Charles Wilkes papers, 1816-1876
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- Creator:
- Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877
- Abstract:
- U.S. naval officer and explorer, of Washington, D.C. Family correspondence, chiefly relating to naval cruises of Wilkes and his son, John Wilkes; the U.S. Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, to Antarctica, the Pacific Islands, and the Northwest Coast of the U.S., including preliminary planning, the voyage itself with detailed descriptions of places visited, and publishing the results; gold mining and milling in North Carolina; the Civil War; and Wilkes family business ventures in North Carolina; together with legal and financial papers, writings, printed material, clippings, and other papers. Includes correspondence, 1848-1849, with James Renwick (1792-1863) and others.
- Extent:
- 7 Linear Feet (4,566 items)
- Language:
- English.
- Collection ID:
- RL.01383
- Scope and content:
The largest section in this collection is the correspondence, 1816-1876. It covers such subjects as the naval cruises of Charles Wilkes and his son, John; the Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842, in terms of preliminary planning, the voyage itself and detailed descriptions of places visited, and publishing the results of the expedition; gold mining and milling in North Carolina; the Civil War; and Wilkes family business ventures in North Carolina. There are many letters written by prominent persons, including a particularly rich section containing letters of scientists in 1848 and 1849. Also there is a lengthy series of James Renwick (1792-1863) and Charles Wilkes correspondence. Other groups of papers are the clippings, financial papers, legal papers, miscellany, printed material, writings, and volumes.
The correspondence covers a sixty-year span, 1816-1876, with the majority of the letters being addressed to Charles Wilkes. The letters commence with one from John Wilkes about obtaining a warrant as a midshipman for his son Charles. Most of the early letters to 1818 are those of John to Charles concerning the son's early naval career and the father's advice pertaining to it.
In the 1820s begin letters from Charles Wilkes while on naval voyages, 1822-1823, describing Rio de Janeiro; Valparaiso; and the earthquake, burial customs, and clothing in Peru. The bulk of the letters for this period fall in 1825, while Wilkes was in Washington, D. C., waiting to take a naval examination for promotion to lieutenant. His letters concern social occasions, visiting friends, and prominent personages, including President and Mrs. John Quincy Adams and a dinner they gave, Mrs. Calhoun, and Prince Achille Napoleon Murat. Wilkes evidently made a conscious effort to contact and get to know the "right" people, pertly to further his career. Other Wilkes letters refer to the court-martial of Commodore Charles Stewart, at which Wilkes was called to testify; two French generals in Washington, Generals Lafayette and Simon Bernard; and steamboat and stagecoach travel.
Letters to Wilkes in 1825 and 1826 relate news about the trade situation in Chile, Simon Bolivar, politics and government in Peru, and U. S. Navy commissions. A lengthy series of James Renwick (1792-1863) letters begins in 1828 and continues to 1854. Renwick was an engineer and educator, professor of natural philosophy and chemistry at Columbia, and an authority in every branch of engineering of his day. The letters, which were written primarily to Wilkes and to Jane Wilkes, Renwick's sister, relate to scientific and family matters Letters of Renwick's sons, Henry and Edward, eminent engineers, and James (1818-1895), a noted architect also appear in the papers.
In 1828 and 1829 letters begin in reference to preliminary plans for an exploring expedition. Particularly, Captain Thomas Ap Catesby Jones wrote a lengthy letter on Jan. 2, 1829, about the proposed expedition. President Jackson had given him command of the exploring squadron but later eased him out of command. On May 7 Wilkes wrote to Secretary of Navy John Branch about instruments and charts for the planned expedition.
In the 1820s there begin series of letters among Wilkes family members that continue in varying degrees throughout the collection. Those included in addition to Charles are his brothers John ("Jack''), who resided on a plantation outside Charleston; Henry, a lawyer in New York; and Edmund, also a lawyer in New York; and a sister Eliza (Wilkes) Henry in Albany, N. Y. There is an extended correspondence between Charles and his wife Jane, which runs from 1825 to 1848.
From July, 1830, to May, 1831, Charles Wilkes was on an extended Mediterranean cruise. As a result the collection for this period contains many lengthy letters he wrote to his wife that are replete with detailed descriptions of such locations as Gibraltar, Port Mahon, Algiers, Tunis, Naples, Florence, and Marseilles. In particular there is an expecially good account in September, 1830, of a visit Wilkes made to meet the Bey of Tunis and the prime minister at the palace. Also there is information about the French expedition to Algiers and the reaction to the French troops. Wilkes also demonstrated his interest in cultural and social life through his careful descriptions in Oct., 1830, of the National Museum, the San Carlo Opera, and churches in Naples. He also participated in much social life while visiting France in Dec., 1830.
The letters for 1832 and 1833 fill only a portion of one folder. Of note is a letter, July 28, 1833, by Charles Wilkes's brother John about the South Carolina militia, states rights, Governor Hayne, and politics in South Carolina
A long series of letters from Henry Wilkes in New York to his brother Charles in Washington, D C., appears from 1834 through the 1840s. The topics are primarily business and financial matters, sale and management of property, rental houses, and the Jackson City Association. Henry also wrote concerning elections in New York, riots there, and his attitude toward blacks. Of additional interest are letters in Dec., 1834, one that Charles Wilkes wrote to Secretary of the Navy Mahlon Dickerson about measurements of the eclipse, and one from James Renwick to Wilkes in reference to the U. S. Coast Survey.
By mid-1836, some correspondence begins to appear concerning preparations for the coming Exploring Expedition. For example, Wilkes wrote to John Boyle, Acting Secretary of the Navy, in July about instruments he needed for the voyage and requesting funds to purchase charts, books, and instruments. In August Wilkes journeyed to England and Europe to obtain scientific instruments for the expedition. In 1837 he wrote to Navy Secretary Dickerson about his dealings with Edward John Dent, a chronometer maker in London, and later about the disposition of instruments purchased for the expedition. Other letters in 1838 discuss the organization of the expedition, who will command it, speculation as to whether or not Wilkes will go, and plans and preparations for staffing and equipment. On June 3, 1838, Mary Somerville, an English scientific writer and astronomer, wrote to Wilkec about various aspects of oceanography which were still possible topics for inquiry on an exploring expedition. In the last half of 1837 are letters about Wilkes's surveying efforts and a report by Mrs. Wilkes on a visit from Dolley Madison.
From August, 1838, to June, 1842, Charles Wilkes was the commander of the U. S. Exploring Expedition. Writing from the U. S. Ship Vincennes to his wife, his letters are generally lengthy and marvelously detailed. Although little information is included about the specifics of the scientific experiments and specimen gathering, there is a wealth of information about the people and places visited. It is possible to include in this sketch only the highlights of information in the letters. Please consult the subjects listed in this Guide for further information. In 1838 and 1839, the voyagers went to Madeira; Brazil; Valparaiso, Chile; Callao, Peru; the Society Islands; and Sydney, Australia. Included is information about the homes, plants, and wine-making in Madeira; the President of Chile; travels to various small islands in the Pacific Ocean; natives; and social occasions. Also Wilkes referred to discipline problems on board ship, the officers in the squadron, the spirit of overall harmony on the expedition, and an apparent lack of support for the expedition by the U. S. government.
In 1840, Wilkes noted his sighting of the Antarctic Continent and then the trip to the Fiji Islands. This latter stop was particularly poignant for Wilkes because his nephew, Wilkes Henry, and a Lt. Underwood were murdered by natives who sometimes practiced cannibalism. The voyage was marred by several personnel problems. Wilkes suspended and sent home Dr. Gilchrist, a surgeon assigned to the expedition, and had difficulties with Joseph P. Couthuoy, a member of the scientific corps whom Wilkes dismissed. Wilkes's use of strict discipline was to result later in a court-martial.
In late 1840 and early 1841, the ships were docked in the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii), where he wrote a detailed account of an adventurous trip to explore the volcanic mountain, Mauna Loa, and of missionaries in Hawaii, In May, 1841, he noted a stop in Oregon and the Columbia River.
Letters in 1842 concern Wilkes's promotion and court-martial. His name was omitted from the list of promotions in the Navy, and he was not promoted to commander until 1843. The court-martial charges were primarily the result of his supposed use of harsh discipline on the expedition. As mentioned previously he was sentenced to be publicly reprimanded.
There begins in the late 1830s and 1840s correspondence between Charles Wilkes and his children, and among the children, which will continue throughout the collection. The children with whom he communicated were John ("Jack") (1827-1908); Jane (1829-[18--?]); Edmund (1833-[18--?]), an engineer; and Eliza (1838-[18--?]). Other family letters include several from Anne de Ponthieu to her cousin Charles Wilkes in the 1830s, and a long series between Henry Wilkes and his sister-in-law Jane Wilkes in the 1840s.
The family correspondence for the remainder of the 1840s during the post Exploring Expedition period includes many letters of Henry Wilkes, brother of Charles, particularly in 1846 and 1847. They concern business and financial matters, coal property in Pennsylvania, and the sale of the Jackson City property.
During this period John Wilkes (1827-1908) wrote from the U.S.S. Mississippi, which was on a cruise to Pensacola, Vera Cruz, and other ports. Contained in his letters is a brief report of Slidell's mission to Mexico, Several of his letters are from Annapolis where John was a midshipman at the U. S. Naval Academy in early 1847. The others were written from the U. S. S. Albany, which he was on board for a surveying cruise to Mexico and the western coasts of Central and South America. While on the cruise in late 1847 and 1848, he wrote to his father descriptions of various stopping places such as the Island of St. Thomas, Curaçao, and Caracas, Venezuela. In 1848 John was appointed Acting Master of the Albany. The next year John's letters to his father consist of those he wrote while on board the U. S. S. Marion, and while attached to his father's Exploring Expedition publication work for which he traveled to Philadelphia, New York, and Washington, D. C.
John's younger brother, Edmund, wrote several letters to his family while he was in school in Philadelphia in 1846 to 1847. The bulk of his letters during this period, though, date from August, 1848, through 1849, from Charlotte, N. C. As a teenager, Edmund was given the responsibility of going to Charlotte to oversee some mining and milling property there. This extensive correspondence consists basically of reports by Edmund to his father and instructions from Charles to his son; as a consequence, much information is revealed about mining and milling efforts in the Charlotte area at this time. Specifically Edmund gave accounts of grinding ore at the Charlotte and Capps Mines, Capps Mine preparations, comments about amalgamation problems, milling ore, and working stamp, grist, and saw mills at St. Catherine's Mills Charles Wilkes owned at least a one-quarter share of the Capps Gold Mine, and also had a share in a co-partnership for the mine called the Capps Company. It was his intention to obtain possession of the engine at the Capps Mine and to provide facilities for others to use it either for shares or by a tribute system. He also wished to make St. Catherine's Mills a business place for grinding all sorts of ores, but none of his ventures in Charlotte was ever very successful or profitable.
In the summer of 1848 Jane Wilkes, the wife of Charles, took a vacation in Newport, Rhode Island, a fashionable summer resort area. Her letters in July describe the people and activities there. Mrs. Wilkes had suffered a leg injury in June, which worsened over the summer. She died in August in Newport while her husband was on a trip to South Carolina and also to Charlotte to inspect family property.
As previously noted there is a series of James Renwick (1792-1863) letters in this collection. The correspondence is particularly heavy for the 1843 to 1849 period. The letters concern reviewing of the manuscript of the Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition and his calculations made from measurements made during magnetic observations on the expedition. Renwick also wrote about his attempt to be appointed to the U. S. Boundary Commission, which failed, and the beginning careers of his three cons.
The period, 1848 to 1849, is an especially rich one for this collection in terms of the correspondence of prominent persons it contains. From 1843 to 1861, Charles Wilkes was assigned to special service, chiefly in Washington, D, C., preparing for publication and publishing the information collected on the Exploring Expedition. Much of his correspondence during 1848 to 1849 deals with describing and cataloging the specimens, such as lichens, collected on the expedition; work on preparing charts; writing, editing, and publishing of volumes; and paying the bills for this work.
In the course of this work Wilkes received letters from many prominent scientists, naval officers, senators and congressmen, and statesmen. Please consult the "List of Selected Persons" in this Guide for an extensive listing of correspondents. Of particular interest are four series of letters: 1. Asa Gray, botanist, to Wilkes from 1849 to 1859, writing about work on the botany of the Exploring Expedition; 2. Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz, zoologist, corresponding to Wilkes from 1849 to 1861, concerning drawings of fish and echinoderm specimens from the expedition; 3. Joseph Henry, scientist and first director of the Smithsonian Institution, writing, 1849 to 1875, about loans of Exploring Expedition specimens; and 4. John R. Bartlett (1805-1886), state official and bibliographer, writing in 1849 about the sales of the Narrative and the publication of a spurious abridgment of the work. Other scientists who corresponded include Isaac Lea, James D. Dana (1813-1895), William D. Brackenridge, Titian Ramsay Peale, William S. Sullivant, and Edward Tuckerman.
The correspondence for the 1850s continues two important themes of the collection: the continuing work concerning the Exploring Expedition, and gold mining and milling in North Carolina. Throughout, there are letters referring to various aspects of the Exploring Expedition work, such as descriptions being made of specimens, appropriations and bills, as well as letters from many prominent scientists. Examples of such letters are Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz writing about the classification and drawings of fish specimens, Asa Gray about his work describing the botany of the expedition and William Sullivant's drawings of mosses, Spencer F. Baird about his report on the reptiles, William Sullivant about the engraving of drawings and publication of his work on mosses, and Charles Pickering about his report on the geographical distribution of plants and animals.
Many other prominent persons who were not scientists also corresponded with Wilkes during the 1850s, Of interest is a letter dated April 9, 1851, from President Millard Fillmore to Wilkes thanking him for sending a copy of his work on meteorology.
A very long series of letters between Charles Wilkes and his younger son Edmund continues from the 1840s through the 1850s, Most of the early letters concern the mills at St, Catherine's Mills near Charlotte, N. C.; financial matters; and the fact that the mills are not proving to be a very successful venture, In the summer of 1850, Edmund returned home and then in September began attending the Laurence Scientific School at Harvard to train to be an engineer, The remainder of his letters for this period primarily concern his work as an engineer on railroads in Ohio, particularly in Zanesville. His letters describe hits work, operations of the Central Ohio Railroad, and the many accidents on this railroad in 1858.
The very long series of letters from John to his father Charles Wilkes continues in 1850 until 1852 while John is on board the U.S.S. Marion on a cruise continuing to places such as Rio de Janeiro, China, and Manila Bay. He wrote very lengthy descriptive letters on this cruise. In the summer of 1852 he was working on the calculations for observations of the Exploring Expedition and also corresponded while on trips to Pennsylvania and Ohio.
The remainder of the correspondence of John Wilkes as well as that of some others pertains to mining and milling operations in the Charlotte area. In 1853 John went to North Carolina to be superintendent of the Capps mining operations and presumably to continue work begun by his brother Edmund earlier. John wrote about the condition of various mines, such as the Capps, McGinn, and Dunn mines; mining operations, such as pumping water out of the Capps mine shaft; his brief tenure as agent of the Capps Mining Company; problems with the Capps Company; and continual financial problems. By August, 1855, the Capps Mine was defunct. Charles Wilkes had been President of the St. Catherine's Mining Company. John also became involved in milling operations and sent back reports about the work, progress, and machinery repairs at the St. Catherine's Mills; stamp mills; flour and corn milling; and questions about Wilkes's ownership of St. Catherine's Mills. In 1858 John turned his attention to the Mecklenburg Flour Mills, which he purchased with William R. Myers. Other correspondence concerns a proposed St. Catherine Gold Mining Company, which would have been formed to sell a newly invented machine for reducing metallic ores.
There is considerably less bulk for the 1860s and 1870s than for earlier years, there being one box of material for each of these decades. Certain letters in 1860 begin to mention the possibility of secession. Throughout the Civil War period are references to various battles, ships, naval and army officers, and views on the war. On November 8, 1861, Charles Wilkes commanded that the British mail steamer Trent halt and be boarded. He then searched the vessel, arrested the Confederate commissioners James Mason and John Slidell, and removed them to the U.S. Ship San Jacinto. Wilkes's primary error was in searching a neutral vessel and seizing the agents on board, rather than bringing the ship into port. His actions became quite controversial both in the United States and in Europe. Although the British people were outraged by the events, a majority of Lincoln's cabinet applauded the act. The matter was finally resolved, though, when Secretary of State Seward released the prisoners, realizing that the alternative was war with England. Two letters in 1862, written by Michele Costi, a publicist living in Venice, address this affair. He wrote a strong defense of Wilkes's actions in the Trent affair. A copy of Costi's, In difesa del San Giacinto, is contained in the writings. There is no firsthand account by Wilkes of this affair in the collection.
In July and August, 1862, there is a series of letters from Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles to Charles Wilkes, who was co landing the James River Flotilla at that time. Also in 1862 are various orders about ships, crews, and discharges, as well as letters concerning aspects of the U. S. Navy, such as health, medical care, surgeons, liquor, and deserters. Many of the letters in 1862 and 1863 comment on General George Brinton McClellan, particularly after his removal as commander-in-chief of the U. S. Army; the Wilkes family favored him. In late 1862 and early 1863 letters refer to the fact that Wilkes was passed over for promotion to rear admiral and to his reputation as an officer. His wife Mary had much correspondence attempting to secure the promotion. Wilkes was not promoted to rear admiral on the retired list until 1866. On June 1, 1863, he was detached from the West India Squadron and recalled home. Unfortunately his letters for this period at sea, 1861-1863, are not included in this collection. Only a handful of letters exist for 1864; two of them are from Wilkes to Gideon Welles concerning Wilkes's court-martial.
Family letters during the Civil War are concentrated mainly in 1862 and 1863, while Wilkes was at sea. His wife and two older daughters remained in Washington, D. C., and in their letters they discuss prominent citizens of the city, army generals, naval officers, and activities there. Many letters refer to business and financial matters.
At the conclusion of the Civil War, John Wilkes's letters from Charlotte to his father resume. John was at this time serving as the first president of the First National Bank of Charlotte and had resumed operations at the Mecklenburg Iron Works which he owned. His letters relate to business and economic conditions in North Carolina and the South during Reconstruction, making a start again after the Civil War, and business and financial matters. Wilkes was in a partnership that owned the Rock Island Manufacturing Company; letters refer to its financial problems. In about 1866, Charles Wilkes moved to Gaston County, North Carolina, where he had purchased the High Shoals Iron Works. He had a contract of sale, but no deed, so protracted legal battles ensued. The Iron Works continued to produce batches of pig iron and manufacture nails. Letters in the collection pertain to the Iron Works and its production. Only a few letters exist for 1868 and 1869.
The correspondence for the 1870s consists primarily of family letters, mostly written by John Wilkes to his father. Letters continue about the problems of the Rock Island Manufacturing Company, which had failed in about 1869. Other letters concern the Mecklenburg Iron Works, which was at one time called the Mecklenburg Foundry and Machine Shops, of which he was proprietor. He also referred to the continued question of ownership of the High Shoals Iron Works and the appropriation for the work of the Exploring Expedition in 1870. A few other letters were written by Mary and Edmund Wilkes, who went to live in Salt Lake City in 1871, but returned to New York later.
Other letters for the 1870s pertain to the Exploring Expedition. Charles Wilkes wrote to Lot M. Morrill about publishing the volumes of the work of the expedition. There are letters from Frederick D. Stuart, assistant to Wilkes, concerning funds to finish the publication of the Exploring Expedition volumes. It was difficult in the later years to obtain this funding from Congress.
The two clippings are a picture of Charles Wilkes and an article, 1862, concerning publication of the results of the Exploring Expedition.
The financial papers, 1830-1875, include such items as financial statements, Exploring Expedition statements, bills, receipts, cost estimate, and a bond.
In the legal papers, which span the years 1827-1865, are indentures, many of which are signed by Charles Wilkes and Richard B. Mason, among other parties. Also included are articles of association and other papers for the Jackson City Association, a signed approval by Secretary of the Navy Isaac Toucey of a summons to Wilkes for a trial, and undated plats. There are court documents, such as agreements, summons, a complaint, and a memorandum. Some of these items pertain to litigation concerning a Lynch vs. Wilkes family real estate dispute.
The miscellany consists of papers, 1825-1875. Exploring Expedition items include a memo in 1838 concerning the acting appointments as commanders of Charles Wilkes and William H. Hudson, magnetic measurements, and in 1858 a few items about revisions to various maps and publications of the expedition. Three depositions occur in this section in 1862 concerning fortifications at Drewry's Bluff. They are written by a deserter from the Confederate Navy, a former Confederate soldier, and a New York soldier who had been behind Confederate lines. Other Civil War papers in 1863 and 1864 relate to the court-martial of Wilkes.
The printed material spans the years 1849 to 1874. Included is a broadside that General John James Peck penned on September 20, 1864, entitled, "Siege of Suffolk-Chancellorsville." The purpose of the paper was to debunk the idea that any significant portion of Longstreet's army was transferred to Chancellorsville. In the printed material also is "Report on the High Shoals Property in Gaston County, North Carolina" by F. Winter. This is a proof of the pamphlet written in 1873 concerning the geology of High Shoals. Other titles are "Working the Gold Mines in New Granada,""Prospectus of the American Review," and "Map of the City of Zanesville."
While the writings cover the two years, 1862 to 1863, most of them are undated. Included is a copy in Italian of "In difesa del San Giacinto," 1862, by Michele Costi. This was a defense of Wilkes's actions in the Trent affair. An English translation of this item was published as a pamphlet under the title, Memoir on the Trent Affair. A copy is housed in the Rare Book Room. Related items are "The Surrender of Mason and Slidell" written in Wilkes's hand and another article, both of which defend his actions in the Trent affair. Copies of "Naval Reform" and "Abuses in the Navy," 1862, are also included. Two folders contain the sixteen-chapter manuscript "Trip to the Far West" by Charles Wilkes in 1863. The narrative is comprised of descriptions of the localities visited, including Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Milwaukee, the Mississippi River, St. Paul, Iowa (especially Dubuque), St. Louis, Cincinnati, Erie, New York--Buffalo and Niagara Falls, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York City. "Canal Trip in Peru" is listed as being included with the manuscript but is not a part of this collection. Other undated writings describe various aspects of New York City, iron-clad vessels, New Jersey, and Baltimore.
The volumes, 1823-1847, include account books of Charles Wilkes, a notebook owned by Edmund Wilkes, and "Notes related to Fejee [sic] Islands." There is an account book for the ship O'Cain, 1823, maintained while Wilkes was on a trip to ports in the South Atlantic on a sealing voyage. Wilkes was in command of the ship, which was fitted out by its owner, Mr. Winship. Other financial records of Charles Wilkes are in three Daybooks of Receipts and Expenses, 1828-1829, 1829-1832, and 1833-1835. Edmund Wilkes kept the notebook in 1847 while he was a student in Philadelphia. Evidently it was from a chemistry course. Charles Wilkes wrote "Notes related to Fejee [sic] Islands" from July 15 to August 7, 1840, while on the Exploring Expedition.
Two oversize items are in oversize storage: "Map of the World shewing [sic] the Extent and Direction of the Wind and the Route To Be Followed in a Circumnavigation of the Globe" by Charles Wilkes, 1856, and a broadside, including a plat of several lots of Charles Wilkes's land in Washington, D. C. for sale, May 12, 1874.
- Biographical / historical:
The primary correspondent in this collection is Charles Wilkes (1798-1877), naval officer and explorer, who was a collateral descendant of John Wilkes (1727-1797), the noted English politician. Charles Wilkes was born in New York City, the son of John De Ponthieu and Mary (Seton) Wilkes. From 1815 through 1817 Wilkes was in the merchant service on board several ships until he was appointed midshipman in the U. S. Navy on Jan. 1, 1818. His naval career was destined to be a rather distinguished, yet controversial one. During the next fifteen years he served on board several ships including the Franklin and the Waterwitch, was promoted to lieutenant in 1826, and surveyed the Narragansett Bay in 1832-1833. Wilkes's scientific achievements were rewarded by his appointment to take charge of the Depot of Charts and Instruments in Washington, D. C. in 1833. In 1837 and 1838 he was involved in further surveying work at the shoals of Georges Bank and the Savannah River.
In 1838 Secretary of War Poinsett ordered Wilkes to command the South Seas Surveying and Exploring Expedition. This expedition and the publications concerning it provided the primary focus for his career until 1861. This Exploring Expedition, which was absent from the United States from 1838 to 1842, had as its chief fields of exploration the islands of the Pacific Ocean, the coast of the Antarctic Continent, and the American Northwest coast. From 1843 to 1861, Wilkes was assigned to special duty, chiefly to be in charge of the Exploring Expedition collections and reports. In 1844 his Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition was published, and scientific volumes appeared from time to time. In 1842 Wilkes had been tried by a court-martial and sentenced to be publicly reprimanded for illegally punishing some of his men. Despite this he was promoted to commander in 1843 and to captain in 1855.
During the Civil War Charles Wilkes took the controversial step of overhauling the British mail steamer Trent and removed by force the Confederate commissioners James Mason and John Slidell, He saw other service in a variety of commands and received promotion to commodore and then to acting rear admiral in 1862. Again in 1864 Wilkes was court-martialed and found guilty. Two years later he was promoted to rear admiral on the retired list and was placed on special duty for a part of 1870-1873, After the Civil War he purchased the iron works at High Shoals, N. C. and pursued business interests there for several years.
