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Hypes family papers, 1700s-2010 4 Linear Feet (6 boxes; 1 oversize folder) Approximately 2250 Items
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- Samuel Henry Hypes was a store clerk in Xenia. During the Civil War he traveled to Shiloh and
Lebanon, Illinois, where they ran a mill and general store. Nancy's brother, Benjamin Hypes, soon joined
Their son William Findlay Hypes moved to Chicago in 1880 and was the general sales manager of the - Abstract Or Scope
Materials from the branch of the Hypes family that descended from Henry Hypes of Xenia, Ohio: Samuel Henry Hypes (1826-1917); his son, William Findlay Hypes; his grandson, Samuel Loomis Hypes; and his great-grandson, William P. Hypes. Collection includes a wide range of material from the Hypes family, particularly William Findlay Hypes, Samuel Loomis Hypes, and William P. Hypes. William Findlay Hypes' materials highlight his career at Marshall Fields and Co. of Chicago and his service as President of the Y.M.C.A. of Chicago, with emphasis on his family's world tour on behalf of the Y.M.C.A. in 1924-1925. Hundreds of postcards and photographs collected by the family are contained in the papers, including images from India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), China, Europe, Egypt, and many more places, most unlabeled. Some material from Samuel Loomis Hypes' army service during World War I is also included, the most noteworthy being 24 black and white photographs featuring crowds awaiting the signing of the Treaty of Versailles and the shipping of troops back to the United States, including photographs of African American soldiers. Materials from William P. Hypes relate to his work with the Y.M.C.A. in the mid-twentieth century. The family's research into their genealogy and family history, unidentified family photographs, and smaller amounts of correspondence and material from other family members are also included.
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Benjamin Everett Jordan papers, 1896-1974 and undated 110 Linear Feet circa 104,000 items
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- particular with the Middle East as well as the Vietnam War; agricultural laws; civil rights; school
particular with the Middle East as well as the Vietnam War; agricultural laws; civil rights; school
thereafter as Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager, and also as an officer in several other textile - Abstract Or Scope
Textile manufacturer, politician, and United States Senator from North Caroina (1958-1972). Collection includes Senate office files from Jordan's Washington office consisting mainly of correspondence, committee and legislative files, speeches, memoranda, clippings, photographic negatives, and background materials. Topics include public works projects in North Carolina, especially those related to water resources such as rivers, harbors, beaches, inland navigation, flood control, the B. Everett Jordan Lake, and the New Hope Dam. Other subjects represented in the files are U.S. foreign relations, in particular with the Middle East as well as the Vietnam War; agricultural laws; civil rights; school desegregation and busing; pollution; the National Park Service; transportation and highways; social security; public health; the United Nations; the Senate Rules Committee investigation of Bobby Baker, 1963-1966; labor laws; economic policy; library legislation; and economic conditions in North Carolina.
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Strobridge Lithographing Company Advertisements, 1910-1954 and undated 9 Linear Feet 7166 Items
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- company's lithographs could now simulate oil portraits. During the Civil War era, the firm was credited
Middleton, Wallace, and Company (Lithographers). General trends in publications showed a transition from
. 1913 William Merten was named company general superintendent. 1916 Merten became vice president. 1922 - Abstract Or Scope
Lithography company founded in Cincinnati, Ohio, in about 1847. The Strobridge Lithographing Company Advertisements span the years 1910 through 1954, documenting much of the company's printed poster advertising work from that era. All images are black and white. The core of the collection, the Image Files Series, consists of around 1000 8x10 photographs ("A" images) of advertising designs, and a similar number of smaller printed cards (approx. 5x7 to 5x8, "B" images) of outdoor advertisement designs. The images are accompanied by three different Access Files to be used to browse the collection. These files are in the form of image photocopies ( "job tickets" ) and catalog cards. Most images are of poster (billboard or transit card) designs, but there are also some photographs of tabletop display advertising, window cards and other point-of-purchase displays. The collection documents advertising during a time when transportation was changing in America, and the automobile was gaining in popularity. Billboards began to replace smaller posters, accommodating a more mobile public. It was then that Strobridge turned from its emphasis on circus and theater posters (not represented in the collection) to billboard ads for mass-produced products. Many different products are featured, but perhaps the two most prominent and well-represented campaigns are those for Camel cigarettes and Palmolive soaps. The images form a valuable reference collection of advertising designs, relevant for researchers from a variety of disciplines including commercial artwork, advertising history and design, and popular culture. The collection documents outdoor advertising design during the first part of the twentieth century for what were mostly national brands. Numerous examples are from the era of hand-drawn and painted designs, often signed by artists including Norman Rockwell, Howard Scott, and Dr. Seuss (see his designs for the product Flit). Rarely, an artist is listed on the back of the image. Later designs from the 1940s and 1950s include photographic images, often peppered with celebrity likenesses including John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, and Charlton Heston. Many of the celebrity advertisements promoted tobacco products. Some designs are clearly war-era, such as advertisements depicting a 1943 female factory worker, or one from Schlitz (1942) mentioning war bonds.
