
Search Results

William Sims papers, 1770-1860 3.6 Linear Feet 385 Items

Joseph Starke Sims papers, 1819-1903 and undated 2.4 Linear Feet 295 Items

William Hays Simpson papers, 1915-1938 0.5 Linear Feet 100 Items

Simpson Lee Paper Company. J. Walter Thompson Uncola Print Campaign, 1968 0.1 Linear Feet

John Simpson papers, 1825-1875 and undated 5.1 Linear Feet Approximately 1000 Items

James Young Simpson letters, 1868-1911, and undated. 106 items

Cuthbert Simpkins Interviews on John Coltrane, 1971-1974 3 Linear Feet 65 original audiocassettes (with CD use copies for patron access)

Jessie Vanderbilt Simons papers, 1870-1936 7.2 Linear Feet (12 boxes)

Jacqueline N. Simon de Villevieille letter, St. Malo, France, 1946, Mar. 1 1 items

Simmons Lumber Company (Williamston, NC) records, 1878-1936 and undated 37 Linear Feet 27,738 Items

Furnifold M. Simmons papers, 1890-1946 33.4 Linear Feet 75,000 Items

Edward Christian Simmons papers, 1933-1964 0.5 Linear Feet 200 Items

Dawn Langley Simmons papers, 1848-2014 20.0 Linear Feet

Blanche Simmons Diary, 1879-1880 0.2 Linear Feet 1 Item

Herbert Silvette papers, circa 1936-1988 2.5 Linear Feet Approx. 900 Items