Wilkes was married twice: first to Jane Jeffrey Renwick, sister of James Renwick (1792-1863) in 1826, and then to Msry H. (Lynch) Bolton in 1854, after the death of his first wife, He had six children from these marriages, For further biographical information please consult Autobiography of Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes. U. S. Navy, 1798-1877 (Washington, 1978); The Hidden Coasts by Daniel Henderson (New York, 1953); and other sources listed in the Information Folder in box 1 of the collection,
John (''Jack'') Wilkes (1827-1908), sailor and businessman, was the son of Charles Wilkes as well as a correspondent in this collection. Immediately after his appointment as a midshipman on September 9, 1841, young Wilkes was sent to sea. He served on the Delaware and on the Mississippi in the Gulf Squadron during the Mexican War. His appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy came in 1846. After graduation he was assigned to duty on the Albany and on the Marion. In about 1848 his father had him transferred for a time to work on the charts and calculations of the Exploring Expedition. On Nov. 3, 1854, he resigned his commission.
John Wilkes settled in Charlotte, N. C. in December, 1853, probably during a leave of absence from the U. S. Navy. He moved to North Carolina to supervise certain mining and milling property but in 1858 purchased the Mecklenburg Flour Mills The next year he became the proprietor of what would eventually be titled the Mecklenburg Iron Works. During the Civil War Wilkes took an active role in the Southern effort through his service in the local vigilance committee and the Home Guards, and as a financial advisor to North Carolina state officials. Wilkes also became a railroad contractor in government service.
In August, 1869 Wilkes obtained a charter for the First National Bank of Charlotte and served as its first president until 1869. This bank had the distinction of being the first national bank established south of Richmond. Wilkes formed a business partnership in the Rock Island Woolen Mills, but after its failure he devoted his energy to the successful Mecklenburg Iron Works.
Wilkes married Jane Renwick Smedberg of New York in April, 1854. Mrs Wilkes became a prominent Charlotte philanthropist. The couple had nine children, five of whom died at a young age. For further biographical information please see Biographical History of North Carolina by Samuel A. Ashe (Greensboro, 1906); Biographical Dictionary of the Confederacy by Jon L, Wakelyn (Westport, Conn., 1977); and Confederate Military History, vol. IV (Atlanta, 1899).
- Acquisition information:
- The Charles Wilkes Papers were acquired by Duke University as gifts, 1977-1978.
- Processing information:
Processed by Sharon E. Knapp
Completed 1980
Encoded by Stephen Douglas Miller and Christian Ferney
- Physical location:
- For current information on the location of these materials, please consult the Library's online catalog.
- Rules or conventions:
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Click on terms below to find related finding aids on this site. For other related materials in the Duke University Libraries, search for these terms in the Catalog.
- Subjects:
- Voyages and travels
Industries -- North Carolina
Explorers -- United States
Gold mines and mining -- North Carolina - Names:
- United States. Navy -- Officers -- Correspondence
United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842)
Wilkes family
Renwick, James, 1792-1863
Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877
Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877
Wilkes, John, 1827-1908 - Places:
- Oregon -- Description and travel
South America -- Discovery and exploration
Antarctica -- Discovery and exploration
Oceania -- Discovery and exploration
Hawaii -- Description and travel
North Carolina -- Economic conditions
Other Indexes
- Indexes:
List of Selected Persons Whose Manuscripts Have Been Listed in the Autograph File of the Card Catalog
Abbot, Henry Larcon Abert, John James [?] Adrain, Robert Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe Allen, Horatio Allen, Philip Almy, John Jay Alvord, Benjamin (1813-1884) [?] Arnold, Samuel Greene Astor, William Backhouse Bache, Alexander Dallas Badger, George Edmund Bailey, Jacob Whitman Baird, Spencer Fullerton Barnard, Daniel Dewey Barney, John Bartlett, John Bartlett, John Russell (1805-1886) Bayard, James Asheton 1799-1880) Beaufort, Sir Francis Beaulieu, A., Baron de (d. 1872) Belcher, Sir Edward Bertrand, Henri Gratien, Comte Bigelow, Abraham [?] Bille, Steen [?] Bissell, Edward H. Black, Jeremiah Sullivan Blodget, Lorin Bond, George Phillips Bond, William Cranch Bond, William Cranch and Son Bonham, Sir Samuel George Bowditch, Jonathan Ingersoll Bowditch, Nathaniel, et al. Brackenridge, William D Bragg, Thomas Branch, Lawrence O 'Bryan Brinley, Francis Campbell, George Washington [?] Cantwell, Edward Carpender, Edward W. Carpenter, Stephen Haskins, et al. Cassin, John Cobb, Howell (1815-1868) Coggeshall, George Conover, Obediah Milton, et al. Costi, Michele Curtis, Edward (1801-1856) Curtis, Moses Ashley Cushing, Caleb Dana, James Dwight (1813-1895) Davis, Thomas Treadwell [?] Devens, Charles Disturnell, John Dix, Dorothea Lynde Dobbin, James Cochran Dougal, William H. Draper, Lyman Copeland Draper, Lyman Copeland, et al. Du Pont, Samuel Francis Eastman, Seth Emmons, George Foster Endicott, Charles Moses, et al. Ewbank, Thomas Farragut, David Glasgow Farwell, Leonard J., et al. Fessenden, William Pitt Fillmore, Millard Fisher, Charles Frederick Flugel, Johann Gottfried [?] Foote, Andrew Hull Force, Peter Fraley, Frederick Franklin, Jane (Griffin), Lady French, B. B. Genth, Frederick Augustus (1820-1893) Gillespie, William Mitchell Gillet, Ransom Hooker Gilliss, James Melville Glynn, James Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes Gould, Augustus Addison Graham, William Alexander Gray, Asa Grinnell, Joseph (1788-1885) Guthrie, James Gwin, William McKendree Hale, John Parker Halleck, Henry Wagner Harris, Ira Heath, James Ewell Henderson, Archibald ([17xx?]-1859) Henry, Joseph Hogan, William Horaford, Eben Norton Hudson, William H. Hughes, George Wurtz Hull, Isaac Humboldt, Alexander, Freiherr von Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson Ingraham, Duncan Nathaniel Jackson, Charles Thomas [?] Jarvis, Leonard Jenkins, John Stilwell Jewett, Charles Coffin Johnson, Edwin Ferry Johnson, Reverdy Johnson, Walter R. Johnston, John Taylor Jones, Thomas Ap Catesby Jones, Walter(1776-1861) Judd, Gerrit Parmele Kennedy, John Pendleton Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith King, Charles Bird King, Daniel Putnam Latrobe, Benjamin Henry (1806-1878) Lawrence, Julia (Montaudevret) Lawson, Thomas Lea, Isaac Lesley, J. Peter Lieber, Francis Locke, John (1792-1856) Lovejoy, Owen Lovering, Joseph Lynch, William Francis [?] McKeever, Isaac Maclay, William Brown Marchand, John Bonnett [?] Marcy, Randolph Barnes Mason, Charles Mason, John Young Mason, Richard Barnes Maury, Matthew Fontaine [?] Meehan, John Silva Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham Memminger, Christopher Gustavus Meredith, William Morris Miller, Jacob Welsh Miller, William Starr Mills, Robert (1781-1855) [?] Morell, George Webb Morton, Samuel George Neal, John Nelson, John (1794-1860) Ogden, Francis Barber Ogden, Peter Skene Olmsted, Denison Osborne, James W. Parker, Amasa Junins (1807-1890) Peale, Titian Ramsay Pearce, James Alfred Peck, John James Percival, John [?] Perry, Matthew Calbraith Pickering, Charles Porter, William David (1809-1864) et al. Preston, William Ballard Preston, William Campbell Putnam, G. P. and Co. Putnam, George Palmer (1814-1872) Renwick, Edward Sabine Renwick, Henry Brevoort Renwick, James (1792-1863) Renwick, James (1818-1895) Rhees, William Jones Ringgold, Cadwalader Roberts, Solomon White Rogers, William Barton Ropes, Joseph, et al. Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris [?] Sabine, Sir Edward Schieffelin, Samuel Bradhurst [?] Schmidt, Charles Scott, Gustavus H. Seward, William Henry Shufeldt, Robert Wilson (1822-1895) Silliman, Benjamin (1779-1864) Smith, Joseph (1790-1877) Snow, William Parker Somerville, Mary Squier, Ephraim George Steiner, Lewis Henry Stuart, Alexander Hugh Holmes Sullivant, William Starling Tappan, Benjamin (1773-1857) Thompson, David (1798-1871) Thompson, James Thompson, Smith Thurston, Samuel Royal Tompkins, Daniel D. Torrey, John Totten, George Muirson Totten, Joseph Gilbert Toucey, Isaac Tuckerman, Edward Twining, Alexander Catlin [?] Upshur, Abel Parker Vattemare, Alexandre (see Vattemare, Nicolas Marie Alexandre) Vattemare, Nicolas Marie Alexandre Walbridge, Hiram Waldo, Loren Pinckney Walker, Robert John Warren, Gouverneur Kemble Webb, James Watson Welles, Gideon Welles, Mary Jane (Hale) Whitney, Asa (1797-1872) Wilkes, Charles (1798-1877) Wilkes, John(1827-1908) Willard, Sidney [?] Willis, Nathaniel Parker Winslow, Warren Winter, F. Winthrop, Robert Charles Worcester, Joseph Emerson Worth, William Scott [?] Wright, Richard Wyman, Robert Harris Selective Index of References to Persons, Places, and Subjects
Abbot, Henry Larcon [?] 1863 June 9; 1863 June 17. Abbot, Joel 1852 Nov. 27 Abbot, Trevett [?] 1863 Jan. 18 Abernathy, George 1849 Mar. 2 Abert, John James 1843 Mar. 26 Adams, John Quincy 1825 Mar. 28; 1828 Nov. 14; 1845 [?] Feb. 5; 1848 Mar. 15. Adams, Louisa Catherine (Johnson), 1825 Mar. 22; 1825 Apr. 9; 1825 Aug. 9; 1828 Nov. 14; 1849 Apr. 12; 1849 Apr. 20. Adams family. New York 1848 Mar. 22 Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolphe, 1849 Apr. 18; 1849 May 12; 1849 June 7; 1850 Apr. 10; 1850 Apr. 12; 1850 July 20; 1850 Sept. 24; 1850 Oct. 11; 1850 Dec. 3; 1850 Dec. 14; 1852 Nov. 12 (on letter of Nov. 11); 1855 June 24; 1857 Apr. 9; 1857 May 26; 1857 June 8; 1857 Nov. 28; 1859 July 19; Agate, Alfred T. 1844 May 15 Agriculture. California 1849 Mar. 2 Agriculture. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West Agriculture. North Carolina 1856 May 31 Aiken, William 1851 Feb. 5; 1852 May 26. Airy, Sir George Biddell Letter to: 1836, Sept. 3 Alcohol and Military Personnel 1862 July 26; 1862 Aug. 26. Alcoholism and Crime. North Carolina, 1874 July 27 Alden, James [?] 1870 Sept. 29 Alexander, John Henry 1849 Apr. 28 Algae 1850 Nov. 6; 1851 Feb. 7[?]; 1851 Feb. 8. Algeria. Algiers. Pratique 1830 Sept. 3; 1830 Sept. 12; 1830 Oct. 4. Algeria. Algiers. Quarantine, 1830[?] Sept. 3 Algeria. Algiers. Steamboats, 1830 Aug. 19 Algeria. Dey 1830[?] Sept. 3 Algeria. French Abroad 1830 Oct. 4 Algeria. History. French Expidition, 1830 1830[?] Sept. 3 Algeria. Muslims 1830[?] Sept. 3 Alexander, Abraham 1849 May 17 Allen, Charles M. Letter to: 1862[?] Sept. 30 Allison, William Boyd 1874 May 1 Almy, John Jay[?] 1870 Aug. 13 Amalgamation 1848 Aug. 29; 1854 Mar. 18; 1854 Mar. 29. American Association for the Advancement of Science 1852 Nov. 25 American Geographical Society, 1874 Dec. 28 Americans Abroad. Australia 1839 Dec. 3 Americans Abroad. Brazil 1838 Nov. 25 Americans Abroad. France 1830 Dec. 21 Americans Abroad. Hong Kong 1850 June 23; 1850 Oct. 2; 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 Mar. 31. Americans Abroad. Macao 1850 Sept. 2 Anderson, Henry James 1834 Dec. 31 Annual Record of Science and Industry Printed Material: 1874 Antarctic Regions. Discovery and Exploration 1828 Mar. 18; 1829 Jan. 2; 1829 Jan. 11; 1829 May 7; 1836 July 18-1837 June 10 (scattered); 1837 Dec.-1841 (Letters of Charles Wilkes),; 1842 Feb. 20; 1842 Aug. 28; 1843 Aug. 4; 1843 Aug. 21; 1844 Jan. 21; 1844[?]; 1845 Feb. 1; 1845 Feb. 9; 1848 Mar. 13; Anthony, Henry Bowen 1863 Jan. 27 Arabs 1830[?] Sept. 3 Arnold, Samuel Greene 1862 Nov. 30; 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28; 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 Feb. 25; 1863 Mar.[?]. Art. Italy. Galleries and Museums 1830 Nov. 9 Aspinwall, William Henry 1849 July 27; 1853 Oct. 17. Astor, John Jacob (1763-1848), 1836 Feb. 19 Astronomy. Astronomical Instruments, 1833[?]; 1836 July 18; 1836 Sept. 7; 1836 Oct. 9; 1836 Oct. 12; 1837 Jan. 30 (2); 1837 Sept. 2; 1837 Nov. 17 (enclosed with letter of Nov. 30); 1837 Dec. 7; 1838 Jan. 8; 1838 Apr. 4; 1838 Apr. 7; 1838 June 4. Astronomy. Observations 1838 Jan. 24; 1838 Dec. 29. Atkinson, Thomas 1857 May 24 Aulick, John H.[?] 1837 Dec. 31; 1838 June 5; 1841 Mar. 14; 1841 Nov. 22; 1841 Nov. 27; 1851 Sept. 15[?]; 1851 Dec. 8. Australia. Americans in 1839 Dec. 3 Australia. English in 1839 Dec. 3 Australia. Governors 1839 Dec. 2; 1839 Dec. 3. Australia. Observatories 1839 Dec. 10 Australia. Prisoners 1839 Dec. 10 Australia. Social Life and Customs, 1939 Dec. 3 Australia. Sydney. Balls (Parties), 1840[?] Mar. Australia. Sydney. Description and Travel 1839 Dec. 2; 1839 Dec. 3. Babcock, Orville Elias 1876 Feb. 21 Bache, Alexander Dallas 1844 May; 1844 July 20; 1844 July 24; 1844 July 30; 1846 Jan. 25; 1846 Aug. 6; 1851 May 1; 1852 Nov. 19; 1859 Aug. 20. Bailey, Jacob Whitman 1857 Jan. 31; 1857 July 6; 1857 July 8; 1857 July 13; 1860 Jan. 3. Bailey, Theodorus [?] 1863 Jan. 12; 1863 Jan 13. Bachman, John 1850 July 20 Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1857 June 8; 1857 June 10; 1857 Dec. 29; Printed Material: 1874. Balearic Islands. Port Mahon, 1830 Aug. 19; 1830 Aug. 25. Balearic Islands. Port Mahon. Maps, 1830 Aug. 19 Balls (Parties). Australia. Sydney 1840[?] Mar. Balls (Parties). Brazil 1838 Dec. 18 Balls (Parties). Chile 1839 June 12 Balls (Parties). District of Columbia, 1849 Mar. 18[?] Balls (Parties). France 1831 Jan. 13 Balls (Parties). Macao 1851 Apr. 19 (with letter of Mar. 31) Balls (Parties). Philippine Islands. Manila 1851 Jan. 27 Bancroft, George 1846 Feb. 17 Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss 1862 Nov. 14; 1862 Dec. 5. Banks and Banking. District of Columbia, 1870 July 15 Banks and Banking. Massachusetts 1850 Apr. 19 Banks and Banking. North Carolina 1870 Aug. 3 Banks and Banking. North Carolina. Charlotte 1865 May 20; 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 14. Baptism 1827 Mar. 12; 1845 Jan. 13. Barnard, Daniel Dewey 1850 Nov. 23 (with letter of Oct. 31) Barnard, Frederick Augustus Porter [?], 1857 Nov. 12; 1863 June 9. Barney, John Letter to: 1842 Nov. 29 (in letter of May 3 1852) Barringer, Daniel Moreau [?], 1849 Nov. 26; 1859 July 3; 1870 Apr. 11. Barringer, Rufus 1870 July 27 Barringer, Rufus [?] 1875 Jan. 3; 1875 May 16; 1875 Aug. 1. Bartlett, John Russell (1805-1886), Letter to: Note on letter of 1849 Apr. 16; 1849 Feb. 12; 1849 Feb. 13; 1849 Feb. 15; 1849 Feb 17; 1850 Aug. 6. Batteries 1862 Aug. 9 Bay State Mills 1850 Oct. 22 Beaumont, Andrew 1847 Mar. 8 Bedouins 1830 Sept. 12 Belcher, Sir Edward 1840 June 22 Benham, Henry Washington 1838 Feb. 3 Benton, Thomas Hart (1782-1858)[?], 1849 May 15 Berkeley, Miles Joseph 1949 Oct. 9 Bernard, Simon [?] 1825 Aug. 12; 1825 Aug. 16. Bible. Criticism, Interpretation, Etc., 1850 Apr. 12 Biddle, James (1783-1848) 1830 Nov. 9; 1837 Dec. 31. Bigelow, Jacob 1857 May 26 Biggs, Asa 1857 May 24 Bissell, Edward H. 1835 Mar. 9; Late 1849 (a few); 1849 Jan. 20; 1849 Jan. 21; 1849 Feb. 10 (2); 1849 Feb. 13 (2); 1849 Mar. 1; 1849 Mar. 5; 1849 Mar. 6; 1849 Mar. 10; 1849 Mar. 14; 1849 Mar. 22; 1849 Mar. 24; 1849 Mar. 25; 1849 Mar. 31; 1849 Apr. 20; 1849 May 30; 1849 June Black, Jeremiah Sullivan Letter to: 1857 June 30 Blast Furnaces 1846, Oct. 3 Bloodletting 1837 Dec. 6 Blunt, Edmund 1843 Apr. 14 Blunt, George William 1837 Jan. 30 (2); 1837 June 10; 1838 Jan. 8; 1838 June 4; 1838 June 11; 1843 Mar. 5; 1843 Mar. 13; 1843 Mar. 18; 1843 Apr. 14. Bolivar, Simon 1822 Aug. 14; 1825 Nov. 25. Bonaparte, Jerome Napoleon Letter to: 1852 May 3 (in letter of same date) Bond, William Cranch 1838 July 19; 1859 Feb. 4. Bonham, Sir Samuel George 1851 Mar. 31; 1859 June 6; 1859 June 16. Boomerangs 1852 Jan. 31 Borie, Adolph Edward 1870 Dec. 9 Boyle John Letter to: 1836 July 18 Boyle John[?] 1837[?] June 25; 1837 Dec. 2; 1837 Dec. 29; 1838 Jan. 7. Brackenridge, William D. 1849 May 5; 1849 May 6; 1849 May 12; 1849 May 17; 1849 May 21; 1849 June 7; 1849 June 15; 1849 June 22; 1849 June 29; 1849 July 31; 1849 Aug. 10; 1849 Aug. 14; 1849 Sept. 12; 1849 Oct. 24; 1849 Oct. 26; 1850 Jan. 15; 1850 Apr. 11; 1850 May 24; 1850 June 1 Bradish, Luther 1849 Apr. 28 (enclosed with letter of same date) Bradley, Charles William 1850 Dec. 29 Bradley, Joseph P. 1870 Sept.[?]; 1870 Nov. 8; 1874 Oct. 25. Bradley, Joseph P. [?] 1870 Dec. 19; 1870 Dec. 21; 1870 Dec. 26; 1874 June 10; 1874 June 23. Bragg, Braxton 1857 May 24 Branch, John Letter to: 1829 May 7; 1831 Jan. 30; 1831 Apr. 26. Branch, Lawrence O'Bryan 1858 July 25; 1859 July 3. Brazil. Americans in 1838 Nov. 25 Brazil. Balls (Parties) 1838 Dec. 18 Brazil. English in 1838 Dec. 18 Brazil. Rio de Janeiro. Description and Travel 1822 Feb. 7; 1850 Mar. 14. Brazil. Social Life and Customs 1838 Nov. 25 Breckinridge, John Cabell 1854 Mar. 30 Breese, Samuel L. [?] 1853 Aug. 1 Brent, Daniel Letter to: 1836 Nov. 20 Brenton, John (b. 1782) 1830 July 19 Breveport, James Carson [?], 1847 Feb. 7; 1847 Mar. 11; 1847 Mar. 12. Bridgers, Robert Rufus 1866 Dec. 14; 1873 Dec. 1; 1873 Dec. 26; 1874 Jan. 12; 1874 Jan. 21; 1874 Mar. 4; 1874 Mar. 21; 1874 Mar. 31; 1874 Apr. 7; 1874 Apr. 16; 1874 Apr. 22 (2); 1874 Nov. 8. Bridgers, Robert Rufus [?] 1867 Sept. 11; 1867 Oct. 16; 1867 Oct. 24; 1867 Dec. 29; 1870 Dec. 26. Bridgers family 1866 Dec. 6; 1867 Mar. 4; 1867 Sept. 9; 1867 Dec. 22; 1870 Apr. 20; 1870 July 25; 1871 Feb. 15; 1871 July 11; 1871 Aug. 9; 1872 Mar. 1; 1872 July 12; 1873 Mar.6; 1873 Aug. 4; 1873 Aug. 27; 1873 Oct. 5; 1873 Nov. 10; 1874 [?]. Bridges, France 1831 Jan. 11 Brinsmade, Peter A. 1835 June 1; Letter to: 1841 Oct. 12. Bristow, Benjamin Helm 1876 Mar. 26 Brown, Bedford 1860 Nov. 23 Buchanan, Franklin [?] 1848 Jan. 27; 1850 Mar. 4. Buchanan, James 1847 Dec. 21; 1856 July 24; 1856 Dec. 21; 1857 Mar. 20; 1859 Oct. 21; 1860 May 28; 1861 Jan. 2. Buchanan, Robert Christie 1863 Feb. 11; 1863 Mar. 5; 1863 Mar. 7; 1863 Mar. 14; 1863 Mar. 15; 1863 Mar. 27. Burke, Edmund (1809-1882) 1849 Apr. 17; 1849 Apr. 28; 1849 May 6. Burke, Edmund (1809-1882) [?], 1845[?] Feb. 5 Burnside, Ambrose Everett 1862 Dec. 4; 1863 Feb. 18; 1863 Mar. 7; 1863 Mar. 16. Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1795-1858) [?] 1849 Mar. 18 [?] Butler, Benjamin Franklin (1795-1858), 1871 Feb. 7 Caldwell, Greene Washington, 1849 Mar. 22; 1849 Nov. 26; 1850 Jan. 8; 1850 Jan. 14; 1850 Feb. 3; 1853 Apr. 8; 1853 Apr. 16; 1853 Apr. 30; 1855 Dec. 15; 1859[?] Jan. 2. Calhoun, Floride Bonneau (Colhoun), 1825[?] Mar. 25 Calhoun, John Caldwell 1825 Mar. 25; 1849 May 15; 1850 May 7. California, 1849 Mar. 12 California. Agriculture 1849 Mar. 2 California. Gold 1849[?] Feb. California. Gold Mines and Mining, 1849 Mar. 2; 1849 Mar. 31. California. Gold Rush 1848 Dec. 12; 1849 Jan. 24; 1849 Jan. 29; 1849 Feb. 1; 1849 Feb. 4; 1849 Mar. 2; 1849 Mar. 31. Camp Sabine. Louisiana 1836 May 5 Candles 1830 Aug. 23 Capps Mining Company 1855 Apr. 19; 1855 July 15; 1855 July 21; 1856 Jan. 19; 1856 Feb. 24; 1856 Mar. 4; 1856 Mar. 31; 1856 June 20; 1856 July 16; 1857 Apr. 30; 1857 May 17. Carriages and Carts 1825[?] Apr. 9 Carriages and Carts. Italy. Naples 1830 Oct. 25 Cass, Lewis 1846 Apr. 2 Casserly, Eugene 1870 Dec. 9 Cassin, John 1857 Jan. 14; 1857 Jan. 16; 1857 Jan. 27; 1857 Jan. 31; 1857 Feb. 3; 1857 Apr. 4; 1857 Apr. 16; 1857 June 13; 1857 June 16; 1857 June 20; 1857 July 10; 1857 July 17; 1857 Oct. 17; 1857 Dec. 26. Cassin, John [?] 1852 Nov. 19; 1852 Nov. 22; 1852 Nov. 27. Catholic Church. Italy. Florence. Chapel of the Medici 1830 Nov. 9 Catholic Church. Italy. Naples. Church of Saint Francis 1830 Oct. 25 Catholic Church. Italy. Naples. Saint Martino Church 1830 Oct. 25 Catholic Church. New York. New York, Writings: "Churches" p. 2 Cattell, Alexander Gilmore 1870 July 5; 1870 Sept. 16; 1870 Dec. 9. Cemeteries. New York. New York. Greenwood Cemetery Writings: "Greenwood Cemetery" Cemeteries. Tunis 1830 Sept. 12 Central Ohio Railroad Company, 1852 Apr.