
Search Results

Women's Theological Center records, 1977-2006 4.75 Linear Feet

Women's Refugee Commission records, 1979-2020; 1979-ongoing, bulk 1989-2011 55.6 Linear Feet 0.92 Gigabytes 36,200 Items

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. Chapel Hill Branch (N.C.) records, 1939-2005 and undated 8 Linear Feet 6000 Items

Women's Health Project poster, undated 1 Linear Feet

Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes, Inc., Durham Chapter records, 1968-1998 and undated 20.7 Linear Feet 9000 Items

Bunyan S. Womble papers, 1900-1976 3.9 Linear Feet 1800 Items

Woman's Journal records, 1870-1917 1.0 Linear Feet (2 items)

Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences graded embroidery examination with stitch samples, 1919 0.1 Linear Feet (11 items)

Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of East Durham minute book and circular letters, 1894-1904 and undated 0.2 Linear Feet