J. Walter Thompson Company. Writings and Speeches, 1912-2000 and undated

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J. Walter Thompson Company
Founded in 1864, the J. Walter Thompson Company (JWT) is the largest enduring advertising agency in the United States. The Information Center of the New York Office began a collection of writings and speeches by former JWT executives. Later, scrapbooks and binders of speeches by Stanley Resor and Arno Johnson and Norman Strouse were added, and the Information Center expanded its activities to routinely collect texts of speeches given by current JWT staff. After the transfer of the JWT Archives to Duke University, additions continued to be received and interfiled. The J. Walter Thompson Company Writings and Speeches collection spans 1912 through 2000 and includes primarily printed texts of speeches given by advertising executives employed at the J. Walter Thompson Company. Also included to a lesser extent are clippings or reprints of articles, reports, and white papers, along with some books written in whole or in part by JWT staff. Topics include general trends in advertising and marketing, specific themes related to JWT's policies and philosophies, year-end reports, specific marketing strategies. Notable individuals represented include Rena Bartos, Charlotte Beers, Jeremy Bullmore, Nariman Dhalla, Arno Johnson, Don Johnston, Denis Lanigan, Burt Manning, Vergil Reed, Stanley Resor, Dan Seymour, Norman H. Strouse, and James Webb Young.
40 Linear Feet
20,000 Items
Material in English, German, and French
Collection ID:


Scope and content:

The J. Walter Thompson Company Writings and Speeches collection spans 1912 through 2000 and includes primarily printed texts of speeches given by advertising executives employed at the J. Walter Thompson Company. Also included to a lesser extent are clippings or reprints of articles, reports, and white papers, along with some books written in whole or in part by JWT staff. Topics include general trends in advertising and marketing, specific themes related to JWT's policies and philosophies, year-end reports, specific marketing strategies. Notable individuals represented include Rena Bartos, Charlotte Beers, Jeremy Bullmore, Nariman Dhalla, Arno Johnson, Don Johnston, Denis Lanigan, Burt Manning, Vergil Reed, Stanley Resor, Dan Seymour, Norman H. Strouse, and James Webb Young. The collection was originally started by the Information Center of JWT New York Office.

Acquisition information:
The J. Walter Thompson Company. Writings and Speeches were received by the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book Manuscript Library as transfers from 1987 through 2002. Additions are regularly received.
Processing information:

Processed by Richard Collier, February 2008

Encoded by Richard Collier, February 2008

Accessions 93-154, 93-155, 1997-0079, 1997-0089, 1998-0562, 1999-0306, 2002-0198 were merged into one collection, described in this finding aid.


Collection is arranged alphabetically by last name; therein materials are arranged chronologically. At the end of the named listing, there are grouped writings and speeches involving multiple authors; materials where authorship cannot be attributed; and writings that comprised the Creative Forum in the 1960s.

Rules or conventions:
Describing Archives: A Content Standard


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Collection is restricted.

Materials are closed to non-JWT staff for 15 years from the date of creation.

Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection.

All or portions of this collection may be housed off-site in Duke University's Library Service Center. The library may require up to 48 hours to retrieve these materials for research use.

Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library to use this collection.

Terms of access:

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to Duke University. For more information, consult the copyright section of the Regulations and Procedures of the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library.

Before you visit:
Please consult our up-to-date information for visitors page, as our services and guidelines periodically change.
Preferred citation:

[Identification of item], J. Walter Thompson Company. Writings and Speeches, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University