-1853 Oct. (scattered); [Letters of Edmund Wilkes] 1854 July 5; 1855 Jan. 13; 1855 Aug. 14; 1855 Oct. 3; 1855 Oct. 11; 1855 Nov. 25; 1855 Dec. 23; 1856 Feb. 9; 1856 Feb. 18; 1856 Apr. 20; 1856 Apr. [?]; 1856 May 10; 1856 Aug. 2; 1856 Aug. 26; 185 Chandler, Joseph Ripley 1854 Dec. 20 Chanler, John Winthrop 1863 Jan. 28; 1863 Feb. 6. Chase, Salmon Portland 1863 May 22; 1870 May 20. Chatham Railroad 1865 May 28 Chauncey, Isaac Letter to: 1837 May 25; 1838 Jan. 8. Chemistry. Study and Teaching Volume: Notebook 1847 Cheney, Benjamin Pierce [?], 1859 Oct. 21 Childbirth 1855 July 12 Chile. Arica. Description and Travel, 1822 Aug. 14 Chile. Army 1826 Feb. 4 Chile. Balls (Parties) 1839 June 12 Chile. Chiloe. History 1826 Feb. 4 Chile. Commerce 1825 Nov. 25; 1826 Feb. 4. Chile. Police 1839 June 12 Chile. Population 1826 Feb. 4 Chile. Quillota. Description and Travel 1823 Jan. [?] Chile. Ships 1825 Dec. 14 Chile. Valparaiso. Description and Travel 1822 Feb. 13; 1822 Feb. 20. Chile. Valparaiso. Earthquakes, 1823 Jan. [?] Chile. Valparaiso. Social Life and Customs 1822 Feb. 13; 1822 Feb. 20; 1822 Mar. 20; 1822 Mar. 23. Chile. Wheat 1826 Feb. 4 China. Canton. Description and Travel, 1850 June 23 China. Canton. Fires 1851 Oct. 9[?] China. Civil Service 1850 Dec. 29 China. Commerce 1850 Oct. 24 (attached to letter of Oct. 2) China. Crime and Criminals 1850 Oct. 2 China. Description and Travel, 1850 Dec. 3 China. Foreign Population 1850 Sept. 14 China. Foreign Relations. Great Britain 1850 June 23 China. Foreign Relations. Portugal, 1850 June 23 China. Gardens 1850 Dec. 29 China. History. Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864 1850 Sept. 2; 1850 Sept. 14; 1851 Dec. 8. China. Junks 1850 June 23 China. Merchant Seamen. Missions and Charities 1850 June 23 China. Merchants 1850 Dec. 3; 1850 Dec. 29. China. Missionaries 1850 June 23 China. Politics and Government, 1851 Oct. 9 [?] China. Population 1852 Jan. 3 (with letter of 1851 Dec. 27) China. Shanghai. Harbors 1850 Dec. 3 China. Manufacture and Refining. Sugar, 1851 Nov. 17 China. Whampoa. Description and Travel, 1850 June 23; 1851 Dec. 27. China. Whampoa. Population 1850 June 23 China. Whampoa River. Description and Travel 1851 Dec. 27 Choate, Rufus 1843 Dec. 22; 1845[?] Jan. 31. Chrononlogy. Egyptian 1852 Feb. 13 Civil War. Armies See Confederate States of America. Army; See United States. Army. Civil War. Blockade Running 1862 Oct. 27 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Chambersburg, PA 1862 Oct. 9-12 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22) Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Chancellorsville, VA 1863 May 1863 May 6; 1863 May 20. Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Fort Sumter, SC Clipping: Undated (attached to letter of 1862 Dec. 14; 1863 Apr. 1; 1863 Apr. 2; 1863 Apr. 3; 1863 Apr. 14. Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Fredericksburg, VA 1862 Dec. 3; 1863 Jan. 4. Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Murfreesboro, TN 1863 Jan. 4 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Port Hudson, LA 1863 1863 Apr. 4 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Rappahannock Station, VA 1863 Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Suffolk, VA 1863 Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20 Civil War. Campaigns and Battles. Vicksburg, MS 1863 1863 Apr. 3 Civil War. Contrabands 1862 Aug. 5 Civil War. District of Columbia. Washington 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22); 1863 May 5. Civil War. Fortifications Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 1; Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 25. Civil War. Maryland. Baltimore 1863 Apr. 1 Civil War. Navies See Confederate States of America. Navy; See United States. Navy. Civil War. North Carolina. Gaston 1866 Mar. 28 Civil War. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1863 June 17 Civil War. Prisoners. Confederate 1863 May 5; 1863 May 6; 1863 May 19; 1863 June [?]. Civil War. South Carolina. Charleston, 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22); Clipping: Undated (attached to letter of 1862 Dec. 14). Civil War. Unionists in South and Border Areas 1861 Jan. 2; 1861 May 4. Civil War. Virginia. Petersburg Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 25 Civil War. Virginia. Richmond Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 1 Civil War. Women 1862 Sept. 24; 1862 Oct. 22; 1863 Mar. 15; 1863 Apr. 1. Clay, Henry Letter to: 1842 Mar. 5; 1845 Dec. 12. Clayton, John Middleton 1850 July 12 Clayton, John Middleton [?], 1851 [?] Clergy. British 1830 Dec. 21; 1830 Dec. 25. Clergy. North Carolina 1866 June 21 Clingman, Thomas Lanier 1858 Feb. 7; 1860 Nov. 23. Clinton (Iron Manufacturing) Company, 1836 Aug. 6 Clipper Ships 1851 Dec. 8 Clitz, John M.B. 1863 Jan. 27 (letter enclosed with letter of Jan. 28); 1863 Jan. 28 (2); Feb. 4. Clothing and Dress. France. Paris 1836 Nov. 7 Clothing and Dress. Macao 1851 April 19 (with letter of Mar. 31) Clothing and Dress. Peru 1823 Jan. [?] Clothing and Dress. Tunis 1830[?] Sept. 3 Clothing and Dress. Women 1830 Nov. 11; 1831 Jan. 13; 1851 Sept. 18. Coal. Borneo 1851 Mar. 31 Coal. Formosa 1851 Mar. 31 Coal. Pennsylvania Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Coal Company of Deep River 1860 Sept. 3 Coal Mines and Mining. Ohio 1856 Nov. 19 Coal Mines and Mining. Pennsylvania, 1846 Jan. 14 Coal River 1853 Oct. 17 Coal Trade 1846 Aug. 6 Coastal Surveys. Central America 1848 Feb. 4; 1848 Feb. 21. Coastal Surveys. Mexico 1848 Jan. 19; 1848 Feb. 4. Coastal Surveys. South America 1848 Feb. 4; 1848 Feb. 21. Cochrane, Thomas, Tenth Earl of Dundonald 1823 Jan. [?] Cockroaches 1834 July 25 Coffin, James Henry 1857 Mar. 17; 1857 Apr. 1. Coinage 1857 Mar. 11; 1857 Mar. 20. Colden, Cadwallader David [?] 1825 Mar. 30; 1825 Apr. 4; 1825 Apr. 8; 1825 Aug. 1[?]; 1825[?]; 1830 July 13. Collinson, Sir Richard 1851 Mar. 31 Compass 1848 Mar. 22 Compromise of 1850 1850 May 7 Concerts. District of Columbia. Washington, 1845[?] Jan. 30; 1845[?] Feb. 2; 1851 Mar. 21. Concerts. Florida. Pensacola 1846 Sept. 9 Confederate States of America. Army, 1863 May 6; 1863 June 17; Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20. Confederate States of America. Army. Supplies and Stores 1863 Mar. 15 Confederate States of America. Army. Units. Army of Northern Virginia 1863[?] May 8; 1863[?] May 31; 1863[?] June 17; Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20. Confederate States of America. Navy, 1862 Oct. 27 Congressional Elections. 1853 1853 Aug. 14 Connecticut [?]. Description and Travel 1870 Dec. 16 Connecticut [?]. Iron Industry and Trade 1870 Dec. 16 Cooper, James Fenimore 1852 Mar. 1 Cooper, Thomas Abthorpe 1837 Dec. 31 Copper Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Charlotte 1853 Sept. 2 Copper Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Hipps[?] Mine 1849 Feb. 3; 1849 Feb. 13; 1849 Feb. 18; 1849 Feb. 28. Copyright 1844 Apr. 18; 1844 May 5; 1844 May. Corals 1850 Nov. 5 Corn Meal 1859 Sept. 11 Corn Planters (Machines) 1856 May 4 Corn Trade 1860 Jan. 2 Cotton Growing. Southern States 1849 May 16 Cotton Trade. North Carolina 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 6; 1866 Dec. 14. Courts-Martial and Courts of Inquiry, 1825[?] Aug. 5; 1825[?] Aug. 19; 1830 Aug. 19; 1830 Aug. 25; 1842 Mar. 10; 1842 July 16; 1842 July 22; 1842 Sept. 24; 1843 Apr. 3; 1864 Feb. 29; Miscellany: 1864. Couthuoy, John Pitty 1845[?] Jan. 30 Cox, Samuel Hanson [?] 1834 July 16 Craven, Thomas Tingey 1863 May 28; Legal Papers: 1865 Nov. 20. Craven, Tunus Augustus MacDonough, 1863 Feb. 20 Crime and Criminals. China 1850 Oct. 2 Crime and Criminals. Hong Kong 1850 Oct. 31 Craige, Francis Burton 1858 Feb. 7 Craniology 1850 Nov. 25 Crittendon, John Jordan 1838 May 26 Croxall, Daniel C. 1830 Dec. 8; 1830 Dec. 25. Crustacea 1850 Nov. 29; 1850 Dec. 31; 1851 Mar. 3. Cullum, George Washington 1863 Feb. 28 Cuming, Hugh 1850, Nov. 29 Curacao. Description and Travel, 1848 May 31 Currency 1844 Dec. 31; 1874 Apr. 22. Currency. North Carolina 1865 May 20; 1865 May 28. Curtis, Edward (1801-1856) 1838 June 6 Curtis, Moses Ashley 1849 Apr.; 1849 May 21; 1849 June 9; 1849 Aug. 31; 1857 Sept. 5; 1857 Nov. 9; 1859 May 10; 1860 Jan. 3; 1871 Sept. 18. Cutting, Francis Brockholst, 1854 Mar. 30; 1854 July 18. Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard, 1863 Feb. 3; 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 Mar. 14; 1863 Mar. 18; 1863 Mar. 27; 1863 Apr. 1; 1863 June 9; 1863 June 17; 1870 July 15. Dana, James Dwight (1813-1895), 1849 Aug. 14; 1857 Oct. 8; 1854 Dec. 20; 1857 Jan. 4; 1857 Jan. 31; 1857 Feb. 3; 1857 Apr. 14. Dauphin and Susquehannah Coal Company, 1846 Jan. 14 Davis, Charles Henry (1807-1877), 1863 Mar. 16; 1870 Aug. 25. Davis, Jefferson 1854 June 15 Davis, John Wesley 1844[?]; 1845 Feb. 9; 1849 Mar. 22. Davis, Thomas Treadwell [?], Letter to: 1856 Apr. 21 Davis, Varina Anne (Howell), 1854 June 15 Day, Jeremiah B. [?] 1825 Aug. 13; 1825 Aug. 16. Dayton, William Lewis Letter to: 1848 Dec. 16 Delaware River Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) Dent, Edward John 1837 Jan. 30 (2) Depressions. 1837 1837 Mar. 13 Depressions. 1857 1857 Oct. 1; 1857 Oct. 5; 1857 Oct. 11 (2); 1857 Oct. 13; 1857 Oct. 25; 1857 Nov. 1. Depressions. 1857. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter V) Depressions. 1867 1867 Feb. 20; 1867 Mar. 4. Derby, Miller and Company 1849 Dec. 29 De Rosset, Moses John 1859 May 10 Dickerson, Mahlon Letter to: 1834 Dec. 13; Letter to: 1836 Oct. 13; Letter to: 1836 Nov. 3; Letter to: 1837 Jan. 30; Letter to: 1837 Dec. 7; 1836 May 13; 1837 Dec. 19; 1838 Jan. 8; 1838 Jan. 22; 1838 Feb. 5. Dickerson, Mahlon [?] 1838 Jan. 6; 1838 Jan. 8. Dickerson, Philemon 1836 May 22; 1836 May 23; 1836 May 28; 1836 June 4; 1836 June 10. Dickinson, Daniel Stevens [?], 1851 Jan. 15 Dinners and Dining. District of Columbia. Washington 1828 Nov. 14 Dinners and Dining. Philippine Islands. Manila 1851 Jan. 27 Diseases. Care and Treatment 1834 July 25; 1850 July 24; 1862 Oct. 19. Diseases. Cholera 1834 Aug. 24; 1834 Sept. 3; 1834 Sept. 9; 1834 Oct. 2; 1849 May 15; 1849 June 1; 1849 June 6; 1849 June 11; 1849 June 14; 1849 June 18; 1849 June 29. Diseases. Cholera. District of Columbia. Washington 1849 July 4; 1849 July 9; 1849 July 11; 1849 Aug. 11; 1849 Aug. 14. Diseases. Cholera. New York 1849 June 7 Diseases. Cholera. North Carolina 1849 May 8 Diseases. District of Columbia. Washington, 1848 Oct. 5; 1848 Oct. 9; 1849 Sept. 12. Diseases. Dysentery 1850 July 24 Diseases. Epidemics. Cholera 1849 Jan. 3 Diseases. Epidemics. Yellow Fever 1849 Feb. 1; 1850 Mar. 14; 1850 Mar. 16. Diseases. Influenza 1846 Aug. 29; 1846 Sept. 9. Diseases. Malaria [?] 1848 Feb. 27 Diseases. Measles 1834 Apr. 23 Diseases. Measles. North Carolina 1857 Mar. 15 Diseases. North Carolina 1851 Jan. 2 Diseases. Scarlet Fever 1834 Apr. 23 Diseases. Smallpox 1850 Dec. 26 Diseases. Smallpox. Malta 1830 Sept. 18 Diseases. Smallpox. North Carolina 1851 Jan. 21 Diseases. Yellow Fever 1847 Oct. 26; 1850 Mar. 16; 1850 Mar. 17 (on letter of May 23). Diseases. Yellow Fever. South Carolina. Charleston 1849 Oct. 12 District of Columbia. Balls (Parties), 1849 Mar. 18[?] District of Columbia. Banks and Banking 1870 July 15 District of Columbia. Water Supply, 1860 Jan. 12 District of Columbia. Washington, 1863 Mar. 14; Legal Papers: Undated (2 Plates). District of Columbia. Washington. Civil War 1862 Oct. 18; 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22); 1862 Nov.; 1863 Jan. 9; 1863 Mar. 15; 1863 Apr. 16; 1863 May 5; 1863 May 6; 1863 May 7; 1863 May 22; 1863 June 9; 1863 June 17 (2). District of Columbia. Washington. Concerts 1845[?] Jan. 30; 1845[?] Feb. 2; 1851 Mar. 21. District of Columbia. Washington. Description and Travel 1848 Nov. 30; 1849 Apr. 24. District of Columbia. Washington. Dinners and Dining 1828 Nov. 14 District of Columbia. Washington. Diseases 1848 Oct. 5; 1848 Oct. 9; 1849 Sept. 12. District of Columbia. Washington. Diseases. Cholera 1849 July 4; 1849 July 9; 1849 July 11; 1849 Aug. 11; 1849 Aug. 14. District of Columbia. Washington. Economic Conditions 1867 Mar. 14 District of Columbia. Washington. Elections 1849 June 7 District of Columbia. Washington. Fires 1849 Nov. 15; 1853 May 31. District of Columbia. Washington. Fourth of July Celebrations 1849 July 4 District of Columbia. Washington. Freedman's Bank 1870 July 15 District of Columbia. Washington. Gardeners 1849 June 11; 1849 June 22; 1849 Aug. 11; 1849 Aug. 14; 1849 Oct. 31. District of Columbia. Washington. Georgetown. Gardens 1825 Aug. 19 District of Columbia. Washington. Greenhouses 1850 May 23; 1850 June 13; 1850 June; 1850 July 5; 1850 July 6; 1850 Aug. 5; 1850 Oct. 3; 1852 June 13; Financial Papers: 1850 June[?]. District of Columbia. Washington. Holmes Island Miscellany: Undated (2) District of Columbia. Washington. Hotels 1871 Sept. 8 District of Columbia. Washington. Houses 1849 Nov. 21; 1849 Nov. 30; 1871 May 12. District of Columbia. Washington. Land, 1874 June 9; 1874 June 10. District of Columbia. Washington. Land Plats Broadside: 1874[?] May 12 (in Picture Cabinet III-3) District of Columbia. Washington. National Institute Museum 1852 Sept. 17 District of Columbia. Washington. New Year 1863 Jan. 4 District of Columbia. Washington. Politics and Government 1874 May 1; 1874 June 23. District of Columbia. Washington. Protestant Episcopal Church. St. John's Church 1825 Mar. 22 District of Columbia. Washington. Public Health 1825 Aug. 5 District of Columbia. Washington. Public Works 1848 Nov. 12; 1849 July 31; 1849 Aug. 10; 1849 Oct. 10; 1850 Feb. 1; 1851 May 7; 1851 May 8; 1851 May 25; 1870 June 3; 1870 July 15; 1870 Dec. 9; 1870 Dec. 21; 1871 Mar. 21; 1871 May 12; 1871 June 20; 1873 Jan. 25. District of Columbia. Washington. Railroads 1871 Sept. 8; 1873 Nov. 3; 1873 Nov. 9. District of Columbia. Washington. Secession 1862 Oct. 18; 1863 May 22. District of Columbia. Washington. Slave Sales and Purchases 1854 Dec. 14 District of Columbia. Washington. Slaves. Hiring of 1852 Oct. 5; 1854 Dec. 14; 1854 Dec. 15. District of Columbia. Washington. Social Life and Customs 1826 Jan. 26; 1845[?] Jan. 11; 1845[?] Jan. 30; 1845[?] Feb. 2; 1849 Dec. 8 (on letter of Dec. 5); 1852 May 3 (with letter of same date); 1863 Jan. 18; 1863 Feb. 6; 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 May 29. District of Columbia. Washington. Washington Monument 1849 July 4 District of Columbia. Washington. Weddings 1836 July 2 District of Columbia. Washington. White House 1825[?] Apr. 9; 1828 Nov. 14. District of Columbia. Washington. Women 1825[?] Apr. 9 Dix, John Adams 1862 Aug. 5 Dix, John Adams [?] 1849 May 15 Dixon, James [?] 1863 Jan. 9; 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan. 23. Dobbin, James Cochran 1853[?] Dec. 20 Dominican Republic. Description and Travel 1859 Aug. 16 Dougal, William H. 1849 Apr. 18; 1857 Apr. 14; 1857 Sept. 5; 1857 Sept. 12; 1857 Nov. 9. Douglas, Stephen Arnold [?], 1854 Mar. 30 Downes, John (1784-1854) 1838 June 4; 1849 Dec. 26; 1850 Jan. 14; 1850 Jan. 21. Drayton, William (1776-1846), 1830 June 20 Duels and Duelling 1827[?] Mar. 7 Duels and Duelling. Hawaii 1848 June 5 Du Pont, Samuel Francis 1862 Oct. 1; 1863 Apr. 3; 1863 Apr. 19; 1863 May 7 (part of letter of May 5). Durham, Milton Jamison [?] 1874 May 18; 1874 May 28. Duryée, Abram 1862 Dec. 3; 1862 Dec. 4. Eames, Charles 1864 Feb. 29; Miscellany: 1864. Earthquakes. Chile. Valparaiso 1823 Jan. [?] Earthquakes. Peru. Lima 1823 Jan. [?] Earthquakes. Philippine Islands. Manila, 1851 Jan. 27 Earthquakes. Venezuela. Caracas 1848 May 31 East India Marine Society 1836 Nov. 3 Eclipses. Solar 1834 Dec. 13 Ecuador. Quayaquil. Social Life and Customs 1822 Aug. 14 Edmunds, George Franklin 1874 May 18 Eimeo. Description and Travel, 1839 Sept. 26 Ellet, Charles Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIV, pp. 150-151) Ellis, John Willis Letter to: 1859 Mar. 23; 1859 Apr. 10; 1859 May 10; 1859 July 3; 1859 July 10; 1859 July 20; 1860 Oct. 9. Ellsworth, Henry Leavitt 1844 Dec. 31 England. Liverpool. Description and Travel 1836 Aug. 28 England. London. London Exhibition, 1851 1851 June 11 English Abroad. Australia 1839 Dec. 3 English Abroad. Brazil 1838 Dec. 18 English Abroad. France 1830 Dec. 21; 1830 Dec. 25. English Abroad. Hong Kong 1850 Oct. 31; 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 July 9. English Abroad. Italy 1830 Nov. 5 English Abroad. Macao 1850 July 24; 1850 Sept. 2. English Abroad. Tunis 1830 Sept. 18 Ericsson, John 1836 Oct. 28 Europe. Politics and Government, 1850 July 1 Eustis, Henry Lawrence 1850 Oct. 2; 1850 Oct. 22; 1850 Nov. 7; 1850 Nov. 10; 1850 Dec. 3; 1850 Dec. 22. Evans, Clement Anselm [?] 1863 May 6 Everett, Alexander Hill 1850 June 23 Everett, Edward 1852 Nov. 1; 1855 Dec. 17. Eubank, Thomas 1849 Apr. 28; 1849 May 6; 1849 May 14; 1849 July 31; 1849 Aug. 14; 1849 Aug. 15; 1849 Aug. 27. Ewing, Thomas (1829-1896) [?], 1849 Apr. 27; 1849 Aug. 10; 1849 Aug. 11; 1849 Aug. 27; 1849 Oct. 31. Excelsior Railroad 1853 Jan. 3 Exploration of the Pacific 1855 Feb. 3 Farms. Delaware Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) Farragut, David Glasgow 1863 Apr. 3; 1863 Apr. 16; 1863 June 9. Farrelly, John Wilson 1849 Apr. 28 Fasts and Feasts 1863 May 5 Fiji Islands 1840 Aug. 10; 1849 Nov. 15; Volume: 1840 July 15. Fiji Islands. Cannibalism 1840 Aug. 10 Fiji Islands. Discovery and Exploration 1840 June 22 Fiji Islands. Missionaries 1840 Aug. 10 Fiji Islands. Murder 1849 Aug. 10; Volume: 1840 July 15. Fiji Islands. Native Races 1840 Aug. 10; 1840 Aug. 18. Fillmore, Abigail (Powers) 1852 Dec. 8 Fillmore, Mary Abigail 1852 Dec. 8 Fillmore, Millard 1850 July 12; 1852 July 21; 1856 July 24. Fire Alarms. Massachusetts. Boston 1852 Nov. [?]; 1852 Dec. 3. Fire Departments. New York. New York, Writings: "Fire Department" Fires. China. Canton 1851 Oct. 9[?] Fires. North Carolina. Charlotte 1871 Nov. 17 Fires. District of Columbia. Washington, 1849 Nov. 15; 1853 May 31. First National Bank of Charlotte, 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 14; 1867 Feb. 10; 1867 Apr. 4; 1867 May 22; 1867 May 28; 1867 June 28; 1867 Aug. 25; 1867 Sept. 9; 1867 Sept. 11; 1867 Sept. 30; 1867 Dec. 16; 1867 Dec. 18; 1867 Dec. 22; 1867 Dec.; 1868 Feb. 3. Fish, Hamilton 1843 Nov. 16; 1843 Dec. 1; 1844 Dec. 27; 1852 July 24. Fish, Hamilton [?] 1846 Dec. 31 Fish, Mrs. Hamilton 1843 Dec. 2 Fish 1849 Apr. 6; 1850 July 10; 1850 Aug. 7; 1857 Jan. 4. Fisher, Charles Frederick Letter to: 1860 June 25; 1858 Feb. 7; 1858 Mar. 5; 1858 July 11; 1858 Oct. 24; 1858 Dec. 12; 1859 Jan. 25; 1859 Feb. 7; 1859 Feb. 20; 1859 Mar. 23; 1859 Apr. 10; 1859 Apr. 23; 1859 May 10; 1859 June 29; 1859 July 3; 1859 July 10; 1859 July 20; 1859 July 2 Florida. Economic Conditions, 1832 Feb. 27 Florida. Immigration 1832 Feb. 27 Florida. Indians 1849 Sept. 30 Florida. Pensacola. Concerts, 1846 Sept. 9 Florida. Pensacola. Women 1846 Jan. 7 Florida. St. Joseph. Harbors, 1836 May 1 Flour. Manufacture and Trade 1859 Apr. 23 Flour. Manufacture and Trade. North Carolina 1857 July 5; 1858 May 9; 1858 June 24; 1858 June 25. Flour Mills. North Carolina 1850 Apr. 13; 1856 Aug. 26; 1857 Feb.-June (scattered); 1857 July 12; 1857 Aug. 2; 1858 Aug. 8-1859 Sept. 11 (scattered); 1859 Sept. 11. Flügel, Johann Gottfried [?], Letter to: 1849 Dec. 22 (enclosed with letter of 1850 Mar. 14) Folsom, George 1874 Dec. 28 Foote, Andrew Hull 1862 Oct. 18; 1863 Mar. 27; 1863 Apr. 2. Foote, Henry Stuart 1852 May 3 (with letter of same date) Forbes, Robert Bennet 1850 Sept. 2; 1859 June 16. Force, Peter 1874 Dec. 28 Formosa. Coal 1851 Mar. 31 Formosa. Foreign Relations. United States 1851 July 20 Forrest, French 1848 June 30; 1850 Apr. 26. Forsyth, John (1780-1841) 1825 Aug. 16 Fort Darling. Virginia. Fortifications, Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 25 Fort McAllister. South Carolina, 1863 Feb. 22 Fort Monroe. Virginia 1862 Aug. 21 (enclosed with letter of Aug. 22) Fort Snelling. