Primo Congresso Nazionale Di Studi Romani ..., 1928 Box 756, Item C.702.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pro Calabria: Numero Unico, 1905 Box 23, Item A.46.IV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope COVER COMPLETELY SEPARATED; VALUABLE ITEM, REPAIR? view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pro Cultura Popolare, 1913 Box 636, Item C.572.XXXIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pro Infanzia: Numero Unico, 1906 Box 23, Item A.46.XX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope MYLAR FOLDER view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pro Nuovo Ospedale (Numero Unico), 1906 Box 437, Item C.351.XXXVIII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope PIOMBINO; OV view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Pro Pace: Almanacco Illustrato Pel 1911 ..., 1911 Box 1180, Item D.355.II Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
R. Istituto Di Scienze Sociali "Cesare Alfieri" Firenze: Annuario Per L'Anno Accademico 1919-20 (XLV Dalla Fondazione Dell'Istituto), 1920 Box 661, Item C.600.V Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Raccolta Di Leggiadrissime Canzonette Anacreontiche Sopra Diversi Soggetti..., 1752 Box 1534, Item E.401.XIV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope ILLUS.; FRAGILE; BINDINGS SEPARATED view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Raccolta Scelta Di Trecento Sciarade E Logogrifi: La Maggior Parte Inediti, 1835 Box 1409, Item E.210.VI Bookmark Abstract Or Scope POETRY view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Rapporto Del Vice-Presidente Áconservatori Dell'Accademia Italiana Sopra Lo Stato Del Medesima, 1808 Box 1340, Item E.96.III Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DATE TAKEN FROM THAT OF A NOTICE INSERTED IN THE BOOKLET AS AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR A LECTURE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Reale Accademia Di Scienze Lettere Ed Arti In Padova, Anno Accademico Cccxxxvii: Regolamento ..., 1936 Box 921, Item C.893.XVIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Reale Accademia Di Scienze Lettere Ed Arti In Padova, Anno Accademico Cccxxxvii: Statuto ..., 1936 Box 921, Item C.893.XIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Reale Accademia Di Scienze Lettere Ed Arti, Padova: Elenco Dei Soci Al 28 Ottobre 1938, 1939 Box 938, Item C.912.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Relazione Dei Rifugi Per I Figli Dei Richiamati Dal 1°Giugno Al 31 Dicembre 1915, 1916 Box 796, Item C.749.XIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Relazione Sull'Attivitö Svolta Dall'Istituto Di Previdenza Sociale..., 1923 Box 796, Item C.749.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Rendiconti E Memorie Della R. Accademia Di Scienze, Lettere Ed Arti Degli Zelanti Acireale (Serie 3, Vol. IX, 1916-1917) ..., 1917 Box 649, Item C.587.XIII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Resoconto Della Federazione Romana Delle Opere D'Attivitá Femminile, 1900 Box 1081, Item D.201.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scelta Di Lettere Familiari Edite Ed Inedite Dei Secoli XVII, XVIII, E XIX Per Uso Delle Scuole Tecniche E Magistrali: Raccolte Ed Annotate Da Vincenzo Mattii, 1867 Box 1353, Item E.116.IV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scelta Di Lettere Familiari Edite Ed Inedite Dei Secoli XVII, XVIII, E XIX: Dedicate Alla Studiosa Gioventó: Raccolte Ed Annotate Da Vincenzo Mattii, 1889 Box 1353, Item E.116.V Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Scuola E Famiglia, 1899 Box 1064, Item D.172.XXV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Serenissima: Almanacco Veneto, 1923 Box 1559, Item E.437.XXII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope WITH POETRY view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Sestine, 1845 Box 1409, Item E.210.II Bookmark Abstract Or Scope POETRY; DATE IS TAKEN FROM TEXT view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Società Colombaria Fiorentina Accademia Di Studi Storici, Letterari, Scientifici E Di Belle Arti: Statuto ... Regolamento ..., 19 Box 880, Item C.845.VI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Società Colombaria Fiorentina: Accademia Di Studi Storici, Letterari Scientifici E Di Belle Arti, 1938 Box 937, Item C.911.XV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Società Tipo-Litografica Toscana: Assemblea Ordinaria Degli Azionisti: 29 Marzo 1909, 1909 Box 24, Item A.48.