Orsi, Delfino. La Passione Di Sordevolo: Studio Di Drammatica Popolare ... Illustrazioni Di A. Montalti ..., 1892 Box 1042, Item D.129.VI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Orsi, Delfino. Perché Si Va A Teatro: Conferenza Tenuta Il 26 Marzo 1893 Al Circolo Filologico Di Torino, 1893 Box 1024, Item D.83.XVIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Ostermann, Maria. Leggende Chiusine, 1899 Box 298, Item C.180.XXI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Ostermann, Valentino. Due Giuochi Fanciulleschi In Friuli, undated Box 200, Item C.55.XIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Oxilia, Gius. Ugo. Spunti Apologetici, 19-- Box 589, Item C.522.VI Bookmark Abstract Or Scope ON ANIMALS, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
P. B. Risposta Di P. B. Ad Un Amico Che L'Ha Interrogato Intorno Al Vocabolo Legittimità Del Supremo Diritto Comune Nella Vita Sociale Relativamente Alla Proprietà, 1850 Box 1119, Item D.262.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
P. F. "Collezione Di Leggende Inedite, Scritte Nel Buon Secolo Della Lingua Toscana." Bologna, Società Tipografica Bolognese..., undated Box 1077, Item D.195.IV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pace, Camillo. Un Altro Documento Su La Colonia Ebrea Di Montegiorgio, 1903 Box 383, Item C.289.XXV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Paganini, P. Lettera, 1867 Box 267, Item C.142.XI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pagliani, Luigi. Sulla Questione Vitale Delle Abitazioni Popolari Urbane, 1907 Box 511, Item C.437.I Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pais, Ettore. Il Riordinamento Del Museo Nazionale Di Napoli : Parte Prima, 1902 Box 356, Item C.257.XII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Paluzzi, Carlo Galassi. Per Un Ordinamento Nazionale Degli Studi Romani, 1929 Box 766, Item C.713.VII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pandiani, Emilio. L'Opera Della Società Ligure Di Storia Patria (1858-1912), 1912 Box 708, Item C.650.IV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Paoli, Cesare. Siena Alle Fiere Di Sciampagna: Conferenza..., 1898 Box 1386, Item E.169.VIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Papadopoli, Antonio. Gastronomia Sperimentale (Seguito E Fine), 1886 Box 982, Item D.25.XXVII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope RECIPES view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Paravicini, Rodolfo. Bizzarie Fisiologico-Politiche..., 1855 Box 1432, Item E.248.IX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope POLITICAL SATIRE IN VERSE; BINDINGS SPLIT; HANDLE WITH CARE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Parducci, Amos. Idelfonso Nieri E I Suoi "Cento Racconti Popolari Lucchesi", 1940 Box 946, Item C.921.XXI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Paribeni, Roberto. La Famiglia Romana, 1929 Box 882, Item C.847.II Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Paribona, Innocentio. Libro Delle Finte Sorte; Overo Indovinala Grillo; Nel Quale Per Opera Di Versi Compartiti Per Aritmetica, Si Risponde A Molte Curiose Dimande..., 1689 Box 1321, Item E.65.II Bookmark Abstract Or Scope FRAGILE; HANDLE WITH CARE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Parodi, E.G.; Gigliotti, Carlo. Una Matrimonio A Pistoia Nell'Anno Mcccc, 1893 Box 224, Item C.84.I Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pascal, Carlo. Acca Larentia E Il Mito Della Terra Madre: A Proposito Di Un Passo Dei Fasti Prenestini, 1895 Box 138, Item B.145.XII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pascal, Carlo. Il Culto Degli Dei Ignoti A Roma, 1894 Box 138, Item B.145.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pascarella, Cesare. Il Manichino: Conferenza Tenuta Nelle Sale Della Associazione Artistica Internazionale Di Roma Nella Sera Del XVIII Marzo Mdccclxxxiv Dal Pittore Cesare Pascarella, 1885 Box 66, Item B.9.III Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DISPLAY; ILLUSTRATED; IMPORTANT "SCAPIGLIATI" ITEM, PERHAPS; DEFINITELY UNCONVENTIONAL view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pasquali, P. S. D'Un Vecchio Testo Di Folklore Lunigianese, 1932 Box 890, Item C.856.XXIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pasquali, P. S. D'Un Vecchio Testo Di Folklore Lunigianese, 1932 Box 905, Item C.874.VII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pasquali, Pietro S. Ninne-Nanne E Cantilene Infantili Della Val Di Magra (Lunigiana), 1932 Box 893, Item C.860.XXI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pasqualigo, Cristoforo. Aggiunta Ai Proverbi E Modi Proverbiali Nelle Parlate Venete: Raccolti Nell'Edizione Trevisana Del 1882, 1896 Box 1048, Item D.141.XIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Passerini, G. Filastrocche, 