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Foster, John Gray 1863 Feb. 8; 1863 Feb. 18; Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20. Foster, Lafayette Sabine 1863 Feb. 3 Foundries. Ohio. Bellaire 1855[?] Fourth of July Celebrations. District of Columbia. Washington 1849 July 4 Fourth of July Celebrations. New York, 1830 July Fox, Gustavus Vasa 1863 Apr. 4; 1863 Apr. 19; 1863 June 9. France. Americans in 1830 Dec. 21 France. Army 1830[?] Sept. 3 France. Ballet 1836 Oct. 9 France. Balls (Parties) 1831 Jan. 13 France. Description and Travel, 1830 Dec. 21 France. Diplomatic Consular Service, 1830 Sept. 12; 1830 Sept. 18; 1870 July 15. France. English in 1830 Dec. 21; 1830 Dec. 25. France. Foreign Relations. Hawaii, 1851 Mar. 28 France. Marseilles. Description and Travel 1830 Dec. 8; 1830 Dec. 25; 1831 Jan. 2. France. National Guard 1831 Jan. 2 France. Navy 1830[?] Sept. 3; 1830 Dec. 21. France. Nîmes 1831 Jan. 11 France. Opera 1836 Oct. 9 France. Paris. Clothing and Dress, 1836 Nov. 7 France. Roads 1830 Dec. 21 France. Social Life and Customs, 1830 Dec. 25 France. St. Germain. Social Life and Customs 1836 Oct. 9 France. Stagecoaches 1830 Dec. 21 France. Toulon. Description and Travel, 1830 Dec. 21 Franco-German War, 1870-1871, 1870 July 15; 1870 Aug. 25. Franklin, Jane (Griffin), Lady, 1849 June 24; 1849 June 26. Franklin, Sir John 1849 May 20; 1849 May 21; 1849 May 28; 1849 May 30; 1849 June 8; 1849 June 13; 1849 June 24; 1849 June 26; 1849 June 30; 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 Mar. 31; 1852 Mar. 1; 1852 Mar. 18; Clipping: 1863 Feb. 9 (attached to letter of 1862 Aug. 6). Franklin, William Buel 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28. Freedman's Bank. District of Columbia. Washington 1870 July 15 Freedmen 1853 June 20 Frémont, John Charles (1813-1890), 1848 Oct. 10; 1862 Sept. 24. French Abroad. Algeria 1830 Oct. 4 Frye, William Pierce [?] 1874 Jan. 24; 1874 May 18; 1874 May 28. Fungi 1849 Oct. 9; 1850 Jan. 24; 1850 Aug. 19; 1850 Dec. 23. Furness, William Henry (1802-1896), 1849 Sept. 4 Gaines, Edmund Pendleton 1836 May 5 Gall, Franz Joseph 1838 Nov. 25 Gales, Joseph (1786-1860) 1849 May 5 Gardeners. District of Columbia. Washington 1849 June 11; 1849 June 22; 1849 Aug. 11; 1849 Aug. 14; 1849 Oct. 31. Gardens. China 1850 Dec. 29 Gardens. District of Columbia. Washington. Georgetown 1825 Aug. 19 Gardens. Madeira 1838 Sept. 26 Geological Surveys. New York 1844 May 5 Geology. North Carolina Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 3-14 Georges Bank 1837 May 25; 1837 June 25; 1837 Dec. 2. Georges Bank. Marine Surveys, 1837 May 25; 1837 June 25; 1837 Dec. 2. Georgia. Political Parties. Loco Foco, 1849 Dec. 21 Georgia. Savannah. Description and Travel 1837 Dec. 31 Georgia. Slaves 1850s Giants 1839 June 12 Gibbes, Robert Wilson 1851 Nov. 3 Gibraltar. Description and Travel, 1830 Aug. 5; 1830 Aug. 7; 1830 Aug. 9. Gillett, Ransom Hooker 1857 June 17; 1857 June 18 (on verso of letter of June 14). Gilliss, James Melville 1837[?] June 25; 1837[?] June 29[?]; 1837[?] Dec. 2; 1837[?] Dec. 6; 1837[?] Dec. 10; 1837[?] Dec. 15; 1837[?] Dec. 19; 1837[?] Dec. 26; 1837[?] Dec. 29; 1838 Jan. 3; 1838 Jan. 6; 1838 Jan. 8 (2); 1838 Jan. 18; 1838 Jan. 22; 1838 Aug. 11; 1840 Nov.; 1848 Gilpin, Henry Dilworth 1847 Dec. 28 Gipps, Sir George 1839 Dec. 2; 1839 Dec. 3; 1839 Dec. 10. Girard, Charles Frederic 1857 Jan. 15; 1857 June 8. Glass Manufacture 1850 Oct. 29; 1854 Mar. 23. Glendy, William M. 1849 Feb. 1; 1849 Dec. 26; 1849 Dec. 30; 1850 Jan. 3; 1850 Jan. 9; 1850 Jan. 14; 1850 Jan. 21; 1850 Jan. 27; 1850 Mar. 14; 1850 Mar. 16; 1850 Mar. 28; 1850 Apr. 21; 1850 June 9; 1850 June 23; 1850 July 24; 1850 Oct. 24 (attached to letter of Oct. 2); 1850 Glynn, James Letter to: 1830s Gnomonic Projection 1843 Nov. 7 Gold. California 1849[?] Feb. Gold Mines and Mining 1853 Sept. 29 Gold Mines and Mining. California 1849 Mar. 2; 1849 Mar. 31. Gold Mines and Mining. New Granada Printed Material: 1852 May 22 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina, 1848 Aug.-1849 Apr. (letters of Charles and Edmund Wilkes); 1853 Apr. 5; 1876 Apr. 8; 1876 Apr. 16. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Alexander Mine 1853 Apr. 19 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Asbury Mine Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9-10,15) Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Brush(y) Hill Mine 1849 Mar. 22; 1854 July 16; 1854 Aug. 20; 1858 Mar. 31. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Caldwell Mine 1849 Nov. 26 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Capp's Gold Mine 1848 Aug-1849 June (scattered, especially see letters of Edmund Wilkes); 1849 Nov.-1850 Dec. (scattered, especially see letters of Edmund Wilkes); 1851 Jan. 1; 1851 Jan. 2; 1851 Mar. 10; 1851 Mar. 19; 1851 June 23; 1851 July 12; 1851 Aug. 3; 1851 Aug. 6; Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Charlotte 1849 Jan. 3; 1849 Jan. 3. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Charlotte Hill Mine 1848 Dec. 9; 1848 Dec. 17; 1848 Dec. 27; 1849 Jan. 4; 1849 Jan. 10; 1849 Jan. 21; 1849 Feb. 10; 1849 Mar. 17; 1849 Mar. 21; 1849 Mar. 22; 1849 Mar. 25; 1849 Mar. 29 (2); 1849 Apr. 4; 1849 Apr. 14; 1849 Apr. 20; 1849 Apr. 23; 1849 Apr. 30; 1849 May 6; 1849 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Chatham County 1871 Nov. 1 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Davidson Gold Mine 1848 Dec. 31; 1849 Jan. 20. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Duffie Mine 1853 Apr. 22 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Dunn's [?] Gold Mine 1848 Dec. 31; 1849 Jan. 16; 1853 Apr. 16. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Felt Mine 1849 Feb. 10; 1853 Aug. 21. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Gold Hill Mine 1856 Mar. 16; 1874 Mar. 29; 1874 June 5. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Greensboro 1853 Oct. 30 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. High Shoals Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9-10, 13-15) Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. High Shoals Mine Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9-10) Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Howie Mine 1854 Jan. 28; 1854 July 23; 1854 Aug. 13 (with letter of July 30); 1855 Mar. 4; 1855 Mar. 18; 1855 Apr. 8; 1855 Apr. 17; 1855 May 5; 1855 May 13; 1855 Aug. 24; 1855 Dec. 15; 1856 Mar. 16. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Hunter Mine 1854 July 16 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. King Mountain Mine 1850 Mar. 23; 1855 Jan. 24; 1871 Nov. 1; 1873 Jan. 19; 1874 Mar. 21; 1876 Feb. 21; Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 15). Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Lemon [?] Mine 1849 Feb. 18 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Long Creek Mine Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9,15) Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. McCullock Gold Mine 1853 May 30; 1853 Oct. 30. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. McGinn Gold and Copper Mine 1849 Feb. 3; 1849 Feb. 10; 1853 Apr. 16; 1853 Apr. 19; 1853 Apr. 22; 1853 Oct. 30; 1853 Nov. 1; 1853 Nov. 3; 1854 Jan. 18; 1854 Feb. 5; 1854 Apr. 2; 1854 May 21; 1854 Dec. 3; 1854 Dec. 10; 1854 Dec. 22; 1855 Jan. 24; 1855 Feb. 11; 1855 Mar. 4; 1855 Apr. 2 Gold Mines and Mining [?]. North Carolina. Maxwell Mine 1849 Feb. 13; 1849 Mar. 10; 1850 Dec. 16; 1851 Oct. 5; 1851 Oct. 7; 1853 May 7; 1853 Aug. 15; 1856 Mar. 4; 1856 Nov. 18; 1856 Dec. 3; 1857 Mar. 21; Legal Papers: 1860 Aug. 4. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. O'Farrell Mine 1849 Feb. 10; 1853 Apr. 3; 1853 Apr. 5; 1853 Apr. 16; 1853 May 7; 1853 Aug. 21; Legal Papers: 1860 Aug. 4. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Oliver Mine 1849 Apr. 14; 1849 June 22; 1849 July 25; 1849 July 28; 1853 Apr. 9; 1854 Mar. 21. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Rudisill Hill Gold Mine 1854 Aug. 20; 1855 Aug. 17; 1856 May 4; 1856 Sept. 2; 1856 Dec. 21; 1857 Nov. 14; 1858 Mar. 31; 1858 Apr. 21; 1866 Mar. 28; Legal Papers: Undated. Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Saint Catherines Mills 1854 Mar. 11; 1854 Mar. 16; 1854 Mar. 18; 1854 Mar. 21; 1854 Mar. 22; 1854 Mar. 23; 1854 Mar. 29; 1854 Apr. 2; 1854 May 21; 1854 May 29; 1854 June 27; 1854 July 2; 1854 July 9; 1854 July 23; 1854 Aug. 20; 1854 Nov. 1; 1854; 1856 Mar. 31; 1857 Mar. 21; 185 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Tradywick [?] Mine 1853 Apr. 16 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Trotten Hill Gold Mine 1855 Aug. 17 Gold Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Watkins Mine 1853 Aug. 21 Gold Mines and Mining. Virginia 1853 Oct. 23; 1854 Jan. 28. Gold Mines and Mining. Virginia. Vancluse Mine 1849 Nov. 30; 1853 Oct. 23. Gold Rush. California 1848 Dec. 12; 1849 Jan. 24; 1849 Jan. 29; 1849 Feb. 1; 1849 Feb. 4; 1849 Mar. 2; 1849 Mar. 31. Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes, Letter to: 1832 Feb. 6; Letter to: 1832 Feb. 27; 1848 Jan. 27; 1850 Dec. 3; 1862 Oct. 19; 1862 Dec. 3; 1863 Feb. 3; 1863 Mar. 6; 1863 May 19; 1870 Aug. 25. Gould, Augustus Addison 1851 Oct. 8; 1857 Jan. 12; 1857 Jan. 31; 1857 Apr. 14; 1857 June 20; 1857 July 17; 1857 Oct. 21. Graham, James Duncan 1843 Mar. 5; 1843 Apr. 14; 1843 May 5; 1843 July 21; 1843 Aug. 16; 1843 Oct. 27. Graham, William Alexander 1850 Dec. 23; 1868 Feb. 3; 1870 May 20; 1870 July 6; 1870 July 15; 1870 Aug. 3; 1870 Aug. 13; 1870 Aug. 22; 1870 Dec. 26; 1871 Jan. 20; 1872 Sept. 19; 1873 Jan. 19; 1873 Mar. 6; 1873 May 27; 1874 July 13; 1875 Jan. 31; 1875 Feb. 7; 1875 Aug. 15; 1875 Sept Grant, Ulysses Simpson 1870 July 15; 1870 Aug. 25; 1870 Dec. 9; 1872 Jan. 10. Gray, Asa Letter to: 1857 June 3; 1849 Apr.; 1849 Aug. 11; 1850 Apr. 11; 1851 Aug. 4; 1852 June 21; ca. 1852 July 4; 1852 Nov. 22; 1853 Jan. 11; 1857 Jan. 14; 1857 Feb. 7; 1857 May 4; 1857 May 26; 1857 June 18; 1857 June 20; 1859 July 19; 1860 Jan. 3; 1873 Jan. 30; Grayson, John William 1838 Jan. 19 Great Britain. Foreign Relations. China 1850 June 23 Great Britain. Foreign Relations. Hawaii 1850 May 22; 1851 Mar. 28. Great Britain. Foreign Relations. United States 1838 Jan. 6; 1862 Jan. 16; Writings: "The Surrender of Mason and Slidell"; Writings: "The great international question"; Writings: "In difesa del San Giacinto". Gregory, Francis H. 1864 Feb. 29; Miscellany: 1838. Grey, Sir Charles Edward 1854 Apr. 23 Griffin, Charles 1863 Mar. 10 Grinnell, Henry 1874 Dec. 28 Grinnell, Joseph [?] 1844[?] Grinnell Expedition, First, 1850-1851, 1850 July 24 Gulf Stream 1859 May 14 Gunboats 1862 Aug. 7; 1862 Aug. 12. Hairstyles 1863 Mar. 15 Hale, John Parker Letter to: 1849 Mar. 19; 1849 Mar. 25; 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan. 26; 1863 Feb. 10; 1863 Feb. 11. Hall, George [?] Legal Papers: 1836 July Halleck, Henry Wagner Letter to: 1862 Aug. 21 (enclosed with letter of 1862 Aug. 22; 1863 Jan. 2; 1863 Jan. 4; 1863 May 7. Hamilton, James Alexander [?], 1842 July 22; Legal Papers: 1835 Sept. 12. Hanpfield [?] Railroad 1858 May 24; 1858 June 8. Harbors. Florida. St. Joseph 1836 May 1 Harbors. Peru 1825 Nov. 25 Harbors. China. Shanghai 1850 Dec. 3 Harper, James (1795-1869) 1844 Oct. 12 Harper and Brothers Company, 1843 Feb. 2; 1845 Feb. 23. Harris, Ira Letter to: 1862 Dec. 14; 1862 Dec. 12; 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan. 23; 1863 Feb. 3; 1863 Feb. 18. Harris, Townsend 1850 Dec. 3 Hartsuff, George Lucas 1863 Feb. 10 Harvey, William Henry 1850 Jan. 22; 1850 Nov. 6; 1851 Feb. 8; 1857 Jan. 27. Harwood, Andrew Allen 1863 Apr. 24 Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph 1834 Dec. 31; 1836 Sept. 7; 1838 Jan. 18; 1842 Oct. 18; 1842 Dec. 5; 1843 Mar. 5; 1843 Mar. 13; 1843 Mar. 18; 1843 Mar. 26; 1843 Apr. 14. Hatch, Israel Thompson 1859 Feb. 14 Hawaii 1852 Feb. 21 Hawaii. Duels and Duelling 1848 June 5 Hawaii. Education of Women 1841 Mar. 14 Hawaii. Foreign Relations. France, 1851 Mar. 28 Hawaii. Foreign Relations. Great Britain 1850 May 22; 1851 Mar. 28. Hawaii. Foreign Relations. Russia, 1851 Mar. 28 Hawaii. Foreign Relations. United States 1850 July 12; 1851 Mar. 28. Hawaii. Governors 1841 Hawaii. Houses 1841 Feb. 14 Hawaii. Kings and Rulers 1841 Mar. 14; 1848 June 5; 1850 June 16; 1851 Mar. 28. Hawaii. Missionaries 1840 Nov. 8; 1841 Mar. 14; 1841 [?](2). Hawaii. Politics and Government, 1848 Dec. 12 Hawaii. Hilo. Schools and Academies, 1846 Oct. 3 Hawaii. Wailuku. Description and Travel 1841 Mar. 14 Hawks, Francis Lister 1857 May 24 Hayne, Arthur Peronneau 1830 June 20 Hayne, Arthur Peronneau [?], 1849 June 6; 1849 June 14. Hayne, Robert Young 1833 July 28 Hayne, Robert Young [?] 1830 June 20 Heap, Samuel Davies 1830 Sept. 3; 1830 Sept. 18; 1830 Oct. 4. Henry, Joseph 1837 Dec. 1; 1859 Aug. 20. Henry, Joseph [?] 1849 May 5; 1851. Henshaw, David Letter to: 1843 Aug. 21; 1843 Aug. 4. Herndon, William Lewis 1853 May 31; 1853 June 1; 1853 June 3. High Shoals Iron Works 1866 July 30; 1866 Aug. 1; 1866 Aug. 20; 1866 Sept. 10; 1866 Sept. 19; 1866 Dec. 6; 1866 Dec. 14; 1867 Jan. 30; 1867 Feb. 4; 1867 Mar. 4; 1867 Mar. 5; 1867 Mar. 26; 1867 Mar. 28; 1867 Apr. 4; 1867 May 22; 1867 May 28; 1867 Aug.-Dec. (scattered); 1868 Jan. Hise, Elijah 1849 Feb. 24; 1849 Mar. 12. Hitchcock, Edward (1793-1864), 1849 Apr. 30 Hodgson, William Brown [?] 1836 Oct. 9 Hoffman, Ogden [?] 1825 Oct. 29 Holden, William Woods 1870 Aug. 3; 1870 Aug. 22. Holmes, Isaac Edward 1851 Feb. 5 Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1841-1935), 1863 May 6 Hong Kong. Americans in 1850 June 23; 1850 Oct. 2; 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 Mar. 31. Hong Kong. Armed Forces 1850 Oct. 31 Hong Kong. Crime and Criminals, 1850 Oct. 31 Hong Kong. Description and Travel, 1850 Oct. 31 Hong Kong. English in 1850 Oct. 31; 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 July 9. Hong Kong. Governors 1850 Oct. 31 Hong Kong. Politics and Government, 1850 Oct. 31 Hong Kong. Population 1850 Oct. 31 Hong Kong. Social Life and Customs, 1850 Dec. 3 Hooker, Sir William Jackson, 1850 Apr. 11; 1852 June 18 (enclosed with letter of June 21). Hooker, Joseph 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 Feb. 18; 1863 Apr. 1; 1863 Apr. 14 (part of letter of Apr. 13); 1863 May 7; 1863 May 8; 1863 May 19; 1863 May 22; 1863 May 29; 1863 June 17; Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20. Hooper, Samuel 1863 Mar. 18; 1863 Apr. 1. Horsford, Eben Norton 1850 Sept. 7; 1850 Oct. 29; 1850 Nov. 10; 1850 Dec. 3. Hosack, David [?] 1825 Aug. 5 Hotels. District of Columbia. Washington, 1871 Sept. 8 Hotels. Mexico. Bell's Hotel 1848 Feb. 27 Hotels. New York. New York Writings: "Hotels" Hotels. New York. New York. French's Hotel, 1860 Oct. 3 Hotels. Ohio. Cleveland. American Hotel, 1852 Aug. 30 Hotels. Rhode Island. Bristol Ferry House, Printed Material: 1856 [?] Hotels. West Virginia. Wheeling. M'Lure House 1854 Oct. 30 Houses. District of Columbia. Washington, 1849 Nov. 21; 1849 Nov. 30; 1871 May 12. Houses. Hawaii 1841 Feb. 14 Houses. Madeira 1838 Sept. 26 Houses. Madison House 1851 July 20; 1851 Nov. 4. Houses. New York. Amsterdam [?] 1825[?] June 1 Houses. New York. New York Untitled, pp. 10-12 Houses. South Carolina. Charleston 1837 Dec. 21 Houston, Samuel 1836 May 5 Howe, Timothy Otis 1870 Dec. 21; 1874 May 1; 1874 May 18; 1874 May 25; 1874 May 28; 1874 June 10; 1874 July 1. Hudson, Henry Norman 1850 Jan. 1 Hudson, William H. Letter to: 1838 June 5; 1836 Mar. 26-June 18 (several); 1837 May 16; 1838 July 19-1839 June 12 (several); 1839 [?]; 1840 Mar. 27; 1840 Oct. 18; 1840 Dec. 2; 1841 Nov. 27; 1842 Feb. 20; 1842 Mar. 18; 1842 Mar. 21; 1842 June 20; 1842 Dec. 7; 1843 Aug. 4; 18 Hudson's Bay Company 1840 Oct. 18 Hughes, George Wurtz Letter to: 1836 May 24 Hughes, James (1823-1873) [?], 1871 Feb. 15 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22) Hunt, Timothy A. 1863 Feb. 28 Hunter, David 1863 Feb. 18 Hurricanes. Bay of Bengal 1851 Nov. 17 Ice Islands 1839 Mar. 31; 1840 Mar. 7. Ice. Manufacture 1873 Mar. 6 Illinois. Chicago. Description and Travel 1856 Aug. 2; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter III). Illinois. Fever River Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Illinois. Galena. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Illinois. Lead Industry and Trade, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Illinois. Mendota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Illinois. Quincy. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XI) Illinois. Springfield. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XI) Indians. Florida 1849 Sept. 30 Indians. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Ingersoll, Collin Macrae 1853 Sept. 2 Ingerham, Duncan Nathaniel 1863 Feb. 11 Iowa. Dubuque. Description and Travel, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Iowa. Lead Mines and Mining. Mallet Lead Mine Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Iowa. MacGregor's Landing. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IX) Iron 1846 Feb. 3 Iron. Prices. South 1874 [?] Iron Industry and Trade 1874 [?]; 1876 Feb. 27; 1876 Mar. 26; 1876 Apr. 16. Iron Industry and Trade. Connecticut [?], 1870 Dec. 16 Iron Industry and Trade. New Jersey, 1836 Aug. 6 Iron Industry and Trade. North Carolina, 1849 Nov. 26; 1867 Jan. 30; 1867 Feb. 4; 1868 Feb. 3; Printed Material: "Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 12-13. Iron Industry and Trade. Pennsylvania, 1868 Jan. 17; 1868 Feb. 3; 1874 [?]. Iron Mines and Mining. New Jersey 1836 Aug. 6 Iron Industry and Trade. North Carolina, 1857 Mar. 15 Iron Ores 1873 Aug. 27; 1873 Oct. 5. Iron Ores. North Carolina Printed Material: "Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 4-9 Iron Works 1846 Apr. 2; 1846 Oct. 3. Ironclads Clipping: Undated (attached to letter of 1862 Dec. 14); Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 1; Miscellany: [?]; Writings: "Iron Clad Vessels". Irving, Washington 1836 Feb. 19 Isherwood, Benjamin Franklin, 1863 Mar. 6 Italy. Art. Galleries and Museums, 1830 Nov. 9 Italy. Description and Travel, 1830 Oct. 12; 1830 Nov. 5. Italy. English in 1830 Nov. 5 Italy. Florence. Catholic Church. Chapel of the Medici 1830 Nov. 9 Italy. Florence. Museum of Anatomy, 1830 Nov. 9 Italy. Florence. Museums 1830 Nov. 4 Italy. Florence. Paintings 1830 Nov. 4; 1830 Nov. 5; 1830 Nov. 9. Italy. Florence. Pitti Palace, 1830 Nov. 9 Italy. Florence. Statues 1830 Nov. 9 Italy. Florence. Theater 1830 Nov. 9 Italy. Lucca. Description and Travel, 1830 Nov. 5 Italy. Naples. Carriages and Carts, 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Naples. Catholic Church. Church of Saint Francis 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Naples. Catholic Church. Saint Martino Church 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Naples. Description and Travel, 1830 Oct. 12; 1830 Oct. 25. Italy. Naples. Museums 1830 Oct. 12; 1830 Oct. 25. Italy. Naples. Paintings 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Naples. Quarantine 1830 Sept. 18 Italy. Naples. Sculpture 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Naples. Statues 1830 Oct. 12 Italy. Naples. Theater. Fonda, 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Naples. Theaters. Opera Houses. Opera of St. Carlos 1830 Oct. 12 Italy. Pompeii. Description and Travel, 1830 Oct. 25 Italy. Resorts 1830 Nov. 5 Italy. Roads 1830 Nov. 5 Jackson, Andrew 1830 June 20 Jackson, Andrew [?] 1833 July 28; 1856 Dec. 21. Jackson City Association 1836 Jan.