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Spettacolo Atroce Seguito A Premilcuore La Sera Del 25 Novembre 1812. Della Morte Di Niccola Bertoni Ucciso..., 18-- Box 1431, Item E.246.XXVII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope VERSE; VERY SMALL PAMPHLET; PART OF COLLECTION OF POPULAR TRACTS ALMOST ALL PRINTED IN LUCCA view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Storia Della Vita, E Morte Di Nerone Imperatore Con La Morte Dei Santi Pietro, E Paolo, 1823 Box 1431, Item E.246.XIV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope VERY SMALL PAMPHLET; FROM COLLECTION OF SIMILAR POPULAR TRACTS, MOST PRINTED IN LUCCA (SEE E.246.II-XXVII) view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Storia Di Ginevra Degli Almieri Che Fu Seppellita Per Morte In Firenze, 1821 Box 1431, Item E.246.XXIII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope VERSE; VERY SMALL PAMPHLET; PART OF COLLECTION OF POPULAR TRACTS ALMOST ALL PRINTED IN LUCCA view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Strenna Dello Spirito Folletto Pel 1868, 1868 Box 398, Item C.307.XXIV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DISPLAY; PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED; POLITICAL CARTOONS view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Torre Annunziata (Data Del Timbro Postale): Illustre Signore ... [Announcing XX Settembre Celebration], 1911 Box 1175, Item D.347.XV Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DATE FROM HAND-WRITTEN NOTE ON FRONT; ADDRESSED TO MAZZONI view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Trattati Della Virtú Delle Pietre : Scrittura Del Secolo XIV, 1871 Box 267, Item C.142.II Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Trittico Commemorativo Cagno-Coldaroli, 1919 Box 1243, Item D.448.IV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Un Ballo A Firenze Nel 1459, 1895 Box 1038, Item D.117.XIV Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Un'Inscrizione Concettosa, 1909 Box 522, Item C.449.XVI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Uno Scherzo Agli Amici Espositori Dei Bozzetti: Per Il Gran Monumento Al Re Vittorio Emanuele Da Erigersi In Roma, 1881 Box 1005, Item D.56.VII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Vi Concorso Ginnastico Nazionale Italiano: Firenze II - III - IV - V Giugno MCMIV: Istruzioni Del Comitato: Programma Generale..., 1904 Box 1282, Item D.503.XII Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Vita Del Real Profeta Davidde Sino Allo Sposalizio Di Micol: Opera Esemplare..., 1817 Box 1431, Item E.246.XVI Bookmark Abstract Or Scope VERSE; VERY SMALL PAMPHLET; FROM COLLECTION OF SIMILAR POPULAR TRACTS, MOST PRINTED IN LUCCA (SEE E.246.II-XXVII) view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Vita Di S. Giosafat Convertito Da Barlaam: Nuovamente Corretta, E Ristampata, E Di Belle Figure Adornata, 1809 Box 1435, Item E.253.VIII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope POPULAR TRACT view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Vita Femminile Italiana...(Anno IV, Febbraio 1910, Fasc. II), 1910 Box 962, Item C.942.XXIII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope PER view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942
Italy -- Social life and customs, 1657-1942 934 items Bookmark Abstract Or Scope This series contains 934 items. Formats represented are pamphlets, newspapers, clippings, many "per nozze," and periodicals. The are a few illustrations, mostly engravings. view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940
Anelli, Angelo. La Griselda: Dramma Eroicomico Per Musica Da Rappresentarsi Nel Nobilissimo Teatro Di San Samuele Per La Prima Opera Dell'Autunno 1793..., 1793 Box 1380, Item E.160.V Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DISPLAY; ENGRAVINGS; LITERARY INTEREST; AUTHOR'S NAME TAKEN FROM MAZZONÍS NOTE ON COVER view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Anelli, Angelo. Le Bestie In Uomini: I Begli Usi Di Città: Melodrammi Giocosi, 1828 Box 1504, Item E.360.II Bookmark Abstract Or Scope "I BEGLI USI DI CITTÀ" IS NOT ENCLOSED view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Armellini, Giuseppe. Salvini E Adelson: Melodramma Semiserio In Due Atti..., 1838-39 Box 1378, Item E.157.IX Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DATE IS TAKEN FROM TITLE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Balbi, Melchiorre. L'Alloggio Militare: Farsa Per Musica Da Rappresentarsi In Padova Nel Teatro Fu Degli Obizzi ..., 1825 Box 1014, Item D.69.VI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Bassi, Calisto. La Figlia Del Reggimento: Opera Comica In Due Atti, 1843 Box 1115, Item D.257.X Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Beaumarchais. Alma Viva O Sia L'Inutile Precauzione Commedia Del Signor Beaumarchais..., 1816 Box 1359, Item E.125.II Bookmark Abstract Or Scope FRAGILE; BINDINGS SPLIT; DATE TAKEEN FROM TITLE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron De. Il Barbiere Di Siviglia: Dramma Buffo Per Musica Da Rappresentarsi Nell'Imp. Er. Teatro Degl'Infuocati L'Autunno Del 1822..., 1822 Box 1365, Item E.138.I Bookmark Abstract Or Scope FRAGILE PAPER AND BINDINGS; HANDLE WITH CARE view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Berlioz, Ettore. La Dannazione Di Faust, 1887 Box 985, Item D.30.VI Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Bertati, G. Il Matrimonio Segreto: Melodramma Giocoso In Due Atti Di G. Bertati: Musica Di Domenico Cimarosa, 1910 Box 1260, Item D.468.XIX Bookmark Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938
Bianciardi, Carlo. Il Matrimonio Villano Ossia Il Feudatario: Dramma Buffo In Due Atti Da Rappresentarsi Nel Teatro Di Bergamo Per La Fiera Dell'Anno 1808, 1808 Box 1023, Item D.82.XVII Bookmark Abstract Or Scope DANCE COMPONENTS; MISSING PAGES; DATE TAKEN FROM COVER view more view less Collection Context David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library Guido Mazzoni pamphlet collection, 1572-1946, bulk 1750-1940Librettos, 1693-1938