Search Results
Robert Smith Rodgers papers, 1827-1897 and undated 3.5 Linear Feet Approx. 1,389 Items
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- correspondence; and general and special orders. There are references after 1863 to treatment of and problems with
; letter book containing routine military correspondence; and general and special orders. After 1863 there
; letter book containing routine military correspondence; and general and special orders. After 1863 there - Abstract Or Scope
Colonel, 2nd Maryland Eastern Shore Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army. Chiefly Civil War papers belonging to Colonel Robert Rodgers, including military correspondence; telegrams; muster rolls; rosters of officers and staff; lists of deserters, recruits, reenlistments, and voluntary enlistments; reports of sick, wounded, and convalescents; inventories of personal effects of the deceased; hospital and army paroles; morning reports; ordnance returns, invoices, requisitions, issues, and transfers; quartermaster papers; letter book containing routine military correspondence; and general and special orders. After 1863 there are references to African American contrabands. There is also a fragmentary account of the regiment's war experiences concerning the actions in Maryland in 1862 and 1863, including the battle between the U.S.S. Monitor and the C.S.S. Virginia, and in Virginia and West Virginia in 1864. Also included in the collection are papers relating to the Rodgers family of Maryland, including Rodgers's son Robert Slidell Rodgers, practicing law in Missouri following the Civil War.
- Collection Context
Charles Wilkes papers, 1816-1876 7 Linear Feet (4,566 items)
- Highlight
- . Egyptian 1852 Feb. 13 Civil War. Armies See Confederate States of America. Army; See United States. Army
. Civil War. Blockade Running 1862 Oct. 27 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Chambersburg, PA 1862 Oct. 9
-12 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22) Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Chancellorsville, VA - Abstract Or Scope
U.S. naval officer and explorer, of Washington, D.C. Family correspondence, chiefly relating to naval cruises of Wilkes and his son, John Wilkes; the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, to Antarctica, the Pacific Islands, and the Northwest Coast of the U.S., including preliminary planning, the voyage itself with detailed descriptions of places visited, and publishing the results; gold mining and milling in North Carolina; the Civil War; and Wilkes family business ventures in North Carolina; together with legal and financial papers, writings, printed material, clippings, and other papers. Includes correspondence, 1848-1849, with James Renwick (1792-1863) and others.
- Collection Context
Cooper, S[amuel], General Orders No. 64, I-V, Richmond, VA, 1862 September 8 1 item Box 1
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- Cooper, S[amuel], General Orders No. 64, I-V, Richmond, VA, 1862 September 8
Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Civil War and Lee Family papers, 1757-1925, bulk 1838-1868
Civil War Papers - Abstract Or Scope
Cooper was Adjutant and Inspector General.
- Collection Context
Johnson, J.E., Gen., General Order No. 18, 1865 April 27 1 item Box 1
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- Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Civil War and Lee Family papers, 1757-1925, bulk 1838-1868
Civil War Papers
Johnson, J.E., Gen., General Order No. 18, 1865 April 27 - Abstract Or Scope
Acknowledged and accepted the terms set forth in Major General W. T. Sherman's Special Field Order No. 65, hailing the end of the Confederacy.
- Collection Context
Facsimile of General Order no. 9, 1865 April 10 Box 1
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- Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Civil War and Lee Family papers, 1757-1925, bulk 1838-1868
Facsimile of General Order no. 9, 1865 April 10
General order of surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. - Abstract Or Scope
General order of surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia.
- Collection Context
Letter from Lee to Samuel Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond, VA, 1865 January 8 Box 1
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- Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Civil War and Lee Family papers, 1757-1925, bulk 1838-1868
Letter from Lee to Samuel Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General, Richmond, VA, 1865 January 8
Letter concerns certain of Lee's orders in regard to correcting abuses, securing discipline and - Abstract Or Scope
Letter concerns certain of Lee's orders in regard to "correcting abuses, securing discipline and enforcement of orders" [in the Department of East Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia] that Cooper failed to properly execute.
- Collection Context
General Files Subseries, 1962-2007
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- General Files Subseries, 1962-2007
Derian assembled these subject files on topics such as civil rights in the U.S., the civil rights
movement in Mississippi, international efforts for the trial of war criminals, terrorism, and human rights - Abstract Or Scope
Derian assembled these subject files on topics such as civil rights in the U.S., the civil rights movement in Mississippi, international efforts for the trial of war criminals, terrorism, and human rights policies of the Carter and Reagan administrations. Folders typically contain Derian's personal notes, correspondence, articles, interviews, reports, and news clippings. Between the years 1981 and 2004 Patricia Derian also served on the award-giving committees of various foundations advocating the improvement of human rights conditions worldwide, such as the Carter-Menil Human Rights Foundation and Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Foundation. Arranged in original order as received.
- Collection Context
James King Wilkerson papers, 1820-1929 and undated 1.5 Linear Feet Approx. 896 Items
- Highlight
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care
Virginia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate - Abstract Or Scope
Confederate soldier, member of the 55th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, Co. K; and farmer, from Granville County, N.C. The papers of James King Wilkerson and his family date from 1820 to 1929, and consist of Civil War correspondence, a number of almanacs used as diaries, copybooks, and a few other miscellaneous papers, including a genealogical sketch. There is correspondence by Lillie Wilkerson and Luther Wilkerson, James' children, discussing social life and customs, illnesses and hospitals, employment, and personal matters; and several letters from a soldier in France during World War I. There are also two early issues of the Berea, N.C. Gazette, one from 1876, with comments on the Hayes-Tilden election, and one from shortly thereafter. The Civil War letters, written by James Wilkerson to his family, contain references to the C.S.S. Virginia, detailed descriptions of marches, comments on crop conditions as he moved from place to place, his Civil War service around Petersburg, Virginia, late in the war, and his stay in the General Hospital at Greensboro, N.C. in 1865.