-July (see especially letters of Henry Wilkes and William H. Hudson); 1837 Feb. 22; 1837 Feb. 27; 1837 May 24; 1837 July 5; 1838 May 17; 1838 June 15; 1838 July 18; 1842 Oct. 18; 1843 Jan. 13; 1849 Apr. 14; Legal Papers: 1835 Dec. 7 (2); Legal Pa Jesup, Thomas Sidney 1849 June 15[?] Jewett, Charles Coffin 1849 Mar. 31 Johnson, Reverdy 1849 Apr. 24 Johnston, Joseph Eggleston [?], 1862 Oct. 18 Jones, George (1800-1870) 1857 Sept. 7; 1857 Nov. 12; 1857 Dec. 26. Jones, Thomas Ap Catesby 1837 Jan. 7; 1837 Feb. 4; 1837 Dec. 7; 1837 Dec. 10; 1837 Dec. 29; 1849 June 1. Jones, Thomas Ap Catesby [?], 1849 Sept. 4 Juan Fernandez. Description and Travel, 1822 Feb. 13 Judd, Gerrit Parmele 1840 Nov. 30; 1840 Dec. 11; 1840 Dec. 31; 1841 Jan. 24; 1841 (3); 1849 Oct. 10; 1850 June 7; 1850 June 8; 1850 June 16; 1850 June 21; 1850 Oct. 21. Kearny, Lawrence 1837 Dec. 29; 1837 Dec. 31; 1838 Jan. 13; 1838 Jan. 18; 1838 Jan. 22. Kellett, Sir Henry 1850 Dec. 3 Kemble, Gouverneur 1825[?] Feb. 19; 1845 Feb. 10. Kendall, Amos 1834 Dec. 31 Kennedy, John Pendleton Letter to: 1852 Oct. 19 (enclosed with letter of 1852 Oct. 20 Kennedy, Joseph Camp Griffith, Letter to: 1850 Oct. 23 (enclosed with letter of same date); 1849 Mar. 5; 1863 Feb. 22; 1871 June 20. Kerosene. Manufacture and Trade 1859 Mar. 13; 1859 Mar. 20; 1859 Mar. 24; 1859 Apr. 5; 1859 Apr. 20. King, George Gordon 1849 Dec. 8 (on letter of Dec. 5) King, James Gore [?] 1836 May 16 King's Island 1839 Sept. 12 Labor and Laboring Classes 1856 Jan. 29 Labor and Laboring Classes. Irish 1856 Sept. 30 Labor and Laboring Classes. North Carolina, 1856 May 31; 1856 July 24; 1856 Aug. 3. Lafayette, Marie Joseph Pau Roch Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de 1825 Aug. 9; 1829 Jan. 25. Lake Calhoun. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Lake Como. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter V) Lake Erie 1859 July 11 Lake Harriet. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Lake Minnetonka. Minnesota Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Lake of Tunis. Tunis 1830[?] Sept. 3 Lake Pepin Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IX) Lake Shore Railroad 1859 July 11 Land. District of Columbia. Washington, 1874 June 9; 1874 June 10. Land. Sales and Transfers. Michigan, 1836 June 19 Land Plats. District of Columbia. Washington Broadside: 1874[?] May 12 (in Picture Cabinet III-3) Land Plats. Pennsylvania. Erie 1850 Feb. 23 Land Plats. Pennsylvania. Venango County, 1835 Dec. 25 Land Surveys. Black Mountain 1851 Nov. 3 Lane, Joseph 1849 Mar. 2 Lapérouse, Jean-François de Galaup, Comte de 1863 June 9; 1863 June 17; 1863. Lathes 1846 Apr. 22 Latitude 1821 May 24; Miscellany: 1839 Dec. 28. Latrobe, Benjamin Henry (1764-1820), 1825 Mar. 22 Lawrence, Julia (Montaudevret) Letter to: 1852 Jan. 23; Letter to: 1852 Mar. 6. Lawyers. North Carolina 1876 Apr. 3 Lead Industry and Trade. Illinois Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Lead Mines and Mining. Iowa. Mallet Lead Mine Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter X) Lead Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Silver Hill Mine 1856 Oct. 19 Lee, Fitzhugh 1863 Apr. 14 (part of letter of Apr. 13) Lee, Henry (1787-1837) 1836 Oct. 9 Lee, Henry (1787-1837) [?] 1825 Mar. 28 Lee, Robert Edward 1863 May 29; 1863 June 17. Lee Samuel Phillips [?] 1852 Nov. 27 Lee, William Little 1848 June 5 Leidy, Joseph 1852 Oct. 27 Lenox, Walter Letter to: 1851 Apr. 13 Lichens 1849 June 1 Lieber, Francis 1850 May 31 Lighthouses 1837 June 10 Lincoln, Abraham 1862 Oct. 7; 1863 Mar. [?]; 1863 May 7; 1863 May 19; 1863 May 29 (part of letter of May 28). Lincoln, Abraham [?] 1863 Apr. 8 Lind, Jenny 1850 Oct. 26 Little, Josiah S. 1836 Mar. 30 Livingston, Charles L. 1834 Apr. 12 Locke, John (1792-1856) 1844 Apr. 27 Longitude 1849 Nov. 12; Miscellany: 1839 Dec. 28. Longstreet, James Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20 Louis Napoléon, Prince Imperial of the French (1856-1879) 1870 Aug. 25 Louisiana. Camp Sabine 1836 May 5 Lovejoy, Owen 1863 Jan. 9; 1863 Feb. 10; 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 May 29 (part of letter of May 28). Lovell, Joseph 1828 Nov. 14 Lunar Limb 1838 June 14 Lyons, Richard Bickerton Pemell, 1863 Apr. 4; 1863 Apr. 19. Macao. Americans in 1850 Sept. 2 Macao. Balls (Parties) 1851 Apr. 19 (with letter of Mar. 31) Macao. Clothing and Dress 1851 April 19 (with letter of Mar. 31) Macao. Description and Travel, 1850 June 23; 1850 July 24; 1850 Dec. 29. Macao. English Abroad 1850 July 24; 1850 Sept. 2. Macao. Governors 1850 June 23; 1850 June 24; 1850 Sept. 2; 1851 Apr. 19 (with letter of Mar. 31). Macao. Hospitals 1850 July 24; 1850 Sept. 14. Macao. Politics and Government, 1850 June 23 Macao. Social Life and Customs, 1850 July 24; 1851 Apr. 19 (with letter of Mar. 31); 1851 Sept. 18. McCarty, Andrew Zimmerman [?], 1870 Dec. 9 McCauley, Charles Stewart 1848 June 30; 1848 July 8; 1850 Apr. 26. McClellan, George Brinton 1862 Aug. 12; 1862 Sept. 22; 1862 Sept. 24; 1862 Oct. 7; 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22); 1862 Oct. 31; 1862 Nov. 12; 1862 Nov. 14; 1862 Nov. 23 (3); 1862 Nov. 30; 1862 Dec. 3; 1862 Dec. 4; 1862 Dec. 11; 1862 Dec. 12; 1863 Jan. 4; 1863 Jan. 18; 1 McCluney, William J. 1852 Nov. 27 MacDonough, Thomas [?] 1818 Jan. 16; 1818 Jan. 19. MacDuffie, George 1827[?] Mar. 7 MacKay, John William 1876 Apr. [?] McKeon, John 1842 Mar. 12 McLane, Robert Milligan [?], Letter to: 1849 Feb. 2 MacLay, William Brown 1845[?] Feb. 4 McLoughlin, John 1840 Oct. 18 Macomb, Alexander 1825[?] Apr. 9; 1836 May 5. Madeira. Description and Travel, 1838 Sept. 20 (on letter of Sept. 16); 1838 Sept. 26. Madeira. Gardens 1838 Sept. 26 Madeira. Houses 1838 Sept. 26 Madeira. Transportation 1838 Sept. 26 Madeira. Wine and Wine Making, 1838 Sept. 26 Madison, Dorothea (Payne) Todd, 1837 Dec. 15; 1845 Jan. 13; 1849 July 13; 1850 June 25; 1851 Mar. 22; 1855 Aug. 17; 1855 Sept. 13. Magnetic Fields 1844 Dec. 9 Magnetic Measurements 1843 June 22; 1843 Oct. 17 (enclosed with letter of Nov. 7); 1843 Oct. 23; 1843 Oct. 27; 1843 Nov. 2; 1843 Nov. 16; 1843 Dec. 2; 1843 Dec. 3; 1843 Dec. 9; 1844 Jan. 21; 1844 Jan. 28; 1844 Feb. 2; 1844 Feb. 6; 1844 Oct. 29; 1849 June 14; 1849 June 29; Misc Magnetic Poles 1843 Oct. 27; 1843 Nov. 16. Magnetism. Terrestrial. Observations, 1843 Oct. 17 (enclosed with letter of Nov. 7); 1843 Nov. 3; 1843 Nov. 16; 1843 Dec. 2; 1843 Dec. 3; 1844 July 8; 1844 Nov. 4. Mail Steamers 1850 May 3; 1850 Oct. 21. Mallory, Stephen Russell 1856 Feb. 9 Manning, Richard Irvine 1824 Apr. 3 Mansfield, Joseph King Fenno, 1838 Jan. 3; 1838 Feb. 3. Mantels 1851 Oct. 25 Marcy, Cornelia (Knower) 1854 Oct. 20 Maria II, Queen of Portugal, 1851 Apr. 19 (with letter of Mar. 31) Martial Law 1862 Sept. 24 Martindale, John Henry 1863 Feb. 18 Martineau, Harriet 1834 Oct. 2; 1836 Nov. 8. Maryland. Annapolis. Schools and Academies. United States Naval Academy 1826 Jan. 26; 1847 Mar. 10; 1847 Apr. 12; 1847 Apr. 26; 1847 May 23; 1847 June 6; 1847 June 20; 1847 July 7; 1847 Dec. 11; 1848 Jan. 27; 1849 Oct. 10; 1857 June 8; 1860 May 28. Maryland. Baltimore. Civil War, 1863 Apr. 1 Maryland. Baltimore. Description and Travel 1853 Jan. 10; Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, pp. 264-266. Maryland. Baltimore. Parks. Howard Park Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, pp. 265-266 Maryland. Baltimore. Railroads, Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p.264 Maryland. Baltimore. Schools and Academies. Peabody Institute Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p. 266 Maryland. Port Deposit. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) Mason, John Young 1848 Jan. 27; 1849 Aug. 25. Mason, Richard Barnes Letter to: 1836 May 27; Letter to: 1836 July 2; Letter to: 1840 Mar. 30; 1835 July; 1836 Jan.-June; 1836 July 25; 1836 Aug. 30; 1837 Feb. 22; 1837 Feb. 27; 1837 Mar. 11; 1837 Mar. 13; 1837 Mar. 24; 1838 May 17; 1840 Mar.-Nov. (scattered); 1842 Feb. 20; 18 Massachusetts. Banks and Banking 1850 Apr. 19 Massachusetts. Boston. Boston City Library 1855, Dec. 17 Massachusetts. Boston. Churches, 1850 Jan. 14 Massachusetts. Boston. Social Life and Customs 1850 Jan. 1; 1850 Jan. 11. Massachusetts. Boston. Fire Alarms, 1852 Nov. [?]; 1852 Dec. 3. Massachusetts. Cambridge. Schools and Academies. Lawrence Scientific School 1849 Sept. 6; 1850 Aug. 7; 1850 Sept. 9; 1850 Oct. 11; 1850 Nov. 7; 1851 Jan. 2. Massachusetts. Sleighing 1850 Jan. 3 Mauna Loa. Discovery and Exploration, 1840 Dec. 11; 1840 Dec. 31; 1841 Jan. 24. Maury, Matthew Fontaine 1851 May 14; 1851 July 20; 1851; 1853 June 1; 1856 Jan. 19; 1856 Jan. 29; 1862 Nov. 25[?]. Maxwell, Hugh 1842 July 15 Maynadier, William 1871 May 12 Mecklenburg Copper Mining Company, 1853 May 31; 1856 Mar. 7; 1856 Mar. 31. Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, 1857 May 17; 1857 May 24; 1875 May 16; 1875 May 19. Mecklenburg Gold Mining Company, 1868 Jan. 17 Mecklenburg Iron Works 1867 Mar. 28; 1868 Feb. 3; 1868 Feb. 26; 1870 May 23; 1870 May 26; 1870 Oct. 10; 1871 Jan. 1; 1871 Feb. 15; 1871 Feb. 22; 18 Medicine. Home Remedies 1854 June 16 Meehan, John Silva 1849 June 15; 1849 June 22; 1857 Dec. 24. Meigs, Montgomery Cunningham, 1862 Oct. 7; 1862 Dec. 3; 1862 Dec. 4. Merchant Seamen. Missions and Charities. China 1850 June 23 Merchants. China 1850 Dec. 3; 1850 Dec. 29. Merchant Ships 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 Dec. 8. Meredith William Morris Letter to: 1850 May 24 (enclosed with letter of 1850 May 25); 1849 Mar. 10. Metcalfe, Thomas 1827[?] Mar. 7 Meteorology 1851 Apr. 19; 1856 Feb. 8; 1856 Feb. 15. Meteorology. Observations 1850 Mar. 7; 1856 Feb. 18. Mexican War 1847 Dec. 27; 1848 Jan. 23. Mexico. Coastal Surveys 1848 Jan. 19; 1848 Feb. 4. Mexico. Food. Prices 1848 Feb. 27 Mexico. Foreign Relations. United States 1846 Apr. 3 Mexico. Hotels. Bell's Hotel, 1848 Feb. 27 Mexico. Laguna de Terminos. Description and Travel 1848 Jan. 19 Mexico. Tuspan Reef. Description and Travel 1848 Mar. 17 Mexico. Vera Cruz. Description and Travel 1847 Dec. 6; 1848 Jan. 5; 1848 Feb. 24. Michigan. Description and Travel, 1836 June 19 Michigan. Immigration 1836 June 19 Michigan. Land. Sales and Transfers, 1836 June 19 Migration. Internal. Western States, 1836 June 19; 1857 Nov. 29. Mill Wheels 1853 Nov. 14 Miller, William Starr Legal Papers: 1848 ca. May 9; Legal Papers: 1850 May 7. Mills and Millwork 1849 June 7 Mills and Millwork. North Carolina 1848 Aug. 29; 1848 Oct. 26; 1848 Nov. 3; 1848 Nov. 8; 1848 Nov. 19; 1848 Nov. 22; 1848 Nov. 23; 1848 Nov. 24; 1848 Nov. 30; 1848 Dec. 7; 1848 Dec. 9; 1848 Dec. 10; 1848 Dec. 27; 1849 Jan.-Apr. (scattered); 1865 May 28; 1866 July 9. Mills and Millwork. North Carolina. Charlotte 1854 Jan. 10 Mills and Millwork. North Carolina. McGinn, 1855 June 10; 1855 July 21; 1855 Aug. 1. Mills and Millwork. North Carolina. St. Catherine's Mills 1848 Nov.-1851 Oct. (scattered); 1852 Oct. 7; 1853 Mar.-1853 Sept. (scattered); 1860 July 18; 1866 Nov. 9; 1870 Feb. 13; 1870 Apr. 11; 1870 Apr. 20; 1871 May 24. Mills, Clark 1850 Aug. 21 Mills, Robert (1781-1855) 1849 July [?] Millstones 1849 Sept. 20; 1849 Nov. 21; 1849 Nov. 22; 1849 Dec. 24; 1849 Dec. 29. Mines and Mining. North Carolina 1859; 1867 Mar. 28; 1872 June 17; 1874 Mar. 29. Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Claremont Mine 1856 Feb. 4 Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Conrad Hill Mine 1853 Oct. 30 Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Harlan Mine 1853 Oct. 30 Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Long Creek Mine 1876 Apr. 16; 1876. Mines and Mining. Virginia 1853 Oct. 23 Mining Machinery 1848 Dec. 26; 1848 Dec. 27; 1848 Dec. 31; 1849 Jan. 17; 1853 June 25; 1853 June 27 (2); 1853 June 29; 1853 July 12; 1853 July 13; 1853 July 16; 1853 July 19; 1853 Oct. 23; 1853 Oct. 25; 1853 Nov. 1; 1853 Dec. 8; 1853 Dec. 14; 1854 Apr. 19 (enclosed with l Minnesota. Agriculture Writings: Trip to the Far West Minnesota. Depressions. 1857, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter V) Minnesota. Description and Travel, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Minnesota. Fort Snelling Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Minnesota. Hastings. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters V and X) Minnesota. Indians Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Minnesota. Lake Calhoun Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Minnesota. Lake Como Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter V) Minnesota. Lake Harriet Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Minnesota. Lake Minnetonka Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VIII) Minnesota. Minneapolis. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Minnesota. Minnehaha Creek and Falls, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Minnesota. Redwing. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IX) Minnesota. St. Anthony Falls, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VI) Minnesota. St. Paul. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters V, VII, VIII, IX) Minnesota. White Bear Lake Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter VII) Minnesota. Winona. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IX) Mississippi River. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters IV, V, IX, X) Missouri. St. Louis. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XI) Missouri Compromise 1850 June 19 Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XII, p. 129) Mollusks 1850 Nov. 29; 1851 Oct. 20. Monkeys 1831 Apr. 26 Monroe, Elizabeth (Kortright), 1825 Mar. 22 Montgomery, John Berrien [?], 1850 Mar. 4; 1863 Apr. 14. Morehead, John Motley 1853 Oct. 30; 1858 Feb. 7. Morell, George Webb 1863 Jan. 4; 1863 Apr. 19; 1863 Apr. 23; 1863 May 29 (part of letter of May 28). Morrill, Lot Myrick Letter to: 1873 Jan. 30; 1874 May 28. Morris, Charles (1784-1856), 1827 Mar. 9[?]; 1827 Mar. 12. Morris, Charles (1784-1856) [?], 1846 Feb. 17; 1854 Nov. 10. Murat, Achille Napoléon 1827 Mar. 8[?] Mules 1849 Sept. 20 Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey, First Baronet 1851 June 11 Murder. Fiji Islands 1849 Aug. 10; Volume: 1840 July 15. Muscadine Grapes 1859 Nov. 23; 1860 Feb. 8. Muskingum River 1852 Aug. 26 Mustache 1838 Sept. 26; 1838 Oct. 21. Nash, Frederick 1857 May 24 Native Races. Carlshoff 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. Clermont-Tonnerre 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. Disappointment Islands, 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. Fiji Islands 1840 Aug. 10; 1840 Aug. 18. Native Races. Islands of the Pacific, 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. Matia 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. New Zealand 1839 Nov. 3; 1840[?] Mar.. Native Races. Raraka 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. Society Islands 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. South Sea Islands 1836 Nov. 3 Native Races. Sulu Island [?] 1839 Sept. 12 Native Races. Terra del Fuego 1839 Mar. 31 Natural History 1850 Apr. 10 Nautical Instruments 1833 [?]; 1836 July 18; 1836 Sept. 7; 1836 Oct. 9; 1836 Oct. 12; 1836 Nov. 3; 1837 Jan. 30 (2); 1837 Sept. 2; 1837 Nov. 17 (enclosed with letter of Nov. 30); 1837 Dec. 7; 1838 Jan. 8; 1838 Apr. 4; 1838 Apr. 7; 1838 June 4. Navigation. Mathematics 1843 Nov. 7 Negro Blacksmiths. North Carolina 1849 Aug. 18 Negro Criminals 1849 May 17 Negro Debtor and Creditor 1867 Mar. 14 Negro Laborers 1856 Jan. 29; 1856 May 31; 1856 Oct. 12; 1865 June 20. Negro Millers 1856 Nov. 18 Negro Miners. North Carolina 1854[?] Jan. 1; 1857 Nov. 29; 1876 Apr. [?]. Negro Railroad Construction Workers, 1865 May 28 Negro Servants 1830 Sept. 2 [?] Negroes 1834 July 16; 1837 Dec. 25. Negroes. North Carolina 1875 Aug. 29; 1876 Jan. 8. New England Glass Company Works, 1850 Oct. 29 New Hampshire. Portsmouth 1862 Nov. 4 New Jersey. Belleville. Description and Travel Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, pp. 254-259 New Jersey. Iron Industry and Trade, 1836 Aug. 6 New Jersey. Jersey City. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XVI) New Jersey. Llewellyn Park. Description and Travel Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, pp. 253-254 New Jersey. Newark. Description and Travel Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, pp. 260-261 New Jersey. Newark. Railroads Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p.264 New Jersey. Patterson. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) Railroads. New Jersey 1849 Sept. 7 New Jerusalem Church 1825 Aug. 9 New York. Amsterdam [?]. Houses, 1825[?] June 1 New York. Batavia. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) New York. Buffalo. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIV) New York. Description and Travel, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) New York. Devasego. Description and Travel 1853 Sept. 2; 1853 Sept. 6. New York. Diseases. Cholera, 1849 June 7 New York. Dunkirk. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIV) New York. Elections 1834 Apr. 12 New York. Elmira. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV) New York. Fourth of July Celebrations, 1830 July New York. Geological Surveys, 1844 May 5 New York. Naval Yards and Naval Stations 1844 Feb. 9 New York. New York. Catholic Church, Writings: "Churches" p. 2 New York. New York. Cemeteries. Greenwood Cemetery Writings: "Greenwood Cemetery" New York. New York. Charities, Writings: "Churches" p. 2 New York. New York. Churches, Writings: "Churches" New York. New York. Commerce, Writings: "Commerce of New York" New York. New York. Description and Travel Writings: About New York; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XVI). New York. New York. Dry Docks, 1835 Mar. 18 New York. New York. Fire Departments, Writings: "Fire Department" New York. New York. Hotels Writings: "Hotels" New York. New York. Hotels. French's Hotel 1860 Oct. 3 New York. New York. Houses Untitled, pp. 10-12 New York. New York. Opera Writings: "Theatres," pp. 1-2 New York. New York. Parks. Central Park Writings: Fire Department, pp. 7 and following; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XVI). New York. New York. Politics and Government Writings: "Courts and Administration" New York. New York. Population, Writings: "Population of New York" New York. New York. Protestant Episcopal Church. Trinity Episcopal Church Legal Papers: 1862 Mar. 25; Writings: "Churches," p. 1 (2 sides). New York. New York. Railroads, Writings: "Railways" New York. New York. Restaurants, Lunch Rooms, Etc. Writings: "Hotels," pp. 3-4 New York. New York. Social Life and Customs Writings: "Fire Department," pp. 3-7 New York. New York. Theater, Writings: "Theaters" New York. New York. Universities and Colleges. Columbia College [?] 1849 May 8 New York. New York. Universities and Colleges. Columbia University Writings: Untitled, pp. 6-9 New York. New York. Wall Street, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XVI) New York. New York. Water Supply, Writings: Crotan Water Works" New York. Niagra Falls Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters XIV and XV) New York. Niagra Falls. Description and Travel 1852 Aug. 31 New York. Political Parties. Democratic Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV, pp. 153-154) New York. Resorts 1848 June 16 New York. Riots 1834 July 16; 1849 May 14. New York. Servants 1830 Sept. 2[?] New York. Shipwrecks 1837 Jan. 7 New York. Social Life and Customs, 1825 Aug. 5 New York. Stagecoach Travel, 1834 Oct. 13 New York. Staten Island. Description and Travel Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVII, pp. 249-250 New York. Sunday Schools 1854 Sept. 13 New York. Theaters. Opera Houses, 1849 May 16 New York. Tioga County. Maps, 1829 Nov. 30 New York. United States. Mint, 1846 Jan. 20; 1846 Jan. 25; 1846 Feb. 3. Weddings. New York 1830 Nov. 11 New York Central Railroad Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIV) Nicaragua. Greytown 1859 Oct. 21 Nicholson, James William Augustus, 1863 Jan. 4; 1863 Feb. 4; 1863 Feb. 11; 1863 Feb. 24; 1863 Mar. 10; 1863 Mar. 18; 1863 Apr. 4; 1863 Apr. 8; 1863 May 19. Nicholson, John B. [?] 