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C.C. Spaulding papers, 1889-1990 25 Linear Feet (18750 items)
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- North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. In 1899, C.C. Spaulding became the general manager of NC
African Americans -- Civil rights -- History -- 20th century
the series include the civil rights movement, segregation/integration, and African American education - Abstract Or Scope
President of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, 1923-1952. NC Mutual is the oldest currently active African American-owned insurance company in the United States, founded in 1898 and headquartered in Durham, North Carolina. The collection contains photographs, miscellaneous business papers, programs, speeches, clippings related to C. C. Spaulding, black civil rights, and to African American life more generally, in addition to administrative materials and various publications created by and related to North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. These papers document the growth of North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company in the mid-twentieth century, Spaulding's and the company's connection to the community, and their involvement in African American issues (local and beyond) and livelihood. Acquired as part of the John Hope Franklin Research Center for African and African American History and Culture.
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Currency Issued by Banks and Other Corporate Bodies, Businesses, Etc.
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- money ended substantially during the Civil War. The Confederate government and the various states of the
1861, and it is the only paper currency to survive the Civil War as a significant economic factor. Some
1850's and 1860's. After the Civil War there are occasional bills. See also the Raphael P. Thian Papers - Abstract Or Scope
The Continental Congress issued a great quantity of paper currency in order to finance the Revolution. The depreciation of this money and its economic effects produced a distrust of any national paper currency. For that reason the 1789 Constitution forbade the states to issue paper money. The Constitution was deliberately silent on the federal government's right to do so. However, there was no ban against their issuance by private organizations and local governments. This loophole was utilized to provide paper currency which was both convenient and necessary for economic life. Over 30,000 varieties of notes were issued by 1,600 different banks in 34 different states between 1790 and 1865. These figures do not include the issues of local governments and private businesses that were not banks. The history of this money ended substantially during the Civil War. The Confederate government and the various states of the Confederacy issued paper currency-during the war. The U.S. Congress authorized a national paper currency in 1861, and it is the only paper currency to survive the Civil War as a significant economic factor. Some currency and scrip continued to be issued at various times by businesses and local governments, but it was economically and quantitatively insignificant. It should be remembered, of course, that the federal government issued gold and silver coinage during this period.
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William Boone Douglass papers, 1809-1948 8.75 Linear Feet
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- American Civil War (1861-1865)
securing of power from Boulder Dam, and other matters. There are several Civil War letters from both Union
Material is arranged in the following general order: correspondence, genealogical and personal - Abstract Or Scope
William Boone Douglass (1864-1947) was a white lawyer, engineer, and surveyor from Corydon (Harrison Co.), Indiana who was known for his survey work in the southwest United States. Collection includes correspondence, genealogical material, maps, photographs, notebooks on the Pueblo Indians, and other papers of Douglass and of various members of the Boone and Douglass families.