- Collection Context
Department of North Carolina general orders, 1865 Box 1
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- Department of North Carolina general orders, 1865
United States Army materials relating to the American Civil War, 1860s-1890s
Contains a manuscript draft copy of General Order 46, issued in Raleigh on May 15, 1865 by Maj. Gen - Abstract Or Scope
Contains a manuscript draft copy of General Order 46, issued in Raleigh on May 15, 1865 by Maj. Gen. Schofield, concerning the "rules for the government of Freedmen in North Carolina until the restoration of the civil government in the state." The rules elaborate the rights of parents or guardians over the movements and actions of their children (in "place of those of the former master"). The draft outlines expectations of freedpeople in North Carolina, including the following: "It will be left to the employer and servant to agree upon the wages to be paid; but freedmen are advised that for the present season they aught [sic] to expect only moderate wages, and where their employers cannot pay them money they aught to be contented with a fair share in the crops to be raised. They have gained their personal freedom. By industry and good conduct they may rise to independence and even wealth."
- Collection Context
Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Civil War and Lee Family papers, 1757-1925, bulk 1838-1868 3.4 Linear Feet 100 Items
- Highlight
- General Orders Nos. 9, 64, and 18; letters detailing the operation of the Confederate Army, outcomes of
Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Civil War and Lee Family papers, 1757-1925, bulk 1838-1868
Virginia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 - Abstract Or Scope
Collection consists of two series, Civil War Papers and Lee Family Papers, acquired and assembled by collectors Alfred and Elizabeth Brand. Materials relate to the Lee family, including Francis Lightfoot Lee, Henry Light Horse Harry Lee, Richard Henry Lee, and Robert E. Lee, as well as Civil War history, including battle reports, correspondence between Confederate and Union leaders and officers (such as Braxton Bragg, Jefferson Davis, William T. Sherman, and Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson), presidential pardons and oaths of allegiance, and some printed materials.
- Collection Context
Picture Collection, after 1860
- Highlight
- 1860s. Most of them are pictures of Civil War generals. Many of these cartes bear a U.S. postage stamp
Vermont, Virginia during the Civil War. As of April 2008, these items are located on 6th 16:B.
photographs transported in the U. S. mail were subject to this form of government tax in order to raise - Abstract Or Scope
The major portion of this collection of pictures consists of 53 cartes de viste, dating from the 1860s. Most of them are pictures of Civil War generals. Many of these cartes bear a U.S. postage stamp, indicating that they were produced before or during the period Sept. 1, 1864-Aug. 1, 1866, when all such photographs transported in the U. S. mail were subject to this form of government tax in order to raise additional wartime revenue. Only five of them have not been identified. Also included in this collection are 30 engravings, most of them of prominent American statesmen. Included in the collection are engravings of Kit Carson, Samuel P. Chase, Horatio Gates, and members of Abraham Lincoln's cabinet. Two non-person pictures include an undated print of the Charlotte Female Institute and an 1863 print of Camp Vermont, Virginia during the Civil War. As of April 2008, these items are located on 6th 16:B.
- Collection Context
George Wesley Johnson papers, 1829-1939, bulk bulk 10 Linear Feet (7 boxes, 2,620 items and 77 vols.)
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- or the other bought goods in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, before the Civil War; bills, accounts
Material during the Civil War period is limited to a few letters in 1863 from W. G. Johnson
northern cities before and after the Civil War, Wake Forest College, the University of North Carolina - Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, daybooks, in the early 1840s, ledgers, notebooks, accounts, bills, receipts, orders, promissory notes, postal records, and other papers (chiefly 1831-1888) of George Wesley Johnson and of his family. The material pertains to Tennessee agriculture, purchases of goods in Philadelphia and other northern cities before and after the Civil War, Wake Forest College, the University of North Carolina, Greensboro Female College, economic conditions after the Civil War, and the mercantile activities of the Johnsons.
- Collection Context
Jarratt-Puryear family papers, 1807-1918, bulk 1843-1879, bulk 1843-1879 3 Linear Feet (6 boxes, 2,349 items (including 4 vols.))
- Highlight
- North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Carolina, Chapel Hill, and conditions at the university preceding the Civil War; Isaac Jarratt's
conditions in Texas; the Civil War, including troop movements in North Carolina and Virginia, conditions in - Abstract Or Scope
Collection contains chiefly correspondence relating to the Clingman, Jarratt, Poindexter, and Puryear families, early settlers of Surry County, N.C., together with a genealogical table. Subjects include the slave trade between North Carolina and Alabama, 1830-1835; North Carolina during the Civil War and Reconstruction, conditions at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill prior to the war, plantation accounts, the distillation and sale of whiskey, and business affairs. Correspondents include William James Bingham, John Adams Gilmer, and Zebulon Vance.
- Collection Context
John Whitford papers, 1829-1921 3 Linear Feet 1011 Items
- Highlight
- memoranda books contains general orders of John N. Whitford as the col. of the 67th Regt. of N.C. Troops and
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
During the Civil War, John N. Whitford (d. ca. 1894) was Col. of the 67th Regt. of N.C. Troops. In - Abstract Or Scope
Planter, Confederate Army officer, and North Carolina state senator. Correspondence, tax books, military order book, postwar plantation records, and legal papers relating to Whitford's planting activities before and after the Civil War, his service as a colonel in the 67th Regiment of North Carolina Troops, and his position as state senator. Includes Whitford family letters and papers.