1838 Nov. 25; 1838 Dec. 18; 1838 Dec. 22; 1839 Jan. 5. North, William 1826 Nov. 18 North Carolina. Agriculture, 1856 May 31 North Carolina. Alcoholism and Crime, 1874 July 27 North Carolina. Banks and Banking, 1870 Aug. 3 North Carolina. Building Stones, Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina, p. 11) North Carolina. Charlotte. Banks and Banking 1865 May 20; 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 14. North Carolina. Charlotte. Commerce, 1857 Apr. 12 North Carolina. Charlotte. Copper Mines and Mining 1853 Sept. 2 North Carolina. Charlotte. Description and Travel 1853 Apr. 5; 1853 Apr. 9; 1855 Dec. 2. North Carolina. Charlotte. Fires, 1871 Nov. 17 North Carolina. Charlotte. Gold Mines and Mining 1849 Jan. 3; 1849 Jan. 3. North Carolina. Charlotte. Mills and Millwork 1854 Jan. 10 North Carolina. Charlotte. Population, 1850 Oct. 24 (attached to letter of Oct. 2) North Carolina. Charlotte. Protestant Episcopal Church. St. Peter's Episcopal Church 1875 Feb. 7; 1875 Mar. 14. North Carolina. Charlotte [?]. Schools and Academies. North Carolina Military Institute, 1872 Jan. 10 North Carolina. Chatham County. Gold Mines and Mining 1871 Nov. 1 North Carolina. Clay Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 11) North Carolina. Clergy 1866 June 21 North Carolina. Commerce 1857 Nov. 29 North Carolina. Copper Mines and Mining. Hipps[?] Mine 1849 Feb. 3; 1849 Feb. 13; 1849 Feb. 18; 1849 Feb. 28. North Carolina. Cotton Trade, 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 6; 1866 Dec. 14. North Carolina. Currency 1865 May 20; 1865 May 28. North Carolina. Description and Travel, 1848 Apr. 18 North Carolina. Diseases. Cholera, 1849 May 8 North Carolina. Diseases. Measles, 1857 Mar. 15 North Carolina. Diseases. Smallpox, 1851 Jan. 21 North Carolina. Economic Conditions, 1865 June 20; 1866 June 5; 1866 July 9; 1866 July 11; 1866 July 30; 1866 Dec. 6; 1866 Dec. 14; 1868 Feb. 3. North Carolina. Elections 1848 Nov. 9; 1860 Nov. 8; 1860 Nov. 23; 1874 Aug. 10. North Carolina. Flour. Manufacture and Trade 1857 July 5; 1858 May 9; 1858 June 24; 1858 June 25. North Carolina. Flour Mills 1850 Apr. 13; 1856 Aug. 26; 1857 Feb.-June (scattered); 1857 July 12; 1857 Aug. 2; 1858 Aug. 8-1859 Sept. 11 (scattered); 1859 Sept. 11. North Carolina. Gaston. Civil War, 1866 Mar. 28 North Carolina. General Assembly, 1861 Feb. 6 North Carolina. Geology Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 3-14 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining, 1848 Aug.-1849 Apr. (letters of Charles and Edmund Wilkes); 1853 Apr. 5; 1876 Apr. 8; 1876 Apr. 16. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Alexander Mine 1853 Apr. 19 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Asbury Mine Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9-10,15) North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Brush(y) Hill Mine 1849 Mar. 22; 1854 July 16; 1854 Aug. 20; 1858 Mar. 31. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Caldwell Mine 1849 Nov. 26 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Capp's Gold Mine 1848 Aug-1849 June (scattered, especially see letters of Edmund Wilkes); 1849 Nov.-1850 Dec. (scattered, especially see letters of Edmund Wilkes); 1851 Jan. 1; 1851 Jan. 2; 1851 Mar. 10; 1851 Mar. 19; 1851 June 23; 1851 July 12; 1851 Aug. 3; 1851 Aug. 6; North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Charlotte Hill Mine 1848 Dec. 9; 1848 Dec. 17; 1848 Dec. 27; 1849 Jan. 4; 1849 Jan. 10; 1849 Jan. 21; 1849 Feb. 10; 1849 Mar. 17; 1849 Mar. 21; 1849 Mar. 22; 1849 Mar. 25; 1849 Mar. 29 (2); 1849 Apr. 4; 1849 Apr. 14; 1849 Apr. 20; 1849 Apr. 23; 1849 Apr. 30; 1849 May 6; 1849 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Davidson Gold Mine 1848 Dec. 31; 1849 Jan. 20. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Duffie Mine 1853 Apr. 22 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Dunn's [?] Gold Mine 1848 Dec. 31; 1849 Jan. 16; 1853 Apr. 16. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Felt Mine 1849 Feb. 10; 1853 Aug. 21. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Gold Hill Mine 1856 Mar. 16; 1874 Mar. 29; 1874 June 5. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. High Shoals Mine Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9-10) North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Howie Mine 1854 Jan. 28; 1854 July 23; 1854 Aug. 13 (with letter of July 30); 1855 Mar. 4; 1855 Mar. 18; 1855 Apr. 8; 1855 Apr. 17; 1855 May 5; 1855 May 13; 1855 Aug. 24; 1855 Dec. 15; 1856 Mar. 16. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Hunter Mine 1854 July 16 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. King Mountain Mine 1850 Mar. 23; 1855 Jan. 24; 1871 Nov. 1; 1873 Jan. 19; 1874 Mar. 21; 1876 Feb. 21; Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 15). North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Lemon [?] Mine 1849 Feb. 18 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Long Creek Mine Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9,15) North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. McCullock Gold Mine 1853 May 30; 1853 Oct. 30. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. McGinn Gold and Copper Mine 1849 Feb. 3; 1849 Feb. 10; 1853 Apr. 16; 1853 Apr. 19; 1853 Apr. 22; 1853 Oct. 30; 1853 Nov. 1; 1853 Nov. 3; 1854 Jan. 18; 1854 Feb. 5; 1854 Apr. 2; 1854 May 21; 1854 Dec. 3; 1854 Dec. 10; 1854 Dec. 22; 1855 Jan. 24; 1855 Feb. 11; 1855 Mar. 4; 1855 Apr. 2 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining [?]. Maxwell Mine 1849 Feb. 13; 1849 Mar. 10; 1850 Dec. 16; 1851 Oct. 5; 1851 Oct. 7; 1853 May 7; 1853 Aug. 15; 1856 Mar. 4; 1856 Nov. 18; 1856 Dec. 3; 1857 Mar. 21; Legal Papers: 1860 Aug. 4. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. O'Farrell Mine 1849 Feb. 10; 1853 Apr. 3; 1853 Apr. 5; 1853 Apr. 16; 1853 May 7; 1853 Aug. 21; Legal Papers: 1860 Aug. 4. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Oliver Mine 1849 Apr. 14; 1849 June 22; 1849 July 25; 1849 July 28; 1853 Apr. 9; 1854 Mar. 21. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Rudisill Hill Gold Mine 1854 Aug. 20; 1855 Aug. 17; 1856 May 4; 1856 Sept. 2; 1856 Dec. 21; 1857 Nov. 14; 1858 Mar. 31; 1858 Apr. 21; 1866 Mar. 28; Legal Papers: Undated. North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Saint Catherines Mills 1854 Mar. 11; 1854 Mar. 16; 1854 Mar. 18; 1854 Mar. 21; 1854 Mar. 22; 1854 Mar. 23; 1854 Mar. 29; 1854 Apr. 2; 1854 May 21; 1854 May 29; 1854 June 27; 1854 July 2; 1854 July 9; 1854 July 23; 1854 Aug. 20; 1854 Nov. 1; 1854; 1856 Mar. 31; 1857 Mar. 21; 185 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Tradywick [?] Mine 1853 Apr. 16 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Trotten Hill Gold Mine 1855 Aug. 17 North Carolina. Gold Mines and Mining. Watkins Mine 1853 Aug. 21 North Carolina. Greensboro. Gold Mines and Mining 1853 Oct. 30 North Carolina. High Shoals. Description and Travel Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina,") North Carolina. High Shoals. Gold Mines and Mining Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 9-10, 13-15) North Carolina. Iron Industry and Trade 1849 Nov. 26; 1867 Jan. 30; 1867 Feb. 4; 1868 Feb. 3; Printed Material: "Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp 12-13. North Carolina. Iron Ores Printed Material: "Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 4-9 Labor and Laboring Classes. North Carolina 1856 May 31; 1856 July 24; 1856 Aug. 3. North Carolina. Lawyers 1876 Apr. 3 North Carolina. Lead Mines and Mining. Silver Hill Mine 1856 Oct. 19 North Carolina. Limestone Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 11) North Carolina. Lincolnton. Description and Travel 1849 June 30 North Carolina. Mecklenburg County. Fairs 1857 Nov. 22; 1871 Nov. 1; 1871 Nov. 8. North Carolina. McGinn. Mills and Millwork 1855 June 10; 1855 July 21; 1855 Aug. 1. North Carolina. Mills and Millwork, 1848 Aug. 29; 1848 Oct. 26; 1848 Nov. 3; 1848 Nov. 8; 1848 Nov. 19; 1848 Nov. 22; 1848 Nov. 23; 1848 Nov. 24; 1848 Nov. 30; 1848 Dec. 7; 1848 Dec. 9; 1848 Dec. 10; 1848 Dec. 27; 1849 Jan.-Apr. (scattered); 1865 May 28; 1866 July 9. North Carolina. Mills and Millwork. St. Catherine's Mills 1848 Nov.-1851 Oct. (scattered); 1852 Oct. 7; 1853 Mar.-1853 Sept. (scattered); 1860 July 18; 1866 Nov. 9; 1870 Feb. 13; 1870 Apr. 11; 1870 Apr. 20; 1871 May 24. North Carolina. Mines and Mining, 1859; 1867 Mar. 28; 1872 June 17; 1874 Mar. 29. North Carolina. Mines and Mining. Claremont Mine 1856 Feb. 4 North Carolina. Mines and Mining. Conrad Hill Mine 1853 Oct. 30 North Carolina. Mines and Mining. Harlan Mine 1853 Oct. 30 North Carolina. Mines and Mining. Long Creek Mine 1876 Apr. 16; 1876. North Carolina. Nails and Spikes, 1866 Oct. 3; 1866 Dec. 6; 1866 Dec. 14; 1867 Jan. 10; 1867 Jan. 17; 1867 Jan. 30; 1867 Mar. 4; 1867 Mar. 14; 1867 Mar. 28; 1867 May 28; 1867 Sept. 11; 1867 Sept. 25; 1867 Oct. 24. North Carolina. Negro Blacksmiths, 1849 Aug. 18 North Carolina. Negro Miners, 1854[?] Jan. 1; 1857 Nov. 29; 1876 Apr. [?]. North Carolina. Negroes 1875 Aug. 29; 1876 Jan. 8. North Carolina. Political Parties. Democratic 1858 Apr. 15 North Carolina. Political Parties. Republican 1876 Mar. 26 North Carolina. Politics and Government 1874 July 27 North Carolina. Population 1867 Jan. 30 North Carolina. Pyrites Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 14 North Carolina. Railroads 1857 Jan. 3; 1859 Feb. 27; 1860 Jan. 2; 1860 Nov. 27; 1865 May 20; 1865 May 28; 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 14; 1872 Nov. 15; 1876 Apr. 8; Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 2, 12, 14). North Carolina. Reconstruction, 1865 May 20; 1865 May 28; 1865 June 20; 1866 Mar. 28; 1866 Dec. 14; 1868 Feb. 3; 1870 Aug. 3. North Carolina. Roads 1859 Feb. 27; 1861 Feb. 6. North Carolina. Secession 1860 Nov. 23; 1861 Feb. 6. North Carolina. Silver Mines and Mining. Silver Hill Mine 1856 Oct. 19 North Carolina. Skating 1855 Jan. 17; 1856 Jan. 13; 1856 Jan. 14. North Carolina. Slave Sales and Purchases 1849 Aug. 18 North Carolina. Slaves. Hiring of, 1850 Jan. 1; 1850 Jan. 14; 1850 Jan. 31; 1850 Feb. 8; 1850 June 20; 1853 Nov. 1; 1856 Aug. 26; 1857 Jan. 3. North Carolina. Social Conditions, 1848 Dec. 30 North Carolina. Sulpher Mines and Mining 1867 Mar. 5 North Carolina. Charlotte. Tobacco Manufacture and Trade 1876 Feb. 21 North Carolina. Turpentine Industry and Trade 1853 Mar. 31 North Carolina. Wages 1849 Jan. 30; 1849 Feb. 6; 1849 Mar. 21; 1849 Apr. 4; 1849 June 12; 1854 Jan. 10; 1854 Mar. 5. North Carolina. Wages. Agricultural, 1857 Nov. 22 North Carolina. Wages. Blacksmiths 1854 Jan. 10; 1854 Feb. 1; 1854 Dec. 31; 1857 Jan. 3. North Carolina. Wages. Carpenters, 1854 Jan. 18; 1854 Jan. 28. North Carolina. Wages. Gold Miners, 1849 Feb. 17; 1849 Mar. 21. North Carolina. Wages. Millwrights, 1854 Feb. 1 North Carolina. Wages. Negroes, 1854 Jan. 13; 1854 Mar. 5. North Carolina. Wages. Stonemasons, 1854 Jan. 18 North Carolina. Wheat 1858 July 5 North Carolina. Whetstones Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 11) North Carolina Central Railroad, 1858 Mar. 16; 1858 Dec.; 1859 Jan. 25; 1859 June 13; 1859 June 29; 1859 July 3; 1859 July 10; 1859 July 20; 1859 July 21; 1859 July 28; 1859 Aug. 6; 1859 Aug. 7; 1859 Aug. 15; 1859 Aug. 17; 1859 Sept. 9; 1859 Sept. 14; 1859 Sept. 24; 1859 Oct. 24. North Pacific Surveying and Exploring Expedition 1852 Oct. 20; 1853 May 31. Oaths of Allegiance. Reconstruction, 1865 May 28 Observatories 1829 Jan. 2 Observatories. Australia 1839 Dec. 10 Ocean Currents 1844 Nov. 17; 1848 Apr. 25; 1858 June 25; Miscellany: Undated. Ocean Temperature 1858 July 5; 1858 July 8; 1858 July 14. Ocean Travel 1826 Feb. 19 Oceanography 1838 June 3 O'Connell, Sir Maurice Charles Philip [?] 1840 [?](#5) Ogden, Peter Skene 1840 Oct. 18 Ohio. Cincinnati. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XII) Ohio. Cleveland. Description and Travel 1852 Aug. 30; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XII). Ohio. Cleveland. Hotels. American Hotel 1852 Aug. 30 Ohio. Coal Mines and Mining, 1856 Nov. 19 Ohio. Columbus. Description and Travel, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Ohio. Description and Travel, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Ohio. Foundries. Bellaire 1855[?] Ohio. Ohio City Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII, p. 136) Ohio. Railroad Bridges 1853 Nov. 9; 1858 Apr. 2; 1858 May 5; 1858 Nov. 7. Ohio. Railroads 1852 Apr. 2; 1852 May 20; 1852 June 10; 1852 June 17; 1852 July 25; 1852 Aug. 9; 1852 Aug. 24; 1852 Aug. 26; 1852 Sept. 2; 1852 Sept. 12; 1852 Oct. 18; 1852 Nov. 1; 1853 Nov. 23; 1854 Nov. 29. Ohio. Sandusky. Description and Travel, 1852 Aug. 16 Ohio. Tunnels 1855 Dec. 23; 1856 Apr. 20; 1858 Dec. 31. Ohio. Zanesville. Description and Travel 1852 Aug. 20; 1855 Apr. 5. Ohio. Zanesville. Maps Printed Material: 1855 Mar. Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1851 Sept. 15 Oil Industries 1850 Oct. 29 Oliver, Henry Kemble 1850 Oct. 22 Ombrosi, James Letter to: 1830 Dec. 6; 1830 Nov. 4; 1830 Nov. 5; 1830 Nov. 9; 1830 Dec. 8. Opera. France 1836 Oct. 9 Opera. New York. New York Writings: "Theatres," pp. 1-2 Opium Trade 1850 Oct. 31; 1851 Dec. 8. Oregon. Description and Travel, 1841 May 20 Oregon. Willamette Valley 1840 May 20 Oregon Question 1845 Dec. 12; 1846 Mar. 13. Oregon Territory 1849 Mar. 2 Osborne, James W. 1849 June; 1850 Feb. 3; 1850 Feb. 16; 1850 Feb. 22; 1850 Mar. 7; 1851 Aug. 6; 1856 Dec. 21; 1857 Feb. 2; 1858 Mar. 31; 1858 Apr. 15; 1858 Apr. 21; 1858 Oct. 29; 1858 Nov. 14; 1859 Jan. 2; 1859 Feb. 27; 1859 Mar. 13; 1867 Sept. 11; 1868 Feb. 3; 1873 May 27 Owens, Robert Dale 1849 Mar. 22; 1853 Aug. 1. Páez, José Antonio 1848 July 6; 1848 July 24. Page, Charles Grafton 1836 Nov. 3 Panama. Colón. Description and Travel, 1859 Aug. 16 Panama. Foreign Relations. United States 1826 Mar. 17 Panama. Panama Canal 1849 Dec. 22 (on letter of 1850 Mar. 14) Parke, John Grubb 1863 Mar. 7; 1863 Mar. 16; 1871 Dec. 3. Parker, Amasa Junius (1807-1890), 1870 June 8 Parker, Foxhall Alexander (?-1857) [?], 1830 Oct. 4; 1830 Oct. 12; 1830 Nov. 9; 1830 Dec. 6; 1830 Dec. 8; 1830 Dec. 21; 1831 Jan. 11; 1831 Jan. 30. Parker, Joel (1795-1875) Writings: "The Surrender of Mason and Slidell," pp. 3-4) Parker, Peter 1850 Sept. 2; 1850 Sept. 14; 1850 Oct. 2; 1851 Dec. 8. Parks. Maryland. Baltimore. Howard Park, Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, pp. 265-266 Parks. New York. New York. Central Park, Writings: Fire Department, pp. 7 and following; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XVI). Patronage. Political Miscellany: 1862 [?] (2) Paulding, Hiram 1849 Jan. 23; 1862 Aug. 1; 1862 Aug. 9; 1862 Aug. 23; 1863 Jan. 30; 1863 Feb. 4; 1863 Feb. 12. Paulding, Hiram [?] 1847 July 7 Paulding, James Kirke Letter to: 1816 May 6; Letter to: 1839 Feb. 23[?]; 1818 Jan. 19; 1838 July 19; 1838 Aug. 18; 1839 Dec. 2; 1840 Oct. 18; 1841; 1842 June 18; 1844 Oct. 21; 1844 Nov. 17; 1845 Feb. 10; 1845 Feb. 23. Paulding, James Kirke [?] 1838 ca. July Peace 1836 Mar. 14 Peale, Titian Ramsay 1845[?] Feb. 4; 1848 Apr. 13; 1849 Oct. 24; 1852 Nov. 22; 1852 Nov. 27; 1857 Mar. 9. Pearce, James Alfred Letter to: 1849 Dec. 18; Letter to: 1857 Jan. 19; Letter to: 1860 Jan. 3; 1849 July 9; 1850 Jan. 21; 1850 July 6; 1852 June 21; 1852 Nov. 27; 1852 Dec. 8; 1853 Aug. 2 (enclosed with letter of Aug. 4); 1853 Aug. 11; 1855 Aug. 8; 1856 Dec. 18; 1856 Dec. 21; Pearl Fisheries Printed Material: 1852 May 22 Pearson, George F. 1862 Oct. 23; 1862 Nov. 4. Peirce, Benjamin (1809-1880) [?], 1857 May 26 Pendulum. Experiments 1841 Feb. 14 Pennsylvania. Altoona. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter II) Pennsylvania. Coal Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Pennsylvania. Coal Mines and Mining, 1846 Jan. 14 Pennsylvania. Commerce Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Pennsylvania. Description and Travel, 1852 Aug. 16; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters I and II). Pennsylvania. Erie. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Pennsylvania. Erie. Land Plats, 1850 Feb. 23 Pennsylvania. Erie. Petroleum Wells Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XIII) Pennsylvania. Iron Industry and Trade, 1868 Jan. 17; 1868 Feb. 3; 1874 [?]. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Civil War, 1863 June 17 Philadelphia. Stock Exchange, Printed Material: 1863 May 4 Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter II) Pennsylvania. Politics and Government, 1850 July 1 Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Railroads, Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p.263 Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Rawle Family 1825[?] Aug. 5 Pennsylvania. Springs (Resorts). Bedford Springs 1825 Aug. 12; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter I). Pennsylvania. Venango County. Land Plats 1835 Dec. 25 Pensions. Military 1851 Nov. 24 Periodicals. American Review Printed Material: 1855 Nov. 1 Perry, Matthew Calbraith Letter to: 1836 Nov. 18; 1847 Dec. 21; 1848 Jan. 27; 1848 Feb. 21; 1848 Mar. 2; 1848 Mar. 30; 1861 May 7. Persico, E. Luigi 1830 Oct. 25 Peru. Americans in 1839 July 3 Peru. Commerce 1826 Feb. 4 Peru. Clothing and Dress 1823 Jan. [?] Peru. Description and Travel, 1839 July 3 Peru. Harbors 1825 Nov. 25 Peru. Lima. Burial 1823 Jan. [?] Peru. Lima. Description and Travel, 1823 Jan. [?] Peru. Lima. Earthquakes 1823 Jan. [?] Peru. Lima. Social Life and Customs, 1839 July 3 Peru. Politics and Government, 1825 Nov. 25; 1839 June 12. Philippine Islands. Commerce, 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Description and Travel 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Ducks 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Manila. Balls (Parties) 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Manila. Cigar Manufacture and Trade 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Manila. Dinners and Dining 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Manila. Earthquakes 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Population, 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Rope Makers, 1851 Jan. 27 Philippine Islands. Volcanoes, 1851 Jan. 27 Phytogeography 1850 Nov. 30 Pickering, Charles 1836 Nov. 3; 1842 Aug. 28; 1852 July 17; 1852 Nov. 22; 1852 Nov. 27; 1853 June 20; 1857 Jan. 31; 1857 Feb. 7; 1857 May 26; 1859 July 19; 1859 July 28; 1859 Aug. 1; 1860 Jan. 7; 1871 May 12; 1873 Jan. 30; Miscellany: 1852 June 14. Pico Alto 1830 July 17 Piedmont Railroad 1856 May 28 Pierce, Franklin 1852 Nov. 4; 1854 Mar. 30; 1856 Dec. 21. Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth (1812-1899) 1849 Oct. 13 Pinkney, Ninian 1850 Mar. 4 Pirates. Chinese 1850 Oct. 2; 1850 Dec. 29; 1851 Mar. 31; 1851 Dec. 8. Pirates. Pescadores 1851 July 20 Pittsburg, Maysville and Cincinnati Railroad Company 1853 Sept. 25 Plantations. South Carolina 1826 Feb. 22; 1851 Nov. 3. Planters. South Carolina 1826 Feb. 22 Plants 1850 Dec. 13; 1852 July 17. Poinsett, Joel Roberts Letter to: 1838 Apr. 4; Letter to: 1838 July 19; Letter to: Undated (in letter of 1838 June 16); 1828 Mar. 18; 1838 Jan. 22; 1838 Feb. 5; 1838 June 5; 1838 Aug. 18; 1838 Sept. 26; 1842 June 20; 1844 Oct. 29; Miscellany: 1838. Political Parties. Democratic 1852 Nov. 11; 1876 Mar. 26. Political Parties. Democratic. New York, Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV, pp. 153-154) Political Parties. Democratic. North Carolina 1858 Apr. 15 Political Parties. Loco Foco. Georgia, 1849 Dec. 21 Political Parties. Republican. North Carolina 1876 Mar. 26 Political Parties. Whig 1852 Nov. 2; 1852 Nov. 5. Polk, James Knox 1844 Nov. 22; 1845 Dec. 12; 1849 Mar. 22; 1849 June. Polk, Sarah (Childress) 1846 July 24 Portales, Diego 1839 June 12 Porter, David 1826 Jan. 26; 1830 July 17; 1830 Aug. 19; 1830 Sept. 12; 1830 Oct. 4; 1830 Dec. 6. Porter, David Dixon 1862 Aug. 5; 1862 Aug. 7; 1863 Feb. 18; 1863 Mar. 18; 1870 Sept. 29; 1870 Dec. 9. Porter, David Dixon [?] 1863 Mar. 7; 1863 Mar. 15. Porter, Fitz John 1862 Oct. 22; 1862 Nov. 23; 1862 Nov. 30; 1862 Dec. 2; 1863 Jan. 4; 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan. 23 (2); 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28; 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 Feb. 18; 1863 Feb. 22; 1863 Apr. 6 (with letter of Apr. 4). Portland Society of Natural History, 1850 Mar. 16 Portraits 1850 Mar. 5; 1850 June; 1850 Sept. 6. Portugal. Commerce 1850 Dec. 29 Portugal. Foreign Relations. China, 1850 June 23 Portugal. Navy 1850 Oct. 31 Postal Service 1850 Oct. 31; 1851 Nov. 17. Postal Service. Foreign Mail 1850 Dec. 3 Preble George Henry 1863 Feb. 24 Presidential Elections. 