Roveri, Lorenzo. Curiosità Storiche Bolognesi: Carte Da Giuoco, 1909 Box 52, Item A.94.LV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope OV view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Roveri, Lorenzo. Curiosità Storiche Bolognesi: Carte Da Giuoco, 1909 Box 52, Item A.94.LVI Bookmark Abstract Or Scope OV view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Rua, G. Dal Novelliere Di Celio Malespini A Proposito Di Costumi E Di Trattenimenti Antichi, 1890 Box 202, Item C.57.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Rua, Giuseppe. Di Alcune Stampe D'Indovinelli, 18-- Box 202, Item C.57.XVI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Rubieri, Ebmolao. Sulla Istituzione Della Banca D'Italia..., 1865 Box 397, Item C.305.XVIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sabatini, F. Le Costumanze Del Natale, 1880 Box 61, Item B.2.III Bookmark Abstract Or Scope CONTAINS SCORE FOR FOLK SONG "DORMI, DORMI..." view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sabbadini, Remigio. Per Il Matrimonio Di Remigio Sabbadini E Amalia Grifi, 1890 Box 1296, Item E.24.IX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sacerdoti, Giulio. La Cura Idroterapica Del Campo Di Santa Maria Formosa, 1874 Box 187, Item C.39.III Bookmark Abstract Or Scope ALSO INCLUDES FRAGMENT OF UNPUBLISHED NOVEL view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Salazaro, Fanny Zampini. Uno Sguardo All'Avvenire Della Donna In Italia, 1886 Box 1004, Item D.55.V Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DISPLAY AS EARLY PIECE ABOUT WOMEN'S ROLE IN MODERN SOCIETY view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Salvini, Anton Maria. Discorso Accademico: Se Sia Pie Da Eleggere In Moglie Una Povera E Bella, O Pure Una Ricca E Deforme, 1897 Box 1058, Item D.162.VIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
San Bernardo. Sul Governo Della Famiglia : Epistola, 1854 Box 259, Item C.131.III Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sancetta, Carmelo. Il Duello, 1897 Box 287, Item C.167.XXVIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sanesi, Emilio. Dell'Accademia Fiorentina Nel '500, 1936 Box 912, Item C.883.I Bookmark Abstract Or Scope WITH CARD FROM AUTHOR view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sanguinetti, B.P. Sulla Caritá: Discorso Letto Li 6 Maggio 1838, 1838 Box 1081, Item D.201.XXII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope UNSURE OF SUBJECT; DEALS WITH CHARITY view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Santoli, Vittorio. Cinque Canti Popolari Dalla Raccolta Barbi, 1938 Box 1611, Item Q.C.911.XIX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sardi, Cesare. La Cerimonia Del Decanino A Lucca Nel Sec. XVI, 1903 Box 499, Item C.423.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sardi, Cesare. La Cerimonia Del Vescovino Negli Antichi Costumi Lucchesi, 1902 Box 402, Item C.311.XVI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sardi, Cesare. Ricchezza E Miseria Nelle Nostre Campagne, 1910 Box 530, Item C.457.I Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Savastano, L. I. Contributo Allo Studio Critico Degli Scrittori Agrari Italici: I Latini, 1917 Box 889, Item C.856.XIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Saviotti, Alfredo. Feste Carnevalesche In Pesaro Nel 1527, 1903 Box 377, Item C.282.I Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Saviotti, Alfredo. Feste E Spettacoli Nel Seicento, 1903 Box 374, Item C.279.XV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Savj-Lopez, Paolo. Il Ritorno Degli Dei, 1916 Box 614, Item C.549.VI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sberti, Anton-Bonaventura. Degli Spettacoli E Delle Feste Che Si Facevano In Padova, 1818 Box 1091, Item D.219.III Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scafoglio, Giuseppe. Il Pane Nei Proverbi Calabresi Di Bocchigliero, 1929 Box 889, Item C.855.XVIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scafoglio, Giuseppe. La Cerealicultura Nei Proverbi Calabresi Di Bocchigliero, 1930 Box 894, Item C.860.XXXIX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scaglione, Francesco. I Giochi: Favole Tragiche In Prosa, Episodi Unici ... I. La Favola Della Vecchiezza, 1911 Box 1179, Item D.354.XV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scerbo, F. Costumanze Calabresi, 1905 Box 1145, Item D.305.XIX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope OV view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Schouppe, S. J. Il Domma Dell'Inferno Illustrato Con Fatti Della Storia Sacra E Profana, 1890 Box 1404, Item E.201.XI Bookmark Abstract Or Scope FRAGILE; BINDINGS SEPARATED view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Secrêtant, Gilberto. "La Moda": Conferenza ..., 1896 Box 1050, Item D.144.XII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Seguin, Maria. Esposizione Critica Di Novelle-Canti-Costumanze E Tradizioni Del Popolo Bresciano: Ad Uso Delle Scuole Complementari Secondo I Nuovi Programmi Governativi, 1925 Box 1223, Item D.416.VIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sensi, Filippo. Sulle Condizioni Della Cultura In Roma Alla Fine Del Secolo XVI: Primo Saggio, 1892 Box 82, Item B.39.