
Search Results

Emanuel Muravchik oral history interview, 2001 June 0.1 Linear Feet

James King Wilkerson papers, 1820-1929 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet Approx. 896 Items

Charles Wilkes papers, 1816-1876 7 Linear Feet (4,566 items)

Wilkins Media Company records, 1967-1998 and undated 13.5 Linear Feet 13400 Items

Emma Willard letter, 1841 February 20 0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)

Alonzo Williams annotated German book collection, 1878-1895 1 Linear Feet (7 volumes)

Amory Leland Williams watercolors and etchings, 1921-1957 1.5 Linear Feet (2 boxes)

Benjamin S. Williams papers, 1792-1938 4 Linear Feet 859 Items

Daniel McGregor Williams papers, 1917-1975, bulk 1918-1933 0.5 Linear Feet Approx. 127 Items

George W. Williams papers, 1950-2005 4.1 Linear Feet 5,000 Items

James T. Williams papers, 1836-1947 48 Linear Feet 36,000 Items

Jennette Williams photographs, 2000-2006 4 Linear Feet 14 Items

John W. Williams papers, 1835 June-July 0.1 Linear Feet 32 Items

Kenny J. Williams papers, 1971-1995 3 Linear Feet 2, 000 Items

Sarah R. L. Williams letter, 1889 April 19 0.1 Linear Feet (2 items)

William J. and Leslie Sands Williams Papers, 1930s-1990s 10 Linear Feet

William Volker Fund records, 1953-1961 1.8 Linear Feet (Three boxes.)

Cornelia Ann Ludlow notebooks, 1796-1803 0.5 Linear Feet

Bailey Willis papers, 1882-1896 1.5 Linear Feet 256 Items

Patricia Rowe Willrich papers, 1949-1996 2.25 Linear Feet 750 Items

Col. David S. Wilson family papers, 1847-1909 2.5 Linear Feet

Delouis Wilson papers, circa 1890s-1940, 1967-2015 21 Linear Feet (33 boxes; 1 pamphlet binder)

Gilbert Brown Wilson musical drama "The White Whale," and gallery program, 1949 and undated 0.1 Linear Feet

M. F. Wilson diary, 1903 September 21-1904 September 20 1.0 Volumes (196 pages)

Robert R. Wilson papers, 1921 - 1975 7.5 Linear Feet 5000 Items

G. B. Windship letter, 1850 October 30 0.1 Linear Feet (1 item)

E. C. Wines letter and newspaper clippings, 1848-1872 0.1 Linear Feet (3 items)

George Winfield account book and notebook, 1859-1868 0.5 Linear Feet (2 volumes)

Winn family papers, 1780-1925, bulk 1780-1889 5 Linear Feet (9 boxes, 2,684 items, 27 vols.)

Elizabeth Winspear metamorphosis book, 1799 0.1 Linear Feet

William L. Wipfler papers, 1890-2018, bulk 1964-1994 15 Linear Feet 5.3 Gigabytes

Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company sales and display materials, 1936-1948 and undated 0.2 Linear Feet

Leslie R. Wolfe papers, 1972-2014 and undated 37.5 Linear Feet

Frederick A. Wolf papers, 1917 - 1975 0.4 Linear Feet 100 Items

Robert Wolf oral history transcripts, 1989-2001 1 Linear Feet

Womankind Books records, 1977-1984 and undated 1.4 Linear Feet (128 items)

Woman's Christian Temperance Union collection, 1873-2013, bulk 1880s-1980s 15 Linear Feet (12 boxes, 1 oversize folder, 1 oversize banner)

Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of East Durham minute book and circular letters, 1894-1904 and undated 0.2 Linear Feet

Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences graded embroidery examination with stitch samples, 1919 0.1 Linear Feet (11 items)

Woman's Journal records, 1870-1917 1.0 Linear Feet (2 items)