Documents the trips abroad Price took as a Congressional delegate, often meeting with foreign government officials. A file often provides information on a particular country as it was viewed at the time through correspondence and preparatory materials. Several trips were related to Price's chairmanship of the House German Study Group. Other prominent organizations represented in this set of files include the Conference of American and British Parliamentarians, the U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress, the German Marshall Fund, and the North Atlantic Assembly.
Files are arranged according to original topical divisions and contain a variety of documents including correspondence, printed materials, meeting documents, memos, articles, trip itineraries, and handwritten notes.
Contains printouts of Price's official schedule. It dates from his early days in office (Jan. 1987) through Dec. 1994. Included are events held in both Washington, DC and North Carolina, places, dates and times, as well as contact information and notes.