1844 1844 Dec. 27 Presidential Elections. 1848 1848 Nov. 9 Presidential Elections. 1852 1852 Nov. 2; 1852 Nov. 4; 1852 Nov. 5. Presidential Elections. 1856 1856 July 24 Presidential Elections. 1864 Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter XV, pp. 1853-154) Preston, William Ballard 1849 Mar. 10; 1849 Mar. 31; 1849 May 21; 1849 July 9; 1849 Oct. 8; 1849 Oct. 10; 1849 Dec. 3; 1850 Jan. 21; 1850 Mar. 28; 1850 May 3; 1850 Oct. 2; 1850 Oct. 21. Prieto, Joaquín 1839 June 12 Prize Money Printed Material: 1865 Mar. 1 Prizes 1862 Aug. 7 Processions 1848 Apr. 12; 1848 Apr. 13. Projectiles 1847 Mar. 8 Propellers 1846 Feb. 17 Protestant Episcopal Church. District of Columbia. Washington. St. John's Church 1825 Mar. 22 Protestant Episcopal Church. New York. New York. Trinity Episcopal Church Legal Papers: 1862 Mar. 25; Writings: "Churches," p. 1 (2 sides). Protestant Episcopal Church. North Carolina. Charlotte. St. Peter's Episcopal Church 1875 Feb. 7; 1875 Mar. 14. Public Libraries 1859 Aug. Pyrites 1853 Oct. 23 Pyrites. North Carolina Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," p. 14 Quackenbush, Stephen Platt Letter to: 1862 Aug. 27 Quarantine 1830 Sept. 18 Quarantine. Algeria. Algiers 1830[?] Sept. 3 Quarantine. Italy. Naples 1830 Sept. 18 Races of Man, 1852 Feb. 13 Radford, William (1809-1890, 1862 Aug. 23 Railroad Bridges. Ohio 1853 Nov. 9; 1858 Apr. 2; 1858 May 5; 1858 Nov. 7. Railroads 1851 June 11; 1859 July 11. Railroads. District of Columbia. Washington 1871 Sept. 8; 1873 Nov. 3; 1873 Nov. 9. Railroads. Maryland. Baltimore Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p.264 Railroads. New Jersey 1849 Sept. 7 Railroads. New Jersey. Newark Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p.264 Railroads. New York. New York Writings: "Railways" Railroads. North Carolina 1857 Jan. 3; 1859 Feb. 27; 1860 Jan. 2; 1860 Nov. 27; 1865 May 20; 1865 May 28; 1865 June 20; 1866 Dec. 14; 1872 Nov. 15; 1876 Apr. 8; Printed Material: 1873 May 5 ("Report on the High Shoals property in Gaston County, North Carolina," pp. 2, 12, 14). Railroads. Ohio 1852 Apr. 2; 1852 May 20; 1852 June 10; 1852 June 17; 1852 July 25; 1852 Aug. 9; 1852 Aug. 24; 1852 Aug. 26; 1852 Sept. 2; 1852 Sept. 12; 1852 Oct. 18; 1852 Nov. 1; 1853 Nov. 23; 1854 Nov. 29. Railroads. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p.263 Railroads. Strikes 1857 Dec. 25 Railroads. Surveying 1852 Feb. 1 Railroads. Transcontinental 1849 Apr. 24; 1849 May 15; 1849 July 18; 1849 Sept. 18; 1856 Mar. 18. Railroads. Virginia 1865 June 20 Ransom, Mathew Whitaker 1876 Feb. 21 Rape 1849 May 17 Raphall, Morris Jacob 1850 Apr. 12 Rawle family. Pennsylvania. Philadelphia 1825[?] Aug. 5 Read, George Campbell [?] 1849 June 11 Reconstruction 1867 Feb. 20; 1867 Feb. 21; 1867 Mar. 4. Reconstruction. Economic Aspects 1867 Feb. 21; 1867 Mar. 4. Reconstruction. North Carolina 1865 May 20; 1865 May 28; 1865 June 20; 1866 Mar. 28; 1866 Dec. 14; 1868 Feb. 3; 1870 Aug. 3. Reed Mining Company 1854 Jan. 10 Renwick, Edward Sabine 1843 July 21; 1843 Aug. 16; 1843 Oct. 7; 1843 Oct. 23; 1843 Oct. 27; 1844 Jan. 18; 1844 Feb. 6; 1844 Apr. 19; 1844 Oct. 12; 1844; 1845 Feb. 3; 1845 Feb. 23; 1846 Apr. 22; 1849 Feb. 1. Renwick, Henry ("Harry") Brevoort, 1834 Dec. 27; 1837 Dec. 29; 1837 Dec. 31; 1838 Jan. 3; 1838 Jan. 6; 1843 (scattered); 1844 Jan. 28; 1844 Feb. 15; 1844 Feb. 17; 1844 Mar. 2; 1844 May 7; 1844 May 15; 1844 May 21; 1844 June 19; 1844 July 26; 1844; 1845 Feb. 10; 1845 July 3; 1847 Dec. 21; 1 Renwick, James (1792-1863) Letter to: 1846 Jan. 20; Letter to: 1850 Jan. 21; Letter to: Undated (on verso of letter dated 1838 Nov. 29; 1825 Mar. 21; 1834 Jan. 14; 1834 Feb. 21; 1834 Mar. 15; 1834 Mar. 22; 1836 May 27; 1837 Sept. 2; 1838 June 8; 1838 June 11; 1842 Mar. 4; 1842 Dec. Renwick, James (1818-1895) 1836 Sept. 7; 1837 Mar. 16; 1842 Oct. 18; 1843 July 21; 1848 Nov. 8; 1849 Feb. 1; 1849 Apr. 17; 1849 May 3; 1850 Mar. 4; 1850 June 23; 1852 Feb. 24; 1853 Sept. 6. Resorts. Italy 1830 Nov. 5 Resorts. New England 1848 June 16 Resorts. New York 1848 June 16 Resorts. Rhode Island. Newport 1848 July 9; 1848 July 12; 1848 July 14; 1848 July 22; 1848 July 26; 1848 July 29; 1848 July 31; 1848 July; 1848 Aug. 1; 1848 Aug. 4; 1850 Sept. 25; 1850 Oct. 1. Rhett family. South Carolina 1860 Nov. 8 Rhode Island. Hotels. Bristol Ferry House Printed Material: 1856 [?] Rhode Island. Newport. Resorts, 1848 July 9; 1848 July 12; 1848 July 14; 1848 July 22; 1848 July 26; 1848 July 29; 1848 July 31; 1848 July; 1848 Aug. 1; 1848 Aug. 4; 1850 Sept. 25; 1850 Oct. 1. Richard(s), John H. 1852 Nov. 12 (on letter of Nov. 11); 1852 Nov. 17. Richardson, Sir John (1787-1865), 1849 June 8 Richmond, Elkanah Dean 1859 Feb. 14 Ridgely, Charles Goodwin 1838 May 19; 1838 June 5. Ridgely, Daniely Bowly 1863 Mar. 6; 1863 Mar. 9. Rifles 1847 Apr. 30 Ringgold, Cadwalader 1838 May 19; 1838 May 26; 1838 June 4; 1838 July 23; 1843 Nov. 3; 1852 Dec. 8; 1857 July 30; Legal Papers: 1857 Oct. 21. Riots. New York 1834 July 16; 1849 May 14. Ritchie, Thomas [?] 1846 Apr. 2; 1851 July 20. Rivers. Surveying 1837 Dec. 29; 1837 Dec. 31. Rives, William Cabell 1838 May 26 Roads. France 1830 Dec. 21 Roads. Italy 1830 Nov. 5 Roads. North Carolina 1859 Feb. 27; 1861 Feb. 6. Roads. South Carolina 1826 Feb. 22 Robeson, George Maxwell 1870 Sept. 16; 1870 Sept. 29; 1871 Nov. 1. Robinson, Moncure 1844 July 26 Rock Island Mining Company 1866 Dec. 6; 1867 Mar. 28; 1867 Aug. 30; 1867 Oct. 24; 1868 Jan. 29; 1870 Feb. 13; 1870 Feb. 24; 1870 Apr. 11; 1870 June 18; 1870 July 25; 1870 Nov. 27[?]. Rocks. Igneous 1844 Feb. 6 Rodgers, John (1773-1838) [?], 1837 Dec. 31 Rodgers, John (1812-1882) 1870 Aug. 25; 1870 Sept. 13. Rogers, Henry J. 1862 Aug. 7 Roosevelt, Nicholas J. 1849 Apr. 27 Rope 1843 Jan. 8; 1843 Dec. 2; 1843 Dec. 9; 1843 Dec. 18; 1843 Dec. 25; 1844 Jan. 28; 1844 Feb. 9; 1844 Feb. 15; 1844 Feb. 17; 1844 May 21. Rope Makers 1843 Oct. 3 Rope Makers. Philippine Islands 1851 Jan. 27 Ross, Sir James Clark 1849 June 8 Ross, Sir John (1777-1856) 1849 June 26 Rowan, Stephen Clegg 1870 Aug. 25; 1870 Sept. 13. Rubber Industry and Trade Printed Material: 1852 May 22 Ruger, Thomas Howard 1865 May 28 Russia. Foreign Relations. Hawaii, 1851 Mar. 28 Russia. Navy. Officers 1837 Dec. 21 Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris [?], Note on Letter to: 1859 June 30; Note on Letter to: 1859 Aug. 20. Sabine, Sir Edward 1842 Oct. 18; 1849 June 14. St. Catherine['s] Mining Company, Late 1853-1855 Apr. (scattered); 1856 Apr. 21; 1856 Apr. 23; 1856 June 30. Salado River. Floods 1851 Jan. 27 San Martín, José de 1823 Jan.[?] Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 1836 May 5 Sartiges, Etienne Gilbert Eugène, Vicomte de Letter to: 1852 May 3; 1852 May 3 (with letter of same date). Saunders, Romulus Mitchell 1859 July 10 Savannah River 1837 Dec. 29; 1837 Dec. 31. Schenck, Robert Cumming 1863 Apr. 1; 1870 July 9. Schofield, John McAllister 1865 May 28; 1865 June 20. Schools and Academies. Hawaii. Hilo, 1846 Oct. 3 Schools and Academies. Maryland. Baltimore. Peabody Institute Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVIII, p. 266 Schools and Academies. Maryland. Annapolis. United States Naval Academy 1826 Jan. 26; 1847 Mar. 10; 1847 Apr. 12; 1847 Apr. 26; 1847 May 23; 1847 June 6; 1847 June 20; 1847 July 7; 1847 Dec. 11; 1848 Jan. 27; 1849 Oct. 10; 1857 June 8; 1860 May 28. Schools and Academies. Massachusetts. Cambridge. Lawrence Scientific School 1849 Sept. 6; 1850 Aug. 7; 1850 Sept. 9; 1850 Oct. 11; 1850 Nov. 7; 1851 Jan. 2. Schools and Academies. North Carolina. Charlotte [?]. North Carolina Military Institute 1872 Jan. 10 Scientists 18440 Nov. 8 Scott, Winfield 1852 Nov. 4; 1852 Nov. 5. Sea Water. Density 1859 Aug. 19 (enclosed with letter of Aug. 21); Miscellany: 1845. Seabrook, Whitemarsh B. 1851 Nov. 3 Sealing Volume: Account Book for Ship O'Cain, 1823 Seamen 1825 Dec. 14 Secession 1850 June 19; 1851 Nov. 3; 1860 Nov. 27; 1860 Dec. 14; 1860 Dec. 21; 1860 Dec. 29. Secession. District of Columbia. Washington 1862 Oct. 18; 1863 May 22. Secession. North Carolina 1860 Nov. 23; 1861 Feb. 6. Secession. South Carolina 1848 Nov. 6; 1850 May 7; 1851 Feb. 5; 1861 Feb. 6. Secession. Virginia 1861 Feb. 6 Sedgwick, Charles Baldwin 1863 Feb. 18; 1863 Feb. 24 (enclosed with letter of Feb. 25); 1863 Mar. 10; 1863 May 20. Sermons 1850 May 6 Servants. Irish 1830 Sept. 2[?] Servants. New York 1830 Sept. 2[?] Seward, William Henry 1849 Mar. 7; 1849 Apr. 27; 1863 Jan. 30; 1863 Feb. 18; 1863 Mar. [?]; Writings: "The Surrender of Mason and Slidell," pp. 1-2. Shaler, William 1830 July 17 Shields, Benjamin Glover 1848 May 31 Ships. Alabama. CSS 1862 Nov. 4; 1862 Nov. 24; 1862 Dec. 3; 1862 Dec. 12; 1863 Jan. 2; 1863 Jan. 12 (2); 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Feb. 28; 1863 Mar. 16; 1863 Mar. 27; 1863 Apr. 13; 1863 May 28; 1863 June 4. Ships. Albany. USS 1847 Oct. 26; 1847 Dec. 11; 1848 Jan. 19; 1848 Feb. 21; 1848 Mar. 13; 1848 Mar. 17; 1848 Apr. 5; 1848 Apr. 25; 1848 Aug. 29. Ships. Bark Galileo (United States) 1850 Mar. 16 Ships. Boston. USS 1830 July 7; 1830 July 17; 1830 Dec. 6. Ships. Brandywine. USS 1850 Mar. 16; 1850 July 24. Ships. C.S.A. 1862 Oct. 27 Ships. Chile 1825 Dec. 14 Ships. Cumberland. USS 1844 Sept. 30 Ships. Dolphin. USS 1850 June 9; 1850 June 23. Ships. Dona Maria Segunda (Portuguese) 1850 Oct. 31 Ships. Experiment. HMS 1851 Mar. 31 Ships. Fairfield. USS 1830 Oct. 4; 1830 Oct. 12; 1830 Nov. 9; 1830 Dec. 6; 1830 Dec. 8; 1831 Jan. 30. Ships. Florida. CSS 1863 Jan. 30 (2); 1863 Feb. 3; 1863 Feb. 10; 1863 Feb. 11; 1863 Mar. [?]; 1863 Apr. 13; 1863 May 29 (part of letter of May 28). Ships. Flying Fish. USS 1838 Sept. 1; 1840[?] Mar.; 1840[?] early Dec. [?]; 1841 Oct. 12. Ships. Fort William (East Indian) 1851 Oct. 22 (with letter of Oct. 9[?]) Ships. Gertrude. USS Financial Papers: 1865 [?] Ships. Hattingner 1843 Mar. 13 Ships. Independence. USS 1849 May 25 Ships. Indianola. USS 1863 Mar. [?] Ships. Jacob Bell. USS 1863 Mar. [?] Ships. John Adams. USS 1848 Feb. 21 Ships. Juniata. USS 1863 Jan. 27 (enclosed with letter of Jan. 28; 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28 (2); 1863 Feb. 24; 1863 Feb. 28 (and enclosure); 1863 Mar. 20; 1863 Mar. [?]; 1863 Apr. 13; 1863 Apr. 19; 1863 Apr. 27; 1863 May 7 (part of letter of May 5). Ships. Lewis, 1827[?] Mar. 7 Ships. Lexington. USS 1850 May 10 Ships. Marion. USS 1849 Dec. 26; 1849 Dec. 30; 1850 Jan. 9; 1850 Jan. 11; 1850 Jan. 14; 1850 Jan. 21; 1850 Jan. 27; 1850 Mar. 17 (on letter of May 23); 1850 Mar. 28; 1850 Apr. 21; 1850 May 10; 1850 May 31; 1850 June 23; 1850 July 24; 1850 Sept. 2; 1850 Sept. 14; 1850 Oct. 2 Ships. Minnesota. USS 1862 Oct. 19 Ships. Mississippi. USS 1845 June 11; 1845 Aug. 6; 1845 Nov. 19; 1845 Nov. 23; 1845 Dec. 12; 1846 Jan. 4 (on letter of Dec. 31, 1845); 1848 Jan. 23. Ships. Missouri. USS 1863 Apr. 3 Ships. Monitor. USS 1863 Jan. 9 Ships. New Ironsides[?]. USS 1863 Jan. 12 Ships. Niagara. USS Miscellany: 1862 [?] Ships. O'Cain (United States) Volume: Account Book for Ship O'Cain, 1823 Ships. Oregon. USS 1840 Oct. 18; 1841 Oct. 12. Ships. Peacock. USS 1838 Sept. 16; 1840 Oct. 18; 1840 early Dec. [?]; 1841 Oct. 12; 1851 May 30; Miscellany: 1838. Ships. Peterhoff. USS 1863 Apr. 16; 1863 Apr. 19; 1863 Apr. 27; 1863 May 6; 1863 May 7 (part of letter of May 5); Financial Papers: 1865 [?]. Ships. Philadelphia (United States), 1852 Jan. 23; 1852 Mar. 3; 1852 Mar. 6 (enclosed with letter of 1852 Mar. 13). Ships. Plymouth. USS 1850 June 9; 1850 June 23; 1850 July 24; 1851 July 9; 1851 Sept. 15[?]; 1851 Oct. 9[?]; 1851 Nov. 17. Ships. Porpoise. USS 1837 June 30; 1837 Dec. 1; 1838 Apr. 4; 1838 May 19; 1838 June 18; 1838 Sept. 1; 1840 Mar.; 1840 early Dec.[?]; 1840 Dec. 2; 1856 Feb. 2; 1856 Feb. 7; Legal Papers: 1857. Ships. Princeton (First). USS 1846 Jan. 4 (letter of 1845 Dec. 31) Ships. Raritan. USS 1846 Aug. 26; 1846 Sept. 5; 1846 Sept. 9. Ships. Reamy, 1863 Jan. 30 Ships. Relief. USS 1835 June 1; 1839 May 22; 1839 June 3; 1839 June 12; 1839 [?]. Ships. Rhode Island. USS 1863 Mar. [?] Ships. Sabine. USS 1859 Aug. 16; 1859 Oct. 21. Ships. St. Louis. USS 1850 Mar. 16 Ships. San Jacinto. USS 1862 Dec. 12; 1863 Feb. 18. Ships. Santiago de Cuba. USS 1863 Jan. 12; 1863 Mar. 6. Ships. Saratoga. USS 1850 July 25; 1851 July 9; 1851 July 20; 1851 Oct. 9[?]. Ships. Sea Gull. USS 1838 Sept. 1 Ships. Sea Serpent (United States) 1851 Oct. 22 (with letter of Oct. 9[?]) Ships. Sea Witch (United States) 1850 Dec. 3 Ships. Sonoma. USS 1862[?] Sept. 30 Ships. Susquehanna. USS 1851 July 31; 1851 Sept. 15[?]; 1851 Oct. 9[?]; 1851 Nov. 17. Ships. Tioga. USS 1862[?] Sept. 30 Ships. Trent (British) Writings: "The great international question" Ships. Tuscarora. USS 1863 May 28 Ships. Vanderbilt. USS 1862 Dec. 12; 1863 Jan. 9; 1863 Jan. 27 (enclosed with letter of Jan. 28); 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Mar. 14; 1863 Mar. 15; 1863 Apr. 3; 1863 May 31; 1863 June 17. Ships. Vincennes. USS 1838 Sept. 2; 1838 Sept. 16; 1850 Mar. 17 (on letter of May 23); 1856 Feb. 7. Ships. Virginia. CSS 1863 Jan. 9; 1863 Jan. 18. Ships. Virginia. USS 1850 Aug. 17 Ships. Wachusett. USS 1862 Sept. 30; 1862 Dec. 5; 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan. 27 (enclosed with letter of Jan. 28); 1863 Jan. 28 (2); 1863 Jan. 30; 1863 Feb. 24; 1863 Apr. 13; Miscellany: 1860s[?]. Ships. Water Witch. USS 1847 Dec. 11 Ships. Winfield Scott. USS 1852 Jan. 10 Shipwrecks. New York 1837 Jan. 7 Shubrick, William Branford 1837 Dec. 15; 1849 June 24; 1856 Dec. 19; 1862 Sept. 19; 1862 Oct. 1; 1862 Oct. 18; 1862 Oct. 22; 1862 Nov. 14; 1862 Nov. 30; 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28; 1863 Mar. 10; 1863 Apr. 8. Shufeldt, Robert Wilson (1822-1895), 1863 Apr. 19; 1863 Apr. 23. Stillman, Benjamin (1779-1864) [?], 1853 June 25; 1853 July 26. Stillman, Benjamin (1816-1885), 1850 Dec. 23; 1851. Silver Mines and Mining. North Carolina. Silver Hill Mine 1856 Oct. 19 Simpson, Sir George 1840 Oct. 18 Slave Criminals 1849 Nov. 15; 1849 Nov. 17. Slave Sales and Purchases. District of Columbia. Washington 1854 Dec. 14 Slave Sales and Purchases. North Carolina, 1849 Aug. 18 Slaveowners. South Carolina 1838 Jan. 19 Slavery. British Guiana 1835 Jan. 14 Slavery. United States 1834 July 16; 1850 Feb. 3; 1851 Jan. 15. Slavery. United States. Northern Opinion, 1848 Apr. 14 Slaves. Emancipation 1834 July 16; 1835 Jan. 14. Slaves. Georgia 1850s Slaves. Hiring of. District of Columbia. Washington 1852 Oct. 5; 1854 Dec. 14; 1854 Dec. 15. Slaves. Hiring of. North Carolina 1850 Jan. 1; 1850 Jan. 14; 1850 Jan. 31; 1850 Feb. 8; 1850 June 20; 1853 Nov. 1; 1856 Aug. 26; 1857 Jan. 3. Slaves. Punishment of 1850 Jan. 31; 1850 Feb. 8. Slaves. South Carolina 1826 Feb. 22; 1847 Nov. 28; 1857 Dec. 1; 1857 Dec. 13. Slaves in Mining Printed Material: 1852 May 22 Slidell, John 1846 Apr. 3 Slidell, John [?] 1837 Jan. 7; 1837 Feb. 4. Smith, Albert (1793-1867) 1843 Jan. 14 Smith, Joseph (1790-1877) 1838 Apr. 13; 1838 Sept. 30. Smith, Junius 1851 Nov. 3 Smith, Margaret (Bayard) 1828 Nov. 14 Smith, Truman Letter to: 1864 Apr. 11 Smithsonian Institution 1848 Nov. 8; 1849 Mar. 22; 1850 Feb. 1; 1850 Mar. 4; 1850 June 23. Smuggling 1848 Feb. 21 Smyth, Thomas 1850 July 20 Smyth, William Henry 1850 Aug. 26; 1859 May 2. Snow, William Parker Clipping: 1861 Feb. 9 (attached to letter of 1862 Aug. 6 Snowden, James Ross 1857 Mar. 20 Soap Industry and Trade 1850 Oct. 29 Society Islands. Descriptiona and Travel 1839 Sept. 12 Society Islands. Missionaries, 1839 Sept. 12 Society Islands. Native Races, 1839 Sept. 12 South Africa. Constantia. Description and Travel 1852 Apr. 30 South Africa. History. Kafir Wars, 1811-1878 1852 Apr. 30 South Carolina. Aiken 1855 Oct. 27; 1855 Nov. 3. South Carolina. Beaufort. Description and Travel 1838 Jan. 19 South Carolina. Charleston. Civil War, 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22); Clipping: Undated (attached to letter of 1862 Dec. 14). South Carolina. Charleston. Commerce, 1849 Nov. 17 South Carolina. Charleston. Description and Travel 1826 Feb. 19 South Carolina. Charleston. Diseases. Yellow Fever 1849 Oct. 12 South Carolina. Charleston. Fire, 1838, 1838 Feb. 22 South Carolina. Charleston. Houses, 1837 Dec. 21 South Carolina. Charleston County. Description and Travel 1848 Feb. 22 South Carolina. Description and Travel, 1848 Apr. 15 South Carolina. Elections 1848 Oct. 10 South Carolina. Fort McAllister, 1863 Feb. 22 South Carolina. Legislature, 1830 June 20 South Carolina. Militia 1833 July 28 South Carolina. Plantations, 1826 Feb. 22; 1851 Nov. 3. South Carolina. Planters 1826 Feb. 22 South Carolina. Political Conventions, 1830 June 20 South Carolina. Politics and Government 1830 June 20; 1833 July 28. South Carolina. Population 1838 Jan. 19 South Carolina. Recreation 1826 Feb. 22 South Carolina. Rhett Family, 1860 Nov. 8 South Carolina. Rice Culture, 1848 Dec. 30 South Carolina. Roads 1826 Feb. 22 South Carolina. Secession 1848 Nov. 6; 1850 May 7; 1851 Feb. 5; 1861 Feb. 6. South Carolina. Slaveowners, 1838 Jan. 19 South Carolina. Slaves 1826 Feb. 22; 1847 Nov. 28; 1857 Dec. 1; 1857 Dec. 13. South Carolina. Social Life and Customs 1837 Dec. 25; 1837 Dec. 29. South Carolina. State Rights, 1850 May 7 South Carolina. Tea Growing, 1851 Nov. 3 South Pole 1842 Oct. 18; 1842 Nov. 2. Southard, Samuel Lewis 1828 Nov. 14; 1829 Jan. 2; 1829 Jan. 11. Southern States. Cotton Growing, 1849 May 16 Southern States. Northern Opinion, 1837 Dec. 21; 1849 Jan. 21. Southerners 1856 Dec. 21 Spain. Foreign Relations. United States 1863 Jan. 30 (2); 1872 Jan. 10. Speculation in Land 1836 June 19 Spofford, Ainsworth Rand 1870 July 15; 1870 July 19; 1870 July 23; 1870 July 26; 1871 Jan. 24; 1871 Mar. 21; 1871 May 12; 1871 Aug. 9; 1873 Jan. 30; 1874 Jan. 24; 1874 May 18; 1874 July 1. Squier, Ephraim George 1849 May 5 Stagecoach Travel 1825[?] Aug. 5; 1852 Jan. 7. Stagecoach Travel. New York 1834 Oct. 13 Stagecoaches. France 1830 Dec. 21 Stahel, Julius 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22) Stamp Mills 1849 June 12 Stansbury, Howard 1836 May 24 State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1854 Mar. 10 State Rights. South Carolina 1850 May 7 Stationary. Pictorial 1852 Aug. 30 (American Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio); 1854 Oct. 30 (M'Lure House, Wheeling, West Virginia); 1856 Jan. 3 (The Seal of the Chamber of Commerce of New York); 1856 Feb. 21 (Portrait of Benjamin Franklin); 1860 Oct. 3 (French's Hotel, New York, NY); Steam Boilers. Marine 1852 Jan. 10; 1852 Nov. 17; 1853 Jan. [?]; 1853 Sept. 7. Steamboat Disasters 1852 Nov. 13 Steamboat Travel 1825[?] Aug. 5; 1825[?]; 1852 Aug. 31; Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters IV, V, IX, X). Steamboat Travel. New York 1825[?] June Steamboats 1846 Feb. 11; 1846 Feb. 17; 1852 Aug. 20; 1853 Jan. [?]. Steamboats. Algiers 1830 Aug. 19 Stevens, Isaac Ingalls 1853 Mar. 20; 1854 Mar. 18. Stevens, Thomas Holdup (1819-1896), 1862[?] Sept. 30 Stewart, Charles (1778-1869), 1825 Mar. 24; 1825 Aug. 5[?]; 1825 Aug. 19; 1827 Mar. 8[?]; 1838 Jan. 18. Stock Exchange. Philadelphia Printed Material: 1863 May 4 Stocks 1827 Mar. 12; 1844 Dec. 12; Miscellany: 1865 [?]. Stockton, Robert Field Letter to: 1853 Oct. 18; 1849 June 7; 1855 Apr. 17; 1855 Apr. 19; 1855 Apr. 22; 1855 Apr. 29; 1855 May 5; 1855 May 13; 1855 May 20; 1855 Aug. 24; 1855 Dec. 15; 1856 Jan. 2; 1856 Jan. 19; 1856 Feb. 24; 1856 Mar. 16; 1856 Mar. 31; 1856 May 4; 1856 Aug. 3; 1 Stoneman, George 1863 May 8 Storer, George W. [?] 