.)

Islamic and Arabian Development Studies records, 1977-2000 1.6 Linear Feet 1,250 Items

Israel and the Diaspora ephemera collection, 1918-2004 16 Linear Feet

Israel Gerber papers, 1920-2009 and undated 13.5 Linear Feet

Istanbul postcards and photographs collection, 1890-1940 0.2 Linear Feet

Italian Cultural Posters collection, 1930s-1980s and undated bulk 1970-1989 4 Linear Feet 115 Items

Italian National War Loan (Prestito Nazionale) Campaigns ephemera, approximately 1914-1919 0.2 Linear Feet

Italian public health documents declaring ships and goods to be disease-free, 1630-1818 14 items (2 boxes)

Italian soldier's Ethiopian photograph album, 1935-1937 0.6 Linear Feet

Iveson L. Brookes papers, 1817-1888 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet (3 boxes, 720 items (inc. 11 volumes))

İzmir (Smyrna) postcards and photographs collection, approximately 1890-1960s 0.25 Linear Feet (1 half-size Hollinger box)

Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry papers, 1854-1931 3 Linear Feet 736 Items

Jack and Rebecca Matlock Papers, 1930s-2017 and undated 210 Linear Feet

Jack Fullilove and Alan Lesage papers, 1940s-2000s 40 Linear Feet

Jack L. Treynor papers, 1928-2017, bulk 1956-2016 45.4 Linear Feet (35 record cartons, one document box, and one flat box.) 19.9 Gigabytes

Jack Preiss papers, 1940-2012 1.75 Linear Feet 300 Items

Jacob Mordecai papers, 1784-1936 4 Linear Feet 2558 Items

Jacobus Bell papers, 1840-1859, undated. 5 items

Jacqueline End papers, 1965-2012 and undated 3 Linear Feet 900 Items

Jacqueline N. Simon de Villevieille letter, St. Malo, France, 1946, Mar. 1 1 items

J. Alfred Smith papers, 1902-2022 32.25 Linear Feet

James A. Joseph papers, 1961-2004 3 Linear Feet 2030 Items

James Alexander Robertson papers, 1436?-1939 10 Linear Feet 1840 Items

James Andrew Riddick papers, 1834-1903 1.3 Linear Feet 620 Items

James Applewhite papers, 1963-2010 13 Linear Feet 9825 Items

James A. Schiff collection of Josephine Humphreys letters, 1993-1997 0.1 Linear Feet (4 items)