
David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
The holdings of the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library range from ancient papyri to
records of modern advertising. There are over 10,000 manuscript collections containing more
than 20 million individual manuscript items. Only a portion of these collections and items
are discoverable on this site. Others may be found in the library catalog.
3525 collections
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Duke University Archives
The Duke University Archives is the official repository for records of Duke University and has
a charge to make them available for use in accordance with policies approved by Duke University's
Board of Trustees, administration and faculty. In addition to the official records of the
university, the Duke University Archives holds campus publications; audiovisual materials by and
about Duke University; papers and selected publications of Duke University faculty members;
records of Duke University student and employee organizations and dissertations, theses, final
projects and senior honors papers produced by Duke University students.
858 collections
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American Dance Festival Archives
The American Dance Festival Archives serves as the repository for records of enduring historical
value created and collected by ADF. The Archives preserves its collections for use by the dance
community, including students, scholars, and the general public.
20 collections
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