- Collection Context
Woody family papers, 1784-1939 9 Linear Feet 2,389 Items
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- North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Prisoners and prisons - Abstract Or Scope
Family of Quaker merchants and millers residing in Guildford County, North Carolina, with relatives in Indiana and Montana Territory. Collection comprises a rich array of business and personal correspondence and other papers (chiefly 1835-1887) relating to Newton D. Woody, merchant and miller of North Carolina, his Civil War service, and his flight to Indiana in 1865 and eventual return to N.C.; the activities of Frank H. Woody, who traveled to and described life in the territories of Washington and Montana before and after the Civil War. There are also important materials regarding the Civil War and its aftermath, including descriptions of camp life by Confederate soldiers, one of whom was in the 21st North Carolina Regiment; experiences of Confederate soldiers in Union prisons at Johnson's Island, Ohio, and Elmira, New York, during the war; accounts of Reconstruction in Augusta, Georgia, given by a Union sympathizer, 1867-1868, as well as economic conditions in North Carolina before, during, and after the Civil War. There are also some documents and letters concerning African American life in the South before, during, and after the war. Printed matter in the collection relates to the activities of Unionists in North Carolina during the Civil War and opposition to Ulysses S. Grant and the Radicals. Other topics include the activities of Woody relatives who had migrated to Indiana; the activities of the children of Newton and of his brother, Robert Woody, postmaster, miller, and merchant; and the history of the Society of Friends in antebellum North Carolina. Includes legal documents, business records, and minutes of the Orange Peace Society, Orange County, N.C.
- Collection Context
Benjamin S. Williams papers, 1792-1938 4 Linear Feet 859 Items
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- ; clippings; correspondence; general orders of the South Carolina militia in 1877; and commissions of Williams
for various offices. Civil War letters from Benjamin S. Williams, from his father, Gilbert W. M
Williams and his family, concerning his Civil War military service in the 25th and 47th Georgia Infantry - Abstract Or Scope
Confederate Army officer, planter, and official of Hampton County, S.C. Mainly personal letters of Williams and his family, concerning his Civil War military service in the 25th and 47th Georgia Infantry Regiments, his efforts to become a planter after the war, his personal life, and his work as sheriff and auditor of Hampton County, S.C. Includes early land deeds, and letters from a physician who served in Cuba and Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War.
- Collection Context
William Swinton Bennett Hopkins papers, 1834-1946, bulk 1852-1898 3.5 Linear Feet 1657 Items
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- associates spanning three generations, as well as some Civil War and early Reconstruction letters relating to
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Colonel in the 31st Massachusetts Volunteers during the Civil War and a prominent Mass. attorney - Abstract Or Scope
Collection consists largely of correspondence between family members, friends, and business associates spanning three generations, as well as some Civil War and early Reconstruction letters relating to Hopkins' activities in New Orleans. Correspondents include Hopkins' daughter, Elizabeth; her husband Alfred Lawrence Aiken, a prominent banker in Boston; the Gadsden family of Charleston, S.C.; and the Peck family, relatives of Hopkins' wife, Lizzie. An information folder chronologically lists a portion of the collection. Also included in this collection are a few legal papers, financial papers, addresses and writings, pictures, and a miscellaneous folder that includes some genealogy. Subjects mentioned in the letters include travel in the U.S. and Europe, marriage and family life, illness, Williams College, Yale College, politics, law,"bloodletting with leeches," Civil War activities, and The Worcester Continentals.
- Collection Context
James Thomas papers, 1850-1879, bulk 1852-1861 13.5 Linear Feet (26 boxes (14,008 items))
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- remain open after the Civil War.
addition to an extensive business correspondence, numerous orders for tobacco from Maine, Massachusetts
enterprises, but affords much information on the tobacco industry in general and on other phases of the - Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains business and personal correspondence, orders, price bulletins, and other papers, relating to the tobacco business of James Thomas, the tobacco industry in general, and the economic life of Virginia (1850s). Includes information on Thomas' assistance to the Virginia Baptist Seminary (now the University of Richmond). Correspondents and persons mentioned include J. L. M. Curry, George Frederick Holmes, and Basil Manly.
- Collection Context
Mann and Hawthorne family correspondence, 1853-1865 and undated, bulk 1864-1865 0.2 Linear Feet 17 Items
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- President Lincoln and mentioning General Hitchcock's opinions about Lincoln and the Civil War. In addition
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Public opinion
Hawthorne's death and burial; Abraham Lincoln's death and burial; and opinions about Civil War events, battles - Abstract Or Scope
Primarily letters to Mann from his family and the family of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Correspondents include Sophia Hawthorne, Rose Hawthorne, Una Hawthorne, brother George Mann, mother Mary Tyler Peabody Mann, and Elizabeth Peabody. Topics include family activities and travels, especially comments on Mann's descriptions of San Francisco and the Sandwich Islands [now the Hawaiian Islands]; Nathaniel Hawthorne's death and burial; Abraham Lincoln's death and burial; and opinions about Civil War events, battles, and personalities. Includes a letter from Elizabeth Peabody (undated) describing her two visits to President Lincoln and mentioning General Hitchcock's opinions about Lincoln and the Civil War. In addition, there is a carte-de-visite of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Acquired as part of the Alfred and Elizabeth Brand Collection of Rare Books and Manuscripts.
- Collection Context
Hinsdale Family papers, 1712-1973 16 Linear Feet 2557 Items
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- Wetmore Hinsdale's uncle and his commanding general during the Civil War.
Records Book, a partially indexed, bound collection of orders, circulars, and letters from the War
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate - Abstract Or Scope
This collection centers around John Wetmore Hinsdale (1843-1921), a successful lawyer and businessman who served in the Confederate army. His son, John Wetmore Hinsdale, Jr., was also a lawyer and politician in North Carolina. Correspondence, Civil War diaries, newspapers clippings, C.S.A. War Dept. records book, and other papers, of a family of lawyers, of Raleigh and Fayetteville, N.C. Includes material on Confederate generals Theophilus Hunter Holmes, William Dorsey Pender, and James Johnston Pettigrew; schools, education, railroad taxation, and legislation, government and politics in North Carolina, particularly during the 1930s; and medical practice in Virginia ca. 1900. Persons represented include Ellen Devereux Hinsdale, John Wetmore Hinsdale, and John Wetmore Hinsdale, Jr.