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Modern Language Association of America American Literature Section papers, 1922-1999 7 Linear Feet 7,586 items
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- War and more explicit politics in general (particularly regarding the college students whom the
exclusively with American literature began in 1924. Duke University eventually won a small bidding war for it
After World War II, with American literature firmly in place as an academic area, the Group became - Abstract Or Scope
The Modern Language Association, American Literature Section (ALS) Papers date from 1921 to 1993(bulk 1928-1993).Most of the Section's records consist of correspondence saved by Secretaries or Chairs and mechanically-reproduced reports, minutes, and ballots. These last materials are contained in folders designated "Reports" and dated by year. Additionally, there are folders of material used to compile reports (such as institutional polls and other "raw" information) generated by committees, concerning the American Literature journal and Section organization, and copies of papers to be delivered at Section meetings. Correspondents include Joseph Blotner, Edward Bradley, Edwin Cady, Paul Carter, Alexander Cowie, Richard Beale Davis, Robert Falk, Benjamin Franklin Fisher, William M. Gibson, Allan Halline, Harrison Hayford, Elaine Hedges, J. Herber, High Holman, Jay B. Hubbell, Alexander Kern, Robert Edson Lee, J.A. Leo Lemay, Michael Millgate, William Mulder, Russel B. Nye, R.H. Pearce, Henry Pochmann, Walter B. Rideout, Louis D. Rubin, Robert Spiller, Willard Thorp, Arlin Turner, and James Woodress. Papers of the following individuals (past officers of the ALS), which pertain to the American Literature Group, are included in this collection: Joseph Blotner, John Gerber, Robert Edson Lee, Ernest Marchand, William Mulder, Charles Nilon, Henry Pochmann, Lewis P. Simpson, Robert Spiller, Willard Thorp, Arlin Turner, and Donald Yannella. Also, there are folders pertaining to these publications: Reinterpretation of American Literature,Eight American Authors, and American Literary Scholarship.
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Coletta Youngers papers, 1977-2004 and undated 21 Linear Feet
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- transferred to the Duke University Perkins Library general collections. Beyond the research materials in these
These items have been transferred to the Duke Perkins Library general collections; they can be
Youngers published Reluctant recruits: The U.S. military and the war on drugs (August) (WOLA), and The - Abstract Or Scope
Human rights researcher and policy advocate at the Washington Office on Latin America. The Coletta Youngers Papers span the dates 1977-2004, and consist of reports and scholarly research, clippings, correspondence, and government documents related to socio-political conditions and human rights issues in Perú, gathered by Youngers while living in Peru during the 1980s and researching her 2003 book on political violence in Perú.
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John Hope Franklin papers, 1891-2010, bulk 1950-2010 306 Linear Feet (244 boxes and 1 oversize film can) 428 Megabytes (Approximately 318 files and associated disk images.)
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- after the Civil War (1961), and The Emancipation Proclamation (1963). He spent the 1963 school year
General Awards, both sorted in chronological order.
others; his participation in the civil rights movement, including his work with the NAACP Legal and - Abstract Or Scope
John Hope Franklin was an African American historian specializing in Southern and African American history. The papers document his entire career as well as his personal life and political interests: his prolific writings on African American and Southern history; his role as a mentor and colleague, including his time as professor at Duke University; his role in associations such as Phi Beta Kappa, the American Historical Association, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, and others; his participation in the civil rights movement, including his work with the NAACP Legal and Educational Defense Fund, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and Justice Thurgood Marshall; and his engagement with numerous civic, community, and educational organizations such as the Board of Foreign Scholarships and Fisk University's Board of Trustees. There is also a significant amount of material from Franklin's work on President Clinton's Advisory Board for the President's Initiative on Race in 1997 and 1998. Items in the collection include files of correspondence in original order; research sources and notes; writings by and about Franklin; materials relating to family history; papers and diaries of other family members, including his father, and wife, Aurelia; printed material; event folders; many informal and publicity photographs; video and sound recordings; and awards and other memorabilia.
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