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Severini (Ed.). I Due Pini Di Belvedere E Di Renalta O La Leggenda Di Filemone E Bauci Qual'È Nel Giappone: Scena Idillica, 1896 Box 1367, Item E.139.VIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Silvestri, Giuseppe. Saggio Epigrafico, 1828 Box 374, Item C.279.I Bookmark Abstract Or Scope EPITAPHS; EXTENSIVE HANDWRITTEN INSCRIPTION view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Siotto-Pintor, Manfredi. Il Punto Di Vista Politico-Sociologico Nella Questione Del Femminismo, 1908 Box 508, Item C.433.XVII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sogliano, Antonio. L'Alta Cultura Ed Il Suo Valore Economico, 1907 Box 506, Item C.430.XXIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Soleri, Marcello. Nel Cinquantenario Della Fondazione Degli Alpini: Discorso Tenuto A Trento Il 3 Settembre 1922, 1922 Box 684, Item C.624.I Bookmark Abstract Or Scope WITH SMALL CARD FOR GUIDO PELLIZZARI COMUNIONE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Solerti, Angelo. "Tavola E Cucina Nel Secolo XVI" (Gazzetta Letteraria 4,11,18,25 Gennaio, 1890), 1890 Box 984, Item D.28.XX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope PER; OV view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Solerti, Angelo. "Trattenimenti Di Societá Nel Secolo XVI" (Gazzetta Letteraria 1 Dicembre, 8 Dicembre, 15 Dicembre 1888), 1888 Box 984, Item D.28.XIX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope PER; OV view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Solerti, Angelo. La Vita Ferrarese Nella Prima Metà Del Secolo Decimosesto Descritta Da Agostino Mosti, 1892 Box 82, Item B.38.XXI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sorbelli, Albano. Il Corredo Di Una Sposa Bolognese Nel Secolo XVI, 1904 Box 112, Item B.97.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sorbi, Giuseppe. Descrizione Della Merenda Di S. Luca Stata Eseguita Nella Torre Dei Ramaglianti..., 1831 Box 436, Item C.351.XII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sorgato, Gaetano. Memoria Dell'Ab. Gaetano Dott. Sorgato Sugli Spettacoli E Sulle Feste Di Padova, 1845 Box 187, Item C.38.I Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sorini, Anton. Massacro Degl'Italiani In Francia Avvenuto Il 16 Agosto 1893 [Also Includes "Il Parlamento Delle Donne" And "Banche Rovinate E Banchieri A Gambe All'Aria"], 1893 Box 1347, Item E.107.IV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DISPLAY; HISTORICAL INTEREST; POPULAR VERSE; SAME PRINTER AS E.107.II-III; HANDLE WITH CARE; ILLUS. COVER view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sorrento Luigi. I Dialetti D'Italia E Le Tradizioni Popolari: Discorso..., 1925 Box 1228, Item D.424.XXXII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DATE TAKEN FROM TEXT view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Splendori, A. La "Via Crucis" Dell' "Indipendente" Di Trieste: Trentasette Anni Di Lotte E Di Processi, 1919 Box 646, Item C.585.II Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DATE FROM HAND WRITTEN NOTE ON FRONT; HANDLE WITH CARE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Staffetti, Luigi. Contributo Alla Storia Del Costume Nel Basso Medio Evo : Inventario Illustrato Dei Beni E Robe Dell'Opera Di S. Martino In Pietrasanta (Aprile 1420), 1905 Box 409, Item C.319.XXXII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Stanziale, Rodolfo. Prelezione Al Corso Ufficiale Di Profilassi Della Sifilide E Delle Malattie Veneree, 1914 Box 582, Item C.514.XIX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Stara-Tedde, Giorgio. Boschi Sacri Dell'Antica Roma, 1905 Box 116, Item B.105.XVII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Stecchetti, Lorenzo. La Tavola E La Cucina Nei Secoli XIV E XV: Conferenza ..., 1884 Box 1098, Item D.230.V Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Stecchetti, Lorenzo. La Tavola E La Cucina Nei Secoli XIV E XV: Conferenza..., 1884 Box 1478, Item E.322.XXX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope MISSING PAG. 1; "LORENZO STECCHETTI" IS A PSEUDONYM OF "GUERRINI, O." view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942