- Collection Context
John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch papers, 1821-1932 8 Linear Feet 3284 Items
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- Martinsburg, 1878; and letters concerning John Q. A. Nadenbousch's general financial condition after the Civil
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories
. Nadenbousch before the Civil War; the constitution of the Berkeley Border Guards formed in Berkeley County - Abstract Or Scope
Confederate officer and businessman, of Martinsburg, W. Va. Correspondence, accounts, receipts, statements, muster rolls, orders, genealogical notes, and other personal, business, and military papers, of Nadenbousch and of his family. The bulk of the collection consists of business papers, mostly relating to Nadenbousch's flour mill and distillery. Includes material concerning the Berkeley Border Guards (later Co. D., 2d Regt., Virginia Infantry) and the Stonewall Brigade; public affairs in Martinsburg, W. Va.; the Berkeley Co. Agricultural and Mechanical Association; and activities of the West Virginia legislature.
- Collection Context
Funkhouser family papers, 1786-1941, bulk 1836-1908 6 Linear Feet
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- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Religious aspects
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives
Civil War letters include items from R. H. Simpson with directions for his home farm and statements - Abstract Or Scope
The Funkhouser family lived in Virginia with members moving West with the expansion of the Unites States. Other Funkhouser descendants moved into Ohio, Maryland and New Jersey. The collection contains correspondence, diary and other papers, chiefly 1836-1908, of the Funkhouser family of Mount Jackson, Va. including Andrew Funkhouser. Topics discussed include conditions in the West, opposition to slavery, and economic conditions in the U.S. after 1837; Civil War letters discuss camp life of Union and Confederate soldiers and the state of the South. Post-war letters are mainly personal. Includes a diary (1863) kept by G. H. Snapp, a minister of the United Brethren in Christ Church, telling of religious life among soldiers and civilians.
- Collection Context
Correspondence, 1851-1916 and undated
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- orders from officers in the Union Army, including General Rufus Saxton, with whom JEB would continue to
The bulk of the letters cover the years before the American Civil War when John Emory Bryant (JEB
) and Emma Spaulding were in Maine, during the Civil War when JEB was at Port Royal and Hilton Head, S.C - Abstract Or Scope
The bulk of the letters cover the years before the American Civil War when John Emory Bryant (JEB) and Emma Spaulding were in Maine, during the Civil War when JEB was at Port Royal and Hilton Head, S.C., during Reconstruction in Georgia (1865-1887), and the remaining years in New York (1888-1900). The letters document JEB's life as a soldier, his courtship and relationship with his wife Emma Spaulding, his involvement in the Republican Party, temperance organizations, the Freedman's Bureau, and the Methodist Episcopal Church, as well as his relationships with other politicians such as President Ulysses S. Grant, James Atkins, Governor Rufus Bullock, and Foster Blodgett, including prominent African-American politicians of the time such as Henry McNeal Turner and William Anderson Pledger.
- Collection Context
Munford-Ellis Family papers, 1777-1942 30 Linear Feet 12522 Items
- Highlight
- and general conditions during the Civil War and Reconstruction. A scrapbook, 1861-1871, of Lizzie
." Clippings generally pertain to the Civil War, including letters and accounts of the C.S.A. Army clipped from
various newspapers; Confederate veterans organizations; Civil War statistics; Confederate generals and - Abstract Or Scope
The Munford and Ellis families were connected through the marriage of George Wythe Munford and Elizabeth Throwgood Ellis in 1838. The earliest papers from the Munford family center around William Munford (1775-1825) of the first generation, George Wythe Munford (1803-1882) of the second generation, and the children of George Wythe Munford, notably Thomas Taylor Munford (1831-1918), Sallie Radford (Munford) Talbott (1841-1930), Lucy Munford and Fannie Ellis Munford. Papers of the Ellis family begin with those of Charles Ellis, Sr. (1772-1840), Richmond merchant; his wife, Margaret (Nimmo) Ellis (1790-1877); and his brother, Powhatan Ellis (1790-1863), jurist, U.S. senator, and diplomat. Later materials include letters from Thomas Harding Ellis (1814-1898), son of Charles and Margaret Ellis, as well as some materials from their other children and grandchildren. Collection contains family, personal, and business papers of three generations of the Munford and the Ellis families of Virginia. The papers contain information on politics, literary efforts, social life and customs, economic conditions, and military questions principally in nineteenth century Virginia. Includes materials on the Civil War and Reconstruction.
- Collection Context
Ground Observer Corps records, 1952-1959 5.25 Linear Feet
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- , weapons, and general information. Logbooks include telephone bill records, itineraries and schedules for
Civil defense -- United States
Civil defense warning systems - Abstract Or Scope
The Ground Observer Corps (GOC) was a civil defense organization run by the U.S. Air Force that enlisted volunteers to watch for and report aircraft movements. The Ground Observer Corps records include materials related to the operation of the Ground Observer Corps in the Durham area from 1952-1959. The collection includes assorted memoranda, correspondence, newsletters, forms, and recruiting materials, as well as manuals, logbooks, maps, posters, brochures, and promotional materials.
- Collection Context
Duncan McLaurin papers, 1779-1932 and undated, bulk 1822-1872 2.4 Linear Feet Approx. 1,800 Items
- Highlight
- Southern States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Civil War topics in the correspondence include camp life, economic conditions, food supplies, the - Abstract Or Scope
Duncan McLaurin was a farmer, teacher, lawyer, and state legislator of Richmond County, North Carolina. Correspondence, bills, receipts, legal and other papers, and printed matter (1822-1872), of McLaurin and members of his family. McLaurin's papers (mainly 1822-1850) relate to economic conditions in North Carolina, South Carolina, and the U.S. in general; the development of infrastructure and education in North and South Carolina; the Civil War; politics in North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia; and national politics, including presidential elections from 1832 to 1848. Civil War topics include camp life, economic conditions, food supplies, the hope for foreign intervention, morale, conscription and desertion, the blockade of Southern ports, the battles of Murfreesboro (Tennessee), Jackson (Mississippi), Port Royal Harbor (South Carolina), Hanover Court House (Virginia), and the siege of Vicksburg (Mississippi). A large amount of correspondence from relatives in Mississippi (circa 1830-1867) concerns frontier conditions, slavery, politics, agricultural and labor problems, sectionalism and nationalism in Mississippi, Reconstruction conditions, and family affairs. There are many references to slavery, particularly in Mississippi: the sale of slaves, runaway slaves, a lynching of an African American in 1839, the fear of slave insurrections in 1856 and 1860; and the abolition movement. Includes an atlas with a list of slaves circa 1864 written on the flyleaf.
