
Search Results

Istanbul postcards and photographs collection, 1890-1940 0.2 Linear Feet

Italian Cultural Posters collection, 1930s-1980s and undated bulk 1970-1989 4 Linear Feet 115 Items

Italian National War Loan (Prestito Nazionale) Campaigns ephemera, approximately 1914-1919 0.2 Linear Feet

Italian public health documents declaring ships and goods to be disease-free, 1630-1818 14 items (2 boxes)

Italian soldier's Ethiopian photograph album, 1935-1937 0.6 Linear Feet

Iveson L. Brookes papers, 1817-1888 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet (3 boxes, 720 items (inc. 11 volumes))

İzmir (Smyrna) postcards and photographs collection, approximately 1890-1960s 0.25 Linear Feet (1 half-size Hollinger box)

Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry papers, 1854-1931 3 Linear Feet 736 Items

Jack and Rebecca Matlock Papers, 1930s-2017 and undated 210 Linear Feet

Jack Fullilove and Alan Lesage papers, 1940s-2000s 40 Linear Feet

Jack L. Treynor papers, 1928-2017, bulk 1956-2016 45.4 Linear Feet (35 record cartons, one document box, and one flat box.) 19.9 Gigabytes

Jack Preiss papers, 1940-2012 1.75 Linear Feet 300 Items

Jacob Mordecai papers, 1784-1936 4 Linear Feet 2558 Items

Jacobus Bell papers, 1840-1859, undated. 5 items

Jacqueline End papers, 1965-2012 and undated 3 Linear Feet 900 Items

Jacqueline N. Simon de Villevieille letter, St. Malo, France, 1946, Mar. 1 1 items

J. Alfred Smith papers, 1902-2022 32.25 Linear Feet

James A. Joseph papers, 1961-2004 3 Linear Feet 2030 Items

James Alexander Robertson papers, 1436?-1939 10 Linear Feet 1840 Items

James Andrew Riddick papers, 1834-1903 1.3 Linear Feet 620 Items

James Applewhite papers, 1963-2010 13 Linear Feet 9825 Items

James A. Schiff collection of Josephine Humphreys letters, 1993-1997 0.1 Linear Feet (4 items)

James A. Schiff collection of Reynolds Price letters, 1981-2006 0.1 Linear Feet (14 items)

James A. Tutt papers, 1807-1908 4 Linear Feet 1,806 Items

James Augustus Thomas papers, 1895-1988, bulk 1914-1940 86 Linear Feet (65 boxes)

James Austin Smith papers, 1903–1929, 1980s 2.0 Linear Feet

James B. Duke and Lillian McCredy Duke Divorce records, 1904-1906 1.5 Linear Feet (1200 items)

James Boykin papers, 1960-2001 2.5 Linear Feet 1500 Items

James Braxton Craven papers, 1961-1977 224 Linear Feet 168,210 Items

James Buchanan Duke papers, 1777-1999 and undated, bulk 1890s-1930s 33 Linear Feet circa 24,000 Items

James Burchell Richardson papers, 1803-1910 and undated, bulk 1822-1910 3.5 Linear Feet

James Burt Jones Jr. papers, 1893-1922 0.8 Linear Feet 600 Items

James Cannon III papers, 1912 - 1974 4.6 Linear Feet 4,500 Items

James Cannon papers, 1869-1989 16.27 Linear Feet 12,159 Items

James Cartoons Posters, 1920-1921 3 Linear Feet 14 Items

James Curry papers, 1856-1858 0.1 Linear Feet 6 Items