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Eleanor Foa Dienstag papers, 1955-2011

14 Linear Feet
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Eleanor Foa Dienstag is a feminist activist, writer, and corporate communications specialist. These materials document her professional life and include drafts of her writings, research on Renée Richards, media appearances, and materials related to the production of her books Whither Thou Goest and In Good Company.
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SNCC Legacy Project records, 2010-2021

9 Gigabytes 0.5 Linear Feet
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The SNCC Legacy Project (SLP) was founded in 2010 to preserve and extend the legacy of SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee). The SNCC Legacy Project records have administrative files, budget and program materials, and correspondence between board members, including Courtland Cox and Larry Rubin, documenting the activities of the SLP.
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McNair Evans photographs, 2012-2013, 2017

6 Linear Feet (4 boxes)
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Shot during fifteen-day Amtrak train excursions, "In Search of Great Men" by photographer McNair Evans combines original photography with first-person, passenger-written accounts in an exploration of contemporary American culture and the people traveling on the Amtrak trains that criss-cross the United States. The photographic body of work consists of 30 large color digital prints, all sized 24x29 inches, featuring portraits of travelers and settings in train stations and passenger cars. The color prints are accompanied by a reproduction of a handmade photonarrative journal of 156 pages with 76 4x5 inch inkjet photographs, paired with comments and journal entries by the photographer, and reproductions of handwritten commentary by the passengers, who reflect on their lives and circumstances, including long-distance family relationships and problems with drug abuse. Acquired as part of the Archive of Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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Young Men's--Young Women's Christian Association at Duke University records, 1968-1979

3 Linear Feet
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The Young Men's-Young Women's Christian Association was created in 1969, an apparent merger of the men's and women's Y's elements. The YM-YWCA was a student religious organization operating within the Religious Activities Department and overseen by an advisory board and advised by the Associate Directors of Religious Activities. The collection contains material pertaining to the activities and organization of the YM-YWCA including annual reports, flyers, handbooks, directories, and materials documenting the joint efforts of the YMCA and YWCA around the same period. The dates in the collection range from circa 1968-1979.
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Institute for nonviolent study and action, circa 1968-1975 1 boxes

Harper Theater Dance Festival records, 1961-1984

11.3 Linear Feet
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The Harper Theater Dance Festival Records (1965-1979) presented Chicago audiences with more than a decade of annual performance seasons from a variety of celebrated dance companies. Originating in 1965 as the brainchild of Bruce and Judith Sagan, proprietors of a series of local, neighborhood newspapers in Chicago, the Festival also served as an important milestone in American modern dance as the pilot program for the National Endowment for the Arts Residency Touring program. Favorite performers included Merce Cunningham, Alwin Nikolais, Paul Taylor, José Limón, and Murray Louis. The collection includes financial records, production requirements, clippings, correspondence, posters, programs, tickets, photos, negatives, 35 mm slides, video and audio reels, and several small objects.
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Institutional Records, 1961-1984, undated 4 Boxes

Counter Intelligence Investigations Course records, 1950s

1.2 Linear Feet Approx. 200 Items
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The Counter Intelligence Investigations Course was held at the Counter Intelligence Corps School in Fort Holabird, Maryland, in the 1950s. Collection contains an assortment of teaching materials including courses on Interrogation, Identification of Soviet Armed Forces Insignia and Rank, Profiling, Sabotage, Raids & Searches, Study of Communism, Surveillance, a history of the Counter Intelligence Corp, maps, and Counter-Sabotage.
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J. Walter Thompson Company. Information Center Vertical Files, 1916-1999

79 Linear Feet 56,000 Items
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Established in 1864, the J. Walter Thompson Company is one of the oldest and largest enduring advertising agencies in the United States. The Information Center served as a corporate research library and reference center for the agency. Collection spans the years 1916-1999 and consists of subject files containing clippings, published articles, internal documentation, memoranda, research reports and other materials. The bulk of materials originated at the Chicago Office; the Justin White Files arrived from the New York Office. Acquired as part of the John W. Hartman Center for Sales, Advertising & Marketing History.
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Friends of Democracy records, 1937-1950 and undated

2 Linear Feet (2 boxes)
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Collection of research files and materials kept by the Friends of Democracy while they monitored various fascist and communist propaganda organizations and figures during World War II and immediately following the war.
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Internal literature

International Comparative Studies records, 1982-2011 and undated

10.5 Linear Feet (7 boxes)
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International Comparative Studies (ICS) is an undergraduate interdisciplinary academic program affiliated with Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. The collection's files document the program's academic mission and operations, chiefly dating from the 1980s to 2011, and comprise course files, correspondence and memos, budget and grant files, alumni information, newsletter files, student work, questionnaires, materials on programming and conferences, and files about related Duke offices such as Trinity Arts and Sciences and Comparative Area Studies.
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International history of photography collection, 1885-1951

3 Linear Feet (3 boxes) 11 Items
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Collection dates from 1885-1951 and comprises eleven vintage photographic prints by individuals considered to be master photographers. The prints are intended to represent major formats, techniques, and genres of the 19th and 20th centuries. Photographers whose prints are in the collection hail from Europe, the United States, and Mexico: Eugène Atget (printed by Berenice Abbot), Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Manuel Alvarez Bravo, F. Holland Day, Peter Henry Emerson, Lewis Hine, Aaron Siskind, Ralph Steiner, Alfred Stieglitz, and Minor White. Formats range from photogravures to gelatin silver prints, with the latter predominating; all are black-and-white and matted. Subjects include rural landscapes, individual and group portraits, and urban streetscapes. Acquired as part of the Archive for Documentary Arts at Duke University.
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