- Collection Context
Leavenworth Family papers, 1733-1927 and undated 20 Linear Feet 2838 Items
- Highlight
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate
treasurer to the Blue Ridge Springs Co. of Petersburg. Just prior to the start of the Civil War, Frederick
-). Sermons date from as early as 1826 and extend through the Civil War period. - Abstract Or Scope
Family originally from Connecticut; later settled in Petersburg, Virginia. Correspondence, journals, memorandum books, sermons, an autograph album (1822), and other papers of Abner Johnson Leavenworth and of his son, Frederick P. Leavenworth. Sermons comprise about half of the manuscript collection. Includes pre-Civil War letters from theological students in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York; a tuition ledger for the Van Buren, Arkansas Female Seminary (1860-1862); and genealogical information on the Leavenworth family. Correspondents include Calvin Colton, Harrison Gray, Otis Dwight, Jeremiah Evarts, Samuel Lee, Benjamin Palmer, and Noah Porter.
- Collection Context
Charles Colcock Jones papers, 1757-1926 4.5 Linear Feet approx. 920 Items
- Highlight
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns
army during the Civil War and moved to New York City after the war to rebuild his lost fortune. In 1877
conditions during the Civil War; manufacturing in Georgia; militia in Chatham Co., Ga., during the Revolution - Abstract Or Scope
Jones was a lawyer, collector, Confederate soldier and historian from Savannah, GA. Collection includes correspondence, journals, commonplace books, lecture notes, scrapbooks, autograph albums and other papers. The material ranges in date from 1757-1926.
- Collection Context
David Newton Henderson papers, 1930-1976 218 Linear Feet 439 Boxes
- Highlight
- opinion and legislative trends on such issues as civil rights, the Vietnamese War, the energy crisis of
publications, general information, autographs, pictures, flags, tickets to the White House, etc. Samples of
-1950 Practiced law in Wallace. 1951-1952 Served as Assistant General Counsel to the Committee on - Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence, reports, speeches, drafts of bills, notes, newsletters, printed material, clippings, and other papers, relating to Henderson's service as representative from the 3rd Congressional district of North Carolina, including material relating to his work on the Post Office, Civil Service, and Public Works committees, and to civil rights, minimum wage, federal aid to education, the Vietnam Conflict, anti-poverty programs, foreign aid, tobacco, Watergate, the energy crisis of the early 1970s, and local affairs and projects in eastern North Carolina.
- Collection Context
Samuel S. Biddle papers, 1764-1895 and undated 2 Linear Feet Approx. 3,500 Items
- Highlight
- South Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 - Abstract Or Scope
Planter and merchant families of New Bern (Craven County), North Carolina. Business and personal correspondence of four generations of the Biddle and Simpson families of New Bern, N.C. Most notable are the papers of John Simpson (1728-1788), locally a prominent Revolutionary figure; his son, Samuel; and his great-grandson, Samuel Simpson Biddle (1811-1872). Topics include financial affairs, including deeds, property in Boston, and the shipment of goods; activities of the Baptist Church in the New Bern area; agricultural and business interests; education at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; and children's education in the 19th century. Many letters were written during the Civil War and revolve around the activities of S.S. Biddle, Jr. and James W. Biddle, containing brief descriptions of campaigns, troop movements, traitors, fortifications in South Carolina, camp life, and epidemics. The collection also has 12 volumes of plantation and personal accounts, bills, and receipts, loose deeds and notes, as well as information from the estates of Samuel Simpson and William Biddle.
- Collection Context
Kappa Alpha Order, Alpha Phi Chapter (Duke University) records, 1976-1985 1.5 Linear Feet 1500 Items
- Highlight
- and in he joined a local cavalry regiment to fight with the Confederacy in the Civil War. In 1861, at
, accounting, initiation, community service activities, social activities, general governance, leadership, and
, accounting, initiation, community service activities, social activities, general governance, leadership, and - Abstract Or Scope
This collection contains materials of the Alpha Phi chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order fraternity at Duke University from 1976 to 1985. The Alpha Phi chapter was established at Duke University in 1901 and remained active until 1970. In 1978, it was reactivated. Types of materials include correspondence, chapter evaluations, pledge rosters, scrapbooks, and printed materials pertaining to the Alpha Phi chapter from 1976 to 1985. Major subjects include student life at Duke University, re-establishment of a fraternity, accounting, initiation, community service activities, social activities, general governance, leadership, and public relations.
- Collection Context
Evaporated Milk Association collection, 1924-1934, 1939-1967 0.75 Linear Feet
- Highlight
- , bottled with sugar, and then boiled again to create a seal. By the end of the American Civil War
led to increased consumption by the general public, and the milk was widely used to feed American
history of evaporated milk, its manufacturing process, and general information about evaporated milk as a - Abstract Or Scope
The Evaporated Milk Association, organized by manufacturers in 1923, issued free publications promoting the use of evaporated milk throughout the United States. This collection consists of publications with recipes, scientific studies, and stories encouraging the consumption of canned evaporated milk. These pamphlets and booklets were donated to Duke University Libraries in the 1930s by the Evaporated Milk Association. Collection also includes engineering documents about the design of evaporated milk facilities.