1830 July 17; 1830 Aug. 9; 1830 Aug. 19; 1830 Aug. 25; 1830 Nov. 9; 1830 Dec. 6; 1830 Dec. 21; 1850 Mar. 16. Stringham, Silas Horton [?], 1843 Jan. 8; 1843 Dec. 9; 1843 Dec. 18; 1843 Dec. 25; 1844 Feb. 9; 1844 Feb. 155. Stuart, James Ewell Brown 1862 Oct. 23 (part of letter of Oct. 22); 1863 May 8. Sugar. Manufacture and Refining. China, 1851 Nov. 17 Sugar. Manufacture and Refining. Venezuela, 1848 July 6 Sullivant, William Starling, 1849 June 11; 1856 Nov. 25; 1856 Dec. 3; 1856 Dec. 15; 1857 Jan. 28; 1857 Sept. 10; 1857 Sept. 24; 1857 Sept. 29; 1860 Jan. 3. Sully, Thomas 1844 Mar. 2 Sulpher Mines and Mining. North Carolina, 1867 Mar. 5 Sumner, Edwin Vose 1863 Jan. 28 Sunbury[?] and Erie Railroad, 1859 July 11 Sunday Schools. New York 1854 Sept. 13 Support (Domestic Relations) 1836 Jan. 29 Surveying. Instruments 1848 Feb. 21 Surveys 1836 May 1; 1838 Feb. 26; 1838 Dec. 10; 1843 Mar. 5; 1843 Mar. 6; 1843 Mar. 13; 1843 Mar. 18; 1843 Mar. 26; 1843 Apr. 14; 1843 July 21; 1843 Oct. 27. Swain, David Lowry 1857 May 24 Swimming 1848 July Tableaux 1850s Aug. 27 Talcott, Andrew 1843 Jan. 22; 1843 May 5; 1843 July 21; 1843 Aug. 16; 1844 July 26. Tallmadge, Frederick Augustus, 1849 Apr. 28 Tappan, Benjamin (1773-1857), 1847 June 24; 1857 May 27. Tariff 1846 Aug. 6 Taylor, George (1820-1894) [?], 1855 May 20 Taylor, Margaret MacKall (Smith), 1849 Mar. 17 Taylor, Zachary. Inauguration, 1849 Mar. 6; 1849 Mar. 18[?]. Tea Growing. South Carolina 1851 Nov. 3 Tea Trade 1850 Sept. 2 Telescope 1837 Nov. 30 Temple, Henry John, Third Viscount Palmerston 1850 May 22 Ten Eyck, Anthony 1848 Dec. 12; 1849 Apr. 13; 1850 June 23. Texas. History. Revolution, 1835-1836, 1836 May 5 Theater. Italy. Florence 1830 Nov. 9 Theater. Italy. Naples. Fonda 1830 Oct. 25 Theater. New York. New York Writings: "Theaters" Theaters. Opera Houses. Italy. Naples. Opera of St. Carlos 1830 Oct. 12 Theaters. Opera Houses. New York 1849 May 16 Theory of the Winds 1859 July 26; 1859 Nov. 21. Thompson, James Letters to: 1849 Dec. 26; 1850 Feb. 23. Thouvenel, Edouard Antoine Writings: "In difesa del San Giacinto" "Thumb, Tom" (Charles Sherwood Stratton) 1863 Feb. 22 Thurman, John Richardson 1849 Dec. 8 (on letter of Dec. 5) Tobacco Manufacture and Trade. North Carolina. Charlotte 1876 Feb. 21 Toombs, Robert Augustus 1849 Dec. 21 Torches 1848 Apr. 12; 1848 Apr. 13. Torpedoes 1862 Aug. 9; 1862 Aug. 23. Torrey, John 1849 Oct. 24; 1857 Jan. 28; 1857 Sept. 10; 1859 Aug. 1; 1860 Jan. 3; 1860 July 11; 1870 July 26; 1873 Jan. 30. Toucey, Isaac Letter to: 1857 Apr. 21; 1852 Aug. 24. Toucey, Isaac [?] 1849[?], Feb.; 1857 May 24. Trade Winds 1848 Apr. 25 Trees Miscellany: 1849 Mar. Trent Affair 1862 Jan. 16; 1862 Feb. 5; 1862 June 14; 1863 Apr. 19; Writings: "The great international question"; Writings: "The Surrender of Mason and Slidell"; Writings: "In difesa del San Giacinto". Trumbull, John (1756-1843) 1818[?] Jan. 20; 1825[?] Apr. 4; 1827 Mar. 12. Trumbull family 1871 Dec. 10 Tuckerman, Edward Letter to: 1849 July 9; 1849 June 29; 1849 July 5; 1857 Dec. 24; 1860 Jan. 3. Tunis. Antiquities. Carthage, 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Aqueducts 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Bardo 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Bey 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Camels 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. Cemeteries 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Cisterns 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Clothing and Dress 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. Date 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. Description and Travel, 1830 Sept. 3; 1830 Sept. 12; 1830 Sept. 18. Tunis. United States. Diplomatic and Consular Service 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. English in 1830 Sept. 18 Tunis. Food 1830 Sept. 18 Tunis. La Goulette 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. Lake of Tunis 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. Maps 1830[?] Sept. 3 Tunis. Palaces 1830 Sept. 3; 1830 Sept. 12. Tunis. Politics and Government, 1830[?] Sept. 3; 1830 Sept. 12. Tunis. Social Life and Customs, 1830 Sept. 12 Tunis. Tunis (City). Description and Travel 1830[?] Sept. 3 Turks 1830[?] Sept. 3 Turnbull, Alex 1830 Dec. 21; 1830 Dec. 25. Turnbull, Robert James 1827 Mar. 12 Turpentine Industry and Trade. North Carolina 1853 Mar. 31 Turrill, Joel 1848 Dec. 12; 1849 Apr. 13. Turtle Islands 1856 Feb. 2; 1856 Feb. 7. Twiggs, David Emanuel 1848 Jan. 1 Tyler, John (1790-1862)m 1842 ca. Mar. 18; 1842 June 20; 1842 June 22; 1842 July 22. Typhoons 1850 July 24 Union Mining Company 1854 Jan. 28; 1857 Jan. 11. United States. Army. Civil War. 1862 Aug. 21 (enclosed with letter of Aug. 22); Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20. United States. Army. Civil War. Appointment and Promotions 1863 Mar. 10; 1863 Mar. 14. United States. Army. Civil War. Drill and Minor Tactics 1863 June 9 United States. Army. Civil War. Negro Troops 1863 Jan. 30; 1863 Feb. 8. United States. Army. Civil War. Officers 1863 Feb. 8 United States. Army. Civil War. Armies. Army of the Potomac 1862 Dec. 11; 1862 Dec. 16; 1863 Jan. 18; 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Feb. 11; 1863 Feb. 12; 1863 Feb. 22; 1863 Mar. 15; 1863 Mar. 27; 1863 Apr. 1; 1863 May 8; 1863 May 28; 1863 May 29; Printed Material: 1864 Sept. 20. United States. Army. Civil War. Corps. V 1864 June 1 United States. Army. Civil War. Corps. VI 1863 May 8 United States. Army. Civil War. Regiments. Connecticut. Artillery. 1st Heavy 1863 June 9 United States. Army. Civil War. Regiments. New York. Infantry. 121st Regiment[?], 1863 May 20 United States. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers 1842 Dec. 5 United States. Army. Creek War [?], 1836 Jan. 22 United States. Army. Mexican War. Battalions. Louisiana. Infantry 1848 Jan. 1 United States. Army. Mexican War. Regiments. Artillery. 4th 1848 Jan. 1 United States. Army. Mexican War. Regiments[?]. Louisiana. Cavalry. Louisiana Mounted Men, 1848 Jan. 1 United States. Army. Officers, 1837[?] June 25 United States. Army. Regiments. Infantry. 3rd 1851 Jan. 27 United States. Army. Regiments. Infantry. 7th 1849 Sept. 30 United States. Coast and Geodetic Survey 1843 Mar. 13; 1843 Dec. 9; 1844 May; 1849 Mar. 17. United States. Congress. Joint Committee on the Library 1845 Feb. 4; 1845 Feb. 9; 1850 May 23; 1871 Jan. 24; 1871 Mar. 21; 1874 May 1; 1874 May 18; 1874 May 25; 1875 Apr. 5; Miscellany: 1852 June 14; Miscellany: 1857 Dec. 26. United States. Congress. Senate, 1826 Jan. 26; 1826 Mar. 26; 1856 Feb. 9; 1859 Feb. 4; 1860 Nov. 23; 1863 Feb. 25; 1863 Mar. 10; 1871 Mar. 21. United States. Congress. House of Representatives 1844[?]; 1871 Mar. 21. United States. Congress 1837 Sept. 2; 1849 Dec. 21; 1850 July 1; 1852 Oct. 27; 1863 Feb. 24 (enclosed with letter of Feb. 25); 1863 Feb. 28; 1863 Mar. 14; 1870 July 15; 1870 July 19. United States. Capitol 1871 Mar. 21 United States. Department of the Navy, 1849 Mar. 10; 1863 Apr. 4; Miscellany: 1862 [?]. United States. Department of the Navy. Officials and Employees 1849 Dec. 21; 1850 Mar. 28; 1850 Oct. 2; Miscellany: 1862 [?](2); Miscellany: Undated. United States. Depot of Charts and Instruments [?] 1837[?] June 25; 1838 Jan. 8 (2); 1838 Jan. 13. United States. Description and Travel, Writings: Trip to the Far West United States. Diplomatic and Consular Service. Trinidad, Cuba [?] 1863 Apr. 11 United States. Diplomatic and Consular Service. Tunis 1830[?] Sept. 3 United States. Economic Conditions 1837 Sept. 2 United States. Foreign Relations. Formosa 1851 July 20 United States. Foreign Relations. Great Britain 1838 Jan. 6; 1862 Jan. 16; Writings: "The Surrender of Mason and Slidell"; Writings: "The great international question"; Writings: "In difesa del San Giacinto". United States. Foreign Relations. Hawaii 1850 July 12; 1851 Mar. 28. United States. Foreign Relations. Mexico 1846 Apr. 3 United States. Panama. Foreign Relations 1826 Mar. 17 United States. Foreign Relations. Spain 1863 Jan. 30 (2); 1872 Jan. 10. United States. Hydrographic Office, 1870 Aug. 25 United States. Immigration Writings: Untitled, Chapter XVII, pp. 246-247 United States. Laws, Statutes, Etc. H.R. Bill No. 535 Printed Material: 1864 June 18 United States. Laws, Statutes, Etc. H.R. Bill No. 801 Printed Material: 1865 Mar. 1 United States. Laws, Statutes, Etc. Reconstruction Acts, 1867-1868 1867 Feb. 21; 1867 Mar. 4. United States. Library of Congress, 1849 Oct. 26 United States. Marine Corps, 1852 July 24; 1857 June 2; 1857 June 4; 1863 Jan. 30; Miscellany: Undated. United States. Mint 1854 Apr. 2; 1857 Mar. 11; 1857 Mar. 20. United States. Mint. New York, 1846 Jan. 20; 1846 Jan. 25; 1846 Feb. 3. United States. Naval Lyceum 1856 Apr. 7 United States. Navy 1826 Mar. 26; 1836 Mar. 14; 1838 Jan. 3; 1838 Jan. 6; 1842 Sept. 24; 1846 Feb. 11; 1846 Feb. 17; 1849 May 21; 1850 Oct. 21; 1850 Dec. 3; 1851 Jan. 27; 1851 Sept. 15[?]; 1859 Oct. 21; 1862 [?] (3); 1860s[?]; Miscellany: Undated. United States. Navy. Appointments and Promotions 1826 Jan. 26; 1826 Mar. 26; 1829 Jan. 2; 1838 Jan. 3; 1838 Jan. 6; 1838 May 11; 1838 July 19; 1838 [?] (3); 1839 Feb. 23; 1839 Mar. 31; 1839 [?]; 1842 Feb. 20; 1842 Mar. (scattered); 1842 June (scattered); 1848 Feb. 29; 1848 Mar. 2; 1848 Mar. 10; 1849 Mar United States. Navy. Civil War, 1862 Aug. 21; 1863 Feb. 3; 1863 Apr. 4; Miscellany: 1862 [?]. United States. Navy. Civil War. Appointments and Promotions 1862 Dec. 5; 1862 Dec. 12; 1862 Dec. 14; 1862 Dec. 17; 1862 Dec. 24 (enclosed with letter of Dec. 28); 1863 Jan. 5; 1863 Jan. 9; 1863 Jan. 12; 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan. 23; 1863 Jan. 26; 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28; 1863 Jan. 30; 1863 Feb. 4; 1863 Feb. 10; 1 United States. Navy. Civil War. Desertion 1862 Aug. 27; Printed Material: 1864 June 18. United States. Navy. Civil War. Discharges 1862 Aug. 7 United States. Navy. Civil War. Food, 1862 Aug. 12 United States. Navy. Civil War. Health Conditions 1862 July 26 United States. Navy. Civil War. Medical and Sanitary Affairs 1862 Aug. 5; 1862 Aug. 12. United States. Navy. Civil War. Orders, 1862 Dec. 12 United States. Navy. Civil War. Ordnance Miscellany: 1862 [?] United States. Navy. Civil War. Pay, Allowances, Etc. Printed Material: 1865 Mar. 1 United States. Navy. Civil War. Retirements 1863 Mar. 6; Miscellany: 1862 [?]. United States. Navy. Civil War. Ships, 1862 Aug. 1; 1862 Aug. 5; 1862 Aug. 7; 1862 Aug. 12 (2); 1862 Oct. 29; 1862 Dec. 12; Miscellany: 1862 [?] (2). United States. Navy. Civil War. Surgeons 1862 Aug. 5 United States. Navy. Civil War. Uniforms 1863 May 19 United States. Navy. Civil War. Units. James River Flotilla 1862 July 24; 1862 July 26; 1862 Aug. 1; 1862 Aug. 5 (2); 1862 Aug. 6; 1862 Aug. 12. United States. Navy. Civil War. Squadrons. West India 1863 June 4 United States. Navy. Cruises, 1822 Feb. 7; 1822 Feb. 13; 1822 Mar. 23; 1823 Jan.[?]; 1830 July-1831 May (letters of Charles Wilkes); Scattered Letters of John Wilkes (1827-1908): 1845 Nov.-1846 Sept.; Scattered Letters of John Wilkes (1827-1908):1847 Oct.-1848 July; Scattered Letters United States. Navy. Discipline, 1838 Sept. 26; 1838 Oct. 21; 1838 Dec. 5; 1839 Feb. 23 (2); 1839 Mar. 31; 1839 June 12; 1839 Sept. 12; 1840 Mar. 7; 1840 Oct. 2; 1840 Oct. 13; 1840 early Dec.[?]; 1841 May 20; 1841 Nov. 27; 1847 Dec. 11; 1849 Mar. 19; 1849 Mar. 20; 1849; 1850 Mar. 28; 185 United States. Navy. Dress and Appearance 1838 Sept. 26; 1838 Oct. 21. United States. Navy. Food 1839 June 12 United States. Navy. Guards, 1852 July 24 United States. Navy. Health Conditions, 1847 Nov. 30; 1850 May 17 (on letter of May 23); 1850 July 24. United States. Navy. Midshipmen, 1850 Mar. 28 United States. Navy. Officers, 1830[?] Sept. 3; 1830 Dec. 6; 1837 June 30; 1837 Dec. 25; 1838 Feb. 26; 1838 ca. July; 1838 Sept. 2; 1838 Sept. 16; 1838 Nov. 25; 1838 Dec. 10; 1840 Mar. 7; 1845 June 11; 1845 July 7; 1848 June 18. United States. Navy. Officers. Papers of Wilkes Family Papers: 1816-1876 (Papers of Charles Wilkes) United States. Navy. Ordnance, 1847 Mar. 8; 1865 May 20. United States. Navy. Pay, Allowances, Etc. 1830s; 1843 Aug. 21; 1852 Apr. 19; 1870 Aug. 13. United States. Navy. Postal Service, 1848 May 31 United States. Navy. Retirements, 1850 June 23; 1870 Sept. 13; 1870 Sept. 29; 1871 Jan. 24; Miscellany: Undated. United States. Navy. Sailors' Letters, 1845 June-1846 Sept. (scattered); 1847 Jan.-Aug. (scattered); 1848 Jan.-July (scattered); Letters of John Wilkes (1827-1908). United States. Navy. Ship Life, 1822 Feb. 7; 1830 July 7; 1830 July 17; 1831 Jan. 30. United States. Navy. Ships 1847 Dec. 21; Miscellany: 1859 [?]; Miscellany: Undated. United States. Navy. Squadrons. East India 1850 Oct. 2 United States. Navy. Mexican War, 1846 Sept. 21 United States. Patent Office, 1844 Dec. 31; 1849 Apr. 27; 1849 Apr. 28 (2); 1849 Apr. 30; 1849 May 1; 1849 May 6; 1849 May 14; 1851 Oct. 13. United States. Politics and Government, 1850 July 1 United States. Slavery 1834 July 16; 1850 Feb. 3; 1851 Jan. 15. United States. Slavery. Northern Opinion 1848 Apr. 14 United States. Supreme Court, 1849 Feb. 16 United States Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842 1828 Mar. 18; 1829 Jan. 2; 1829 Jan. 11; 1829 May 7; 1836 July 18-1837 June 10 (scattered); 1837 Dec.-1841 Nov. (letters of Charles Wilkes); 1842 Feb. 20; 1842 Aug. 28; 1842 Dec.-1845 Feb. (scattered); 1848 Mar. 13; 1848 Sept. 27; 1848 Nov. 12; 1849-1857 Universities and Colleges. Columbia College [?]. New York. New York 1849 May 8 Universities and Colleges. Columbia University. New York. New York Writings: Untitled, pp. 6-9 Universities and Colleges. Dickinson College. Pennsylvania. Carlisle 1855 Apr. 5 Upshur, Abel Parker Letter to: 1842 Mar. 18; 1842 Mar. 4; 1842 Mar. 18 (2); 1842 Mar. 21; 1842 June 16; 1842 June 27; 1842 July 22; 1843 Aug. 4; 1843 Aug. 16; 1849 Mar. 10. Upshur, George P. 1847 Mar. 10; 1847 June 6; 1848 Jan. 27; 1848 Mar. 31. Upton, Emory 1862 Oct. 7; 1862 Oct. 17; 1863 Apr. 1; 1863 Apr. 14 (part of letter of Apr. 13); 1863 Apr. 14; 1863 Apr. 23; 1863 May 8; 1863 May 20; 1864 June 1. Vallandigham, Clement Laird, 1863 May 22 Van Allen, James Henry 1862 Dec. 4 Van Buren, John (1810-1866) [?], 1830 July 13 Van Buren, Martin Letter to: 1826 Feb. 18; 1833 July 28; 1837 May 16; 1838 Jan. 6; 1838 Jan. 22; 1838 Aug. 18; 1838 (?, #136). Vandenhoff, George 1863 Jan. 23 Vaughan, Sir Charles Richard, 1825 Aug. 19 Venezuela. Caracas. Description and Travel 1848 May 31; 1848 July 6. Venezuela. Caracas. Earthquakes, 1848 May 31 Venezuela. Caracas. Massacres, 1848 May 31 Venezuela. Elections 1848 June 18 Venezuela. Manufacture and Refining. Sugar 1848 July 6 Venezuela. Politics and Government, 1848 July 6 Venezuela. Social Life and Customs, 1848 May 31 Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin, 1834 Apr. 12 Vincennes Island 1839 Sept. 12 Virgin Islands. Saint Thomas, 1848 May 6 Virginia. Drewry's Bluff. Fortifications Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 1; Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 25. Virginia. Fort Darling. Fortifications, Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 25 Virginia. Fort Monroe 1862 Aug. 21 (enclosed with letter of Aug. 22) Virginia. Gold Mines and Mining, 1853 Oct. 23; 1854 Jan. 28. Virginia. Gold Mines and Mining. Vancluse Mine 1849 Nov. 30; 1853 Oct. 23. Virginia. Petersburg. Civil War, Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 25 Virginia. Railroads 1865 June 20 Virginia. Richmond. Civil War, Miscellany: 1862 Aug. 1 Virginia. Secession 1861 Feb. 6 Virginia [?]. Warrenton. Civil War, 1862 Nov. 14 Virginia. Yorktown. Civil War, 1862 Aug. 21 (enclosed with letter of Aug. 22) Voorhees, Philip Falkerson [?], 1838 Jan. 8; 1838 Jan. 13; 1850 Apr. 21; 1850 June 23; 1850 July 24; 1850 Sept. 14; 1850 Oct. 2. Voyages Around the World Map: 1856 (In Picture Cabinet III-3) Voyages of the US Exploring Expedition Legal Papers: 1849 Oct. 1 Waddell, Alfred Moore 1874 Feb. 3; 1876 Feb. 21. Wadsworth, Alexander S. [?], 1830 Oct. 4; 1830 Oct. 12; 1830 Dec. 6; 1830 Dec. 8; 1831 Jan. 30; 1837 June 29[?]. Wages. Agricultural. North Carolina, 1857 Nov. 22 Wages. Blacksmiths. North Carolina 1854 Jan. 10; 1854 Feb. 1; 1854 Dec. 31; 1857 Jan. 3. Wages. Carpenters. North Carolina 1854 Jan. 18; 1854 Jan. 28. Wages. Gold Miners. North Carolina 1849 Feb. 17; 1849 Mar. 21. Wages. Millwrights. North Carolina 1854 Feb. 1 Wages. Negroes. North Carolina 1854 Jan. 13; 1854 Mar. 5. Wages. North Carolina 1849 Jan. 30; 1849 Feb. 6; 1849 Mar. 21; 1849 Apr. 4; 1849 June 12; 1854 Jan. 10; 1854 Mar. 5. Wages. Stonemasons. North Carolina 1854 Jan. 18 Walbridge, Hiram 1853 July 16; 1853 July 21; 1853 July 22 (2); 1853 July 23; 1853 July 24; 1853 July 26; 1853 Aug. 4; 1856 Mar. 25; 1856 Aug. 3. Walker, John (North Carolina Senator), 1861 Jan. 2 Walker, Robert John Letter to: 1849 Jan. 2 (enclosed with letter of 1849 Jan. 5) Walker, William 1859 Oct. 21 Walsh Robert [?] 1836 Oct. 15 Wardwell, Daniel 1836 Mar. 31 War of 1812. Campaigns and Battles. Lake Erie, Battle of, 1813 Sept. 10 1853 Aug. 31 Warrington, Lewis 1837 May 16; 1838 Sept. 16; 1838 Dec. 10; 1838 Dec. 18; 1849 May 25. Warships 1838 June 18 Washburn, Cadwallader Colden, 1870 Aug. 25 Water Supply. District of Columbia 1860 Jan. 12 Water Supply. New York. New York Writings: Crotan Water Works" Webb, James Watson [?] 1836 Feb. 19 Webster, Daniel 1842 July 15; 1842 Nov. 2; 1843 Mar. 26; 1843 Dec. 22; 1850 Apr. 19; 1852 Mar. 1; 1852 May 3 (with letter of same date). Webster, Daniel [?] 1847 Dec. 18 Weddings. District of Columbia. Washington, 1836 July 2 Weddings. New York 1830 Nov. 11 Welles, Gideon Letter to: 1862 July 26; Letter to: 1862 Aug. 7; Letter to: 1862 Dec.; Telegram to: 1862 Aug. 7; 1862 Sept. 24; 1862 Nov. 23; 1862 Dec. 16; 1862 Dec. 21; 1862 Dec. 21 (on verso of letter of Dec. 24, enclosed with letter of Dec. 28); 1863 Jan. 19; 1863 Jan Welles, Mary Jane (Hale) 1863 May 28 Western America 1849 Jan. 15-Feb. (scattered); 1849 Mar. 2; 1849 Mar. 12; 1849 Apr. 20; 1849 Aug. 18; 1849 Sept. 4; 1849 Sept. 11. Whalers 1850 Dec. 3 West Virginia. Wheeling. Hotels. M'Lure House 1854 Oct. 30 Western States. Migration. Internal, 1836 June 19; 1857 Nov. 29. Wheat. Chile 1826 Feb. 4 Wheat. Harvesting 1855 June 29 Wheat. North Carolina 1858 July 5 Wheat Trade 1858 May 9; 1860 Jan. 2. White, Campbell P. 1830 Aug. 19 Wilkes, Charles (1798-1877), Letters to: 1818 Jan. 8-1876 May 12 Wilkes, John (1827-1908) Letter to: 1838[?] Nov.; Letter to: 1839 June 2; Letter to: 1840 Mar. 10; Letter to: 1840 Oct.; Letter to: 1844 Apr. 25 (enclosed with letter of Apr. 26); Letter to: 1848 Nov. 9; Letter to: 1849 Mar. 21; Letter to: 1849 May 29; Letter to: 1849 June 25; Le William, Prince of Württemberg, 1850 Oct. 21 Winds 1848 Jan. 27; 1856 Jan. 19; 1856 Jan. 28; 1856 Jan. 29; 1856 Feb. 8; 1856 Feb. 15; Map: 1856 (In Picture Cabinet III-3). Winslow, Warren 1859 May 18 Winthrop, Robert Charles [?], 1845 Feb. 4; 1852 Aug. 9. Wisconsin. Immigration 1836 June 19 Wisconsin. Milwaukee. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IV) Wisconsin. Prairie du Chien. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IX) Wisconsin. Prescott. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapters V and IX) Wisconsin. Racine. Description and Travel Writings: Trip to the Far West (Chapter IV) Wise, Henry Augustus [?] 1849 Feb. 1 Women. Correspondence and Papers 1861-1865 Women. District of Columbia. Washington, 1825[?] Apr. 9 Women. Florida. Pensacola 1846 Jan. 7 Women Travelers 1854 July 26; 1857 (2). Woodbury, Levi 1834 Dec. 31 Wooster, Charles Whiting 1826 Feb. 4 World Maps Map: 1856 (In Picture Cabinet III-3) Wright, Frances 1825 Mar. 28 Wright, Richard 1862 Sept. 24 Wright, Silas [?] 1837 May 16 Wyman, Robert Harris 1862 Nov. 30; 1862 Dec. 3; 1862 Dec. 4; 1862 Dec. 28; 1863 Jan. 27; 1863 Jan. 28; 1863 Jan. 30 (2); 1863 Mar. 6; 1863 Mar. 10; 1863 Mar. 20; 1870 Aug. 13; 1870 Aug. 25; 1871 Jan. 22. Wyman, Thomas W. 1848 Aug. 3 Young, John A. 1867 Aug. 30; 1868 Feb. 26; 1870 July 15; 1870 July 27; 1870 Nov. 8. Zach, Franz Xaver, Baron Von, 1836 Nov. 3 Zodiacal Light 1857 Nov. 7; 1857 Nov. 12; 1857 Nov. 22; 1857 Dec. 26. Zoogeography 1850 Nov. 3
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