1894 Box 627, Item C.563.XXIX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Passerini, G. L. Segreti ... Da Una Raccoltina Di Ricette Ms. Nel Secolo XVI Posseduta Da G. L. Passerini ..., 1899 Box 1068, Item D.178.XVII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope NO. 39 OF 50 EXAMPLES view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Passerini, G. L. (Ed.). Ricette Da Fare Bella (Dal Codice Ashburn-Laurenziano 1388)..., 1898 Box 97, Item B.68.IV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope ONE OF 50 EXEMPLARS; DISPLAY: HISTORICAL INTEREST view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Passerini, Napoleone. Sul Lavoro In Vanga: Esperienze..., 1910 Box 530, Item C.457.IV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope STATISTICAL STUDY OF LABOR PERFORMED view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pastò, Lodovico. El Vin Friularo De Bagnoli: Ditirambo De Lodovico Pastò, 1824 Box 1547, Item E.420.X Bookmark Abstract Or Scope VERSE; VENETIAN DIALECT view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pastorini, Manlio. La Palla Al Cerchio (Basketball): La Sua Origine, La Sua Italianità, Scopo-Norme-Regole ..., 1920 Box 1214, Item D.403.XXVIII.a Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DISPLAY: OBVIOUS DUKE INTEREST view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Patetta, Federico. Contributi Alla Storia Delle Orazioni Nuziali E Della Celebrazione Del Matrimonio, 1896 Box 799, Item C.752.I Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pau, Antonio. Le Virtù Delle Pietre In Sardegna (1) (Sardegna Artistica, Anno I - N.5 - Sassari, 20 Agosto 1893), 1893 Box 1348, Item E.108.VII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope OV; CLIPPING view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pedrina, Francesco. L'Accademia Gozziana: Contributo Alla Storia E Alla Critica Letteraria Della Prima Metà Del Secolo XVIII, 1925 Box 699, Item C.640.II Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pellegrini, A. Le Legende Delle Danze Macabre Trentine: Lettera Al Professor Pietro Vigo, 1900 Box 1081, Item D.201.XX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope UNSURE OF CATEGORY: RELATES TO MACABRE DANCES view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pellegrini, Francesco Carlo (Ed.). Nozze Mancini-D'Achiardi: II Febbraio Mdccciic [Sumptuary Law From 1456], 1898 Box 1380, Item E.159.X Bookmark Abstract Or Scope ONE OF 75 EXEMPLARS; SUMPTUARY LAW FROM 1456 view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pellicano, Piero. Le Pazzie Sociali, 1934 Box 870, Item C.833.IV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pellizzari, A. Feste, Gioie E Vesti Nuziali Del Cinquecento, 1911 Box 563, Item C.491.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pellizzari, Pietro. Pro Calabria, Per L'Inaugurazione Del Circolo Di Coltura Annesso Al Gruppo Magistrale Di Catanzaro: Discorso ..., 1907 Box 1158, Item D.323.XXIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pergola, Luigi. Spettacolo Atroce Che Contiene Nascita, Vita, Morte, Pentimento E Assassinamenti Di Marziale, E La Misericordia Di Dio..., 1824 Box 1431, Item E.246.V Bookmark Abstract Or Scope VERSE; VERY SMALL PAMPHLET; FROM COLLECTION OF SIMILAR POPULAR TRACTS, MOST PRINTED IN LUCCA (SEE E.246.II-XXVII) view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Perito, Pasquale. Da Una Storiella Intorno Agli Scacchi: Calcoli Curiosi E Non Sublimi, Frammezzo A Digressioni, 1906 Box 1162, Item D.328.XIX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Perotti, Giambattista. La Luminara Di Pisa : Lettera Di Giambattista Perotti Ad Un Amico : Aggiuntovi Un Ghiribizzo Poetico Del Dottore A. Guadagnoli, 1836 Box 372, Item C.276.XII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pescetti, Luigi. Il Circolo Filologico Livornese, 1937 Box 156, Item B.174.XL Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Petrei, Piero. In Lode Del Vino Di Lucolena: Capitolo Di Maestro Piero Petrei Del Secolo XVI, 1891 Box 78, Item B.31.XVII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Piaggia, Francesco Antonio. La Scherma Di Ieri E La Scherma Di Oggi, 1908 Box 455, Item C.372.XVIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Piccarolo, A. La Bella Galiana: Leggenda Viterbese, 1891 Box 1000, Item D.49.XVII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Piccini, Giulio. Provvisioni E Statuti D'Una Brigata Carnevalesca Nel 1613 : Scrittura Inedita D'Un Bell'Umore Fiorentino Del Secolo XVII, 1870 Box 355, Item C.257.VI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Piccini, Giulio (Ed.). Due Leggende Inedite Del Buon Secolo..., 1866 Box 1423, Item E.233.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942