- Collection Context
Eltinge-Lord Family papers (Peter Eltinge papers), 1856-1871 7 Linear Feet (14 boxes) 2,245 Items
- Highlight
- in both divisions include the filing of such items as general orders, printed materials, etc., in
took note of how blacks generally fared during the Civil War, and how they were perceived by white
Peter Eltinge also provided more general descriptions of areas he served in and how the war altered - Abstract Or Scope
Correspondence of Peter Eltinge, an officer in the 156th New York Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War, relating to his service in the Dept. of the Gulf (1863-1864), Maryland and Virginia (1864), and Georgia and the Carolinas (1865), participation in the occupation of Georgia; and operation of a grocery store in Memphis, Tenn., and speculation in cotton after the war. Topics include politics, temperance, economic conditions, Black soldiers in the Union Army, and Black agricultural laborers during Reconstruction. Also, naval records and other papers of George P. Lord of Camden, Del., brother-in-law of Peter Eltinge, chiefly relating to his duty as a navel officer on ironclads of the Mississippi Squadron (1861-1865), including the U.S.S. Chillicothe, U.S.S. Ozark, and U.S.S. Osage. Topics include the Red River Expedition of 1864 and the regulation of commerce on the Mississippi River.
- Collection Context
Joseph Jones papers, 1681-1895 1.33 Linear Feet (704 items)
- Highlight
- militia records, general orders, Treasury Dept. circulars, lists of licensed vessels, letters regarding
militia records, general orders, Treasury Dept. circulars, lists of licensed vessels, letters regarding
, Captain Thomas Jones, in the 40th Virginia Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. - Abstract Or Scope
Papers of militia officer and customs collector Joseph Jones of Petersburg, Va., and of his children and grandchildren, including business, personal, and military correspondence, deeds, Virginia militia records, general orders, Treasury Dept. circulars, lists of licensed vessels, letters regarding western lands, and papers relating to the port of Petersburg, Va. Correspondents include John Adams, William H. Crawford, Albert Gallatin, Richard Bland Lee, James Madison, Timothy Pickering, John Randolph, and John Tyler.
- Collection Context
Basil Lee Whitener papers, 1889-1968 150 Linear Feet circa 297,300 Items
- Highlight
- during the 1960s. Included are the Vietnam War, civil rights legislation, riots, crime legislation, gun
importance during the 1960s, including the Vietnam War, crime legislation, gun control, riots, civil rights
importance during the 1960s, including the Vietnam War, crime legislation, gun control, riots, civil rights - Abstract Or Scope
Basil Lee Whitener (1915-1989) was a U.S. Representative from Gastonia, N.C. Collection includes correspondence between Whitener and his constituents, other congressmen, and government officials, legislative materials, drafts of bills, financial papers, speeches, invitations, printed material, clippings, photographs, and other papers, chiefly from congressional files (1957-1968), relating to issues of national importance during the 1960s, including the Vietnam War, crime legislation, gun control, riots, civil rights legislation, foreign aid, social security, and the Taft-Hartley Act. Correspondents include Sam Ervin, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Sargent Shriver, and Strom Thurmond.
- Collection Context
John Berkley Grimball papers, 1727-1930 3 Linear Feet 1610 Items
- Highlight
- Other papers of this collection include a copy of General Orders, no. 18, Headquarters Army of Tenn
South Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Destruction and pillage - Abstract Or Scope
Planter, of Charleston, S.C. Correspondence and other papers of Grimball, of his family, and of the VanderHorst family. The bulk of the material is for 1840-1900 and pertains to the life of a planter during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Correspondence concerns life in the Confederate services, wartime depredations in South Carolina, the Confederate migration to Mexico and life and politics in that country after 1865, and life and economic conditions in the South during Reconstruction.
- Collection Context
Manuscript letter from S.W.C., in Fayetteville, Arkansas, to Thomas Case, in New Albany, Indiana, 1839 August 4 Folder 1
- Highlight
- Some quotes: "The state of the Cherokee Nation at this time is dreadful, a civil war is on the
by the orders of the other where it will end no body knows.... the arms, ammunition etc. in the
tumultuous and mobbish spirit that the generality of Judge Lynch usually are, on the contrary every thing was - Abstract Or Scope
Case writes about rising violence in Fayetteville, and describes the increased tension among the Cherokee Nation as well as the 1839 Cane Hill Murders and their aftermath.
- Collection Context
Thomas Lenoir papers, 1771-1912 5 Linear Feet 2,007 Items
- Highlight
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate
Isaac Lenoir in Haywood County, North Carolina, before the Civil War.
There are but few Civil War letters. During the postwar period there are letters of Walter - Abstract Or Scope
Army officer, of Caldwell Co., N.C. Correspondence, diary, legal documents, account books, mercantile records, surveying records, and other papers (chiefly 1838-1880) of Lenoir, of his father, William Lenoir, and of his children. The early papers concern horse breeding, legal matters, deism in North Carolina (1790s), and the international situation (1790s). Thomas Lenoir's papers make up the majority of the collection and relate to the settlement of his father's estate, activities of his brother in Tennessee and his sons at the University of North Carolina, and antebellum agriculture in North Carolina. Postwar letters pertain mainly to politics, agriculture, cattle diseases, family matters, student life at the University of North Carolina and at Davis Military School, Winston (now Winston-Salem), N.C., North Carolina militia, and Civil War reminiscences. Correspondents include W. J. Bingham, Calvin J. Cowles, Charles F. Deems, S. F. Patterson, Lewis Williams.
- Collection Context
Benson-Thompson Family papers, 1803-1936 3 Linear Feet 864 Items
- Highlight
- Alabama -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865
Although there are only a few scattered soldiers' letters, the Civil War is well represented on the
mother at Marion. Reach to the secession crisis is often expressed in these letters. After the Civil War - Abstract Or Scope
Recorded earlier as the Benson Family Papers. Includes materials from the related families of Elias Benson, physician, of Marion Co., Alabama, and John Ford Thompson, officer of the Alabama Militia. The families emigrated from Greenvilee and Spartanburg counties, S.C., to Alabama in the early 1800s. Personal correspondence and business papers of the Benson, Thompson, and Moore families who migrated from Greenville County and Spartanburg County, South Carolina, to Alabama. Correspondence between the groups in South Carolina and Alabama is concerned for the most part with family matters. However, political events are occasionally discussed, and a number of letters, 1836-1840, deal with the Alabama militia. The collection includes letters reflecting conditions in Alabama during the Civil War; several items on medical education at the University of Louisiana (Tulane University), 1866-1868; and records of the Marion (Alabama) Grange, No. 95, 1873-1876.
- Collection Context
William Patterson Smith papers, 1791-1943 26.4 Linear Feet 22,305 Items
- Highlight
- withdrew. The Smiths continued this firm until the Civil War. The store was general in nature, handling
, cotton, and wool manufacture; military and civilian life during the Civil War, especially Richmond 1861
General stores -- Virginia -- Gloucester County - Abstract Or Scope
Personal and business correspondence of William Patterson Smith (1796-1878), merchant and planter of Gloucester County, Virginia; and of his son-in-law Isaac Howell Carrington (1827-1887), provost marshal at Richmond (1862-1865) and attorney in Pittsylvania County and Richmond, Va.
- Collection Context
Alfred Cumming papers, 1792-1889 4 Linear Feet 760 Items
- Highlight
- postponed by the Civil War, and he arrived there the summer of 1864. His wife died in 1867; Alfred died in
, campaigns in New York as a colonel, criticisms of officers, a dispute with General George Izard, adoption of
United States -- History -- War of 1812 - Abstract Or Scope
Public official, Indian agent, and Territorial Governor of Utah (1857-1861). Family and political correspondence, mainly of the 1850s, with material on Mormon history, including the "Mormon War," and on frontier and pioneer life. Includes journals, scrapbooks, letter books, and proceedings pertaining to councils and negotiations with the Blackfoot Indians and other tribes (1855). Letters of Cumming's wife, Elizabeth Wells Randall Cumming, describe incidents on her trip to Utah with her husband when he was named governor with frontier conditions and Indian troubles. Cumming's official letter books contain correspondence to James Buchanan, Lewis Cass, Howell Cobb, John B. Floyd, Albert S. Johnston, Brigham Young, and others. Additional correspondents include W.W. Bibb, J.S. Black, William Medill, B.F. Perry, Franklin Pierce, Alexander Stephens, and G.M. Troup. Includes papers of William Clay Cumming, a brother, pertaining to his studies at Princeton University (1805) and at Litchfield Law School; his accounts of opposition to Federalism in New England; his experiences in the War of 1812; travels in the Mississippi Valley and the South; and a few comments on Brazil and Uruguay (1816). The collection also contains papers from Thomas Cumming.
- Collection Context
W. Bryan Bolich papers, 1891-1972 5 Linear Feet 5,000 Items
- Highlight
- and federal court. In 1927, he was elected to the North Carolina General Assembly and served one term
member of the North Carolina General Statutes Commission, Bolich was instrumental in preparing the
. Papers contain family memorabilia, general correspondence, photographs, an oral history, diaries, course - Abstract Or Scope
W. Bryan Bolich (1896-1977) served as a Professor of Law at Duke University from 1927 to 1966. Papers contain family memorabilia, general correspondence, photographs, an oral history, diaries, course notes, writings, drafts of statutes revisions, and clippings. Major subjects include family work at Southern Railway in Forsyth County, N.C., Duke Law School curriculum development and reorganization, Law Day, the Rhodes Scholarship, Trinity College Class of 1917 alumni activities, Law School Alumni Association, North Carolina House of Representatives, and property and alien rights laws authored with the North Carolina General Statute Commission.
- Collection Context
Steven Channing collection of February One recordings, 2002-2003, 2003 4 Linear Feet 87 items
- Highlight
- Confederate Ordeal (1983) for Time-Life's Civil War series. Dr. Channing founded Video Dialog Inc. (VDI) in
Civil rights demonstrations -- North Carolina
Civil rights movements -- United States - Abstract Or Scope
Eighty-seven betacam videocassettes containing interviews and production footage for the 2003 documentary February One: The Story of the Greensboro Four, directed by Steven Channing and Rebecca Cerese.
- Collection Context
John McIntosh Kell papers, 1735-1944 and undated 9 Linear Feet
- Highlight
- Volumes in the collection include general orders and general watch and quarter bills of the U.S
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 - Abstract Or Scope
The collection includes papers and volumes created by John McIntosh Kell (1823-1900) of the U.S. Navy and his family. Family correspondence includes letters from John McIntosh Kell's period of service in the U.S. Navy, family and buisness papers from the Kell, Nathan Campbell Munroe, and Tabitha Easter (Napier) Munroe families discussing Georgia policitcs and other local events. Volumes in the collection include logs of the U.S. frigate Savannah, the U.S.S. Falmouth, and Shark. There is also an unpublished manuscript by Kell's wife and scrapbooks she maintained. Includes family legal papers, genealogical materials, writings, and miscellaneous papers.
- Collection Context
Images Asia: No Childhood At All (1997) Box 287, Video-cassette BU047
- Highlight
- Tiger Camp under drug war lord Kun Sa. Testimonies of former child soldiers. Also includes footage of
, and 40% of the children have never been to school. Ethnic children are worse off, dislocated by civil
war, abandoned, or lost. Girls are likely to end up in the brothels and sweat shops across Thailand - Abstract Or Scope
- Produced by: Images Asia
- Report on children and how they have suffered physically, mentally and emotionally under Burma's military regime. They are denied basic services and education, and are forced to work for the military regime and/or join the army.
- Footage of children breaking rocks, building tourist sites, carrying huge bags from boats to land, working at construction sites, irrigation schemes, road building, and mixing toxic chemicals. Footage of children training at various military camps, including the Tiger Camp under drug war lord Kun Sa. Testimonies of former child soldiers. Also includes footage of student demonstrations: December 6, 1996, at Hledan Intersection, Rangoon.
- Segment on how students risk their lives to demonstrate against the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC). The SLORC responds with military retaliation. Footage of student demonstrations: "I believe that, starting from this day, this night, this place, at this time all of us must fight in unity for the dignity of past student leaders, in memory of those who fought in the colonial revolution, for future generations, for the people of Burma, and for our lives."
- From a United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) report: "Many children in Burma are orphaned, abandoned, trafficked, exploited in the labor force, institutionalized or jailed. Across the country many children enjoy no childhood at all. They are simply put to work."
- Aung San Suu Kyi: "Children have become involved in forced labor lately, because their parents can't afford to take time off from whatever they are doing to make a living, so if you don't provide one person per family for forced labor then you are fined parents send their children to take their place."
- According to this report, classrooms are crowded, there is a shortage of textbooks, the dropout rate is high, and 40% of the children have never been to school. Ethnic children are worse off, dislocated by civil war, abandoned, or lost. Girls are likely to end up in the brothels and sweat shops across Thailand. Boys are forced to join the army.
- From a UNICEF report: "Children have become victims or participants in Burma's armed conflicts, used as porters, human shields or human minesweepers.Children are killed, forcibly conscripted, unwillingly separated from their families, kidnapped and tortured."
- The report states that conscription of children to the army is common, the army rounds up children at movie halls, tea shops, and even schools. Stories are told by runaway child soldiers:
- Shwe Hla, 7th grader: "After school the SLORC soldiers came and surrounded the school and arrested us if rich people paid a bribe, they would be freed of course, but we had no money."
- Naing Oo, age 16: "The commanders mixed large tablets with army rum and the soldiers would become aggressive."
- The SLORC says Burma is experiencing an economic boom, and shows off foreign imports.This report claims that only a small echelon of the society is prospering.
- Collection Context
Confederate and Southern States Currency
- Highlight
- issued during and before the Civil War by the private banks and other businesses. Illustrative vignettes
, printing, and decorative vignettes, but these bills in general are not as colorful or varied as those
sailing ships, mythological scenes, historical scenes, war scenes, agricultural scenes, places, etc. A - Abstract Or Scope
The collection of Confederate and Southern states currency is very extensive, consisting of 3329 pieces. Of this total 2601 bills were issued by the national government, and 727 bills were issues of state governments. See also the Raphael P. Thian Papers for a large collection of Confederate and Southern States currency.
- Collection Context
James Hinton Pou, Sr. correspondence, 1865-1944 6.5 Linear Feet (9 boxes; 1 oversize folder)
- Highlight
- . The family moved to Johnston County after the Civil War. Pou began practicing the legal profession in
three terms in the General Assembly: in 1885 as a representative and in 1888 and 1892 as a senator
The correspondence is arranged in chronological order. - Abstract Or Scope
Collection consists of the personal and professional correspondence of James Hinton Pou, Sr., lawyer, politician, and land developer of Raleigh, North Carolina. Topics cover late 19th and early 20th century North Carolina politics and legal system, business and land development in North Carolina, the history of Raleigh, N.C. and Wake County, and the Pou-Bailey families.
- Collection Context
Henkel Family papers, 1812-1953 and undated 0.5 Linear Feet 165 Items
- Highlight
- North Carolina -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate
Virginia -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives, Confederate
church matters, but there is a small group of Civil War letters from Henkel family members recounting - Abstract Or Scope
Solomon, Ambrose, and Socrates Henkel were prominent Lutherant churchmen active in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina. Correspondence (1812-1894), account books, and notes for sermons, articles and lectures, belonging to the Henkel family. The primary authors are Solomon and Ambrose Henkel, and their nephew, Socrates Henkel, prominent Lutheran churchmen. Includes information on the Lutheran Church in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina, and on the publishing house Henkel Press, Inc., at New Market, Virginia. Some of the material is in German. The correspondence touches on many subjects, chiefly church matters, but there is a small group of Civil War letters from Henkel family members recounting battles (Fort Sumter; Mine Run, Va.), Union occupation, and camp life. One letter from 1860 mentions the hanging of an abolitionist. Also included is a diary begun in 1802, written by Paul Henkel, with a transcription; there are also miscellaneous writings, items relating to religious music, and advertisements.
- Collection Context
Alvin T. Parnell photographs of Durham, North Carolina, circa 1898-1986, bulk 1910-1960 1.5 Linear Feet (2 boxes; 183 items)
- Highlight
- the post-Civil War tobacco manufacturing industry, it is not surprising that there are numerous
Access note. Original negatives are closed to general use; access only by permission of the Archive
Halladay or Holloday). When he returned from World War I service, he took over the Holladay studio from a - Abstract Or Scope
Alvin T. Parnell was a commercial photographer based in Durham, N.C. Collection chiefly consists of 167 black-and-white photographs of the city and people of Durham, North Carolina. The majority, chiefly taken by Parnell from 1920 through the 1950s, are views of downtown streets, commercial and industrial buildings, churches, and infrastructure, especially transportation. Many sites are related to the tobacco manufacturing businesses based in Durham. A few are of African American tobacco workers posed in the field and female factory workers ending their shift. Other images range widely and include a Trinity College (later Duke University) reunion, war veterans at gatherings, a minstrel band, a cart advertising Bull Durham tobacco, and tobacco fields with posed workers, white and African American. In addition, there are portraits of prominent Durham individuals and families. Formats include 85 vintage and modern gelatin silver prints, chiefly 8x10 inches, 82 contact prints, and 12 safety negatives. Includes an information folder with 1986 obituary